Mid-Week Motivation: More Tips, Tricks, and Motivation

There must have been something in the air today because it seems like everyone within my ear shot was complaining about their frustrations and irritations.  Some were trainers, some were the trainers' clients, and a couple were regular gym members I am familiar with and see frequently.

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It seems at one level or another we are all struggling with creating the life we really want and feel we deserve.  But I suspect, if you're like me, that there are some habits that you've picked up along the way that are not serving you.  What do I mean by habits? I define it broadly.  The habits could be friends that continually drain your energy by sharing negative stories or always seem to be in chaos.  It could be your tendency to procrastinate on projects. Maybe your habit of going to bed too late to get adequate rest.  It could be the habit of not planning your meals in advance and thus sabotaging your goal of transforming your body.

I think we can agree, no one is perfect.  But perfection is not the goal, progress is.  So if you're going to make consistent progress towards what it is that you say you want so dearly, then you're going to have to take a serious look at some of your habits.

I realize that sounds like yet another "item" on your already long "to do list".  So I thought it might be a good idea if I shared with you an easy 4 step guide that I've found very helpful.


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Keeping with that same theme of being frustrated with the present state of affairs in your life, how did you get to be at this point anyway?  I know you work hard each day at work.  I know you do your absolute best to be a good partner in your relationships.  I trust that you sincerely want to achieve the goals and dreams you've outlined for yourself.  But for some reason things just don't seem to be "clicking" for you.  That would be frustrating to anyone.

Again, remember, we are all human.  We can all use a little reminder every now and again to help get us get back on track and out of our "funk".  When working with my clients I find that more often than not, while the sincerity is there to achieve what they want, and while they've taken the time to write down their goals in detail, there are often times a few steps missing.  And when they apply these few little tweaks to their process they achieve amazing results.

I honestly believe that most of you are right on track.  The reason that you are not seeing the results you would like sooner is probably nothing more than a minor tweak being needed to your way of doing things.  I know it sounds kind of corny, but it's like stretching before you do your self-massage on the tube or roller.  Stretching just doesn't seem to be as effective if you do it first.  However, if you do your self massage before you do your stretching, you would be amazed at the different result you achieve in your stretching.  Just a minor tweak can make a major difference.

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Check out the link below and see if a minor adjustment would make a major difference for you.


You deserve to have the life you want.  You deserve to create your best possible body.  And you deserve to not be stressed out from the daily rigors of life.  Try making a few adjustments and watch the results happen.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Time To Kick Out The Old -- and Get Some Results!

OK.  So I understand from the emails I've received that some of you out there are still not convinced that steady state (slow) cardio doesn't work.  Please let me be clear.  I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm giving you legitimate research that proves it does not work as effectively as interval cardio or circuit training for losing body fat efficiently. 

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I wouldn't give you inaccurate information, believe me.  It wouldn't be fair.  You rely on me to do the work of investigation and then pass on what I learn so that you can benefit.  I am determined to make sure that you have all the necessary information to get to your body transformation goals as quickly and safely as possible.

Analysis of a 25 year study regarding diet, exercise or diet plus exercise

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Plain and simple, what they found was that after having analyzed over 400 studies comparing diet and diet plus aerobic exercise, they concluded that aerobic exercise does not provide a significant advantage over dieting alone.

I still hear some grumbling in the background. So let's take it to the next level.  Let's see what the research says when we put the two concepts (interval training vs steady state training) head to head.

A Comparison of the Effects of Interval Training vs. Continuous Training on Weight Loss and Body Composition

So what did they find.  Here's the quick and dirty:

  • Group one: Interval Training

  • Group two: Steady State Training

  • Both groups trained 3 times per week -- burned 300 cals for 8 weeks

  • The interval training group showed a -4.4% change in body fat whereas the low intensity steady state group exhibited a +1.2% change in body fat (meaning the interval group lost on average 4.4% body fat, while the steady state group gained 1.2%).

So again you ask, what works better.  For one don't forget, with permission from your doctor, intervals is an outstanding way to kick up the intensity of the cardio you're already doing.  To add variety to your cardio check out Kettlebell swings as another alternative.  And lastly as a quick note, if you just can't stand doing cardio, try creating a circuit utilizing weights or bands where you do 4-5 movements in a row before taking a break (little secret, if you alternate upper body with lower body exercises you'll get even more bang for the buck).

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I do hope that helps give you even more reason to get off the steady state cardio wagon.  I challenge you to give my suggestions a try for 4 weeks and see the drastic changes that take place.

I'll have two more studies for you next week.  And by the way if you didn't get a chance to check out Battling Ropes on Friday as a great change of pace from your regular cardio routine click here.

Since Slow Doesn't Work, Try This


If you checked in with me on Monday you got a great peak at what's to come for rest of the fitness world in the coming months. 

No More Steady State Cardio.  It simply doesn't give you enough bang for the buck.

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If you're serious about getting rid of body fat and getting seriously lean; you now know that spending hours on any cardio machine and expecting it to transform your body, is being naive.  The research is just not supporting that idea.  Now if you have a significantly low body fat, that may be another story.  But for the majority of the people out there -- no more slow cardio.

But of course the next question ends up being, So what do I do now?  So many people have been doing steady state cardio for so long they have no idea where to go from there.  Now if you'll remember I discussed with you on Monday the idea of doing intervals.  Not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination, but man does it get results. 

However, if you're looking to get completely off of the cardio machines and try something new, check out this short clip of me getting my behind kicked with Battle Ropes (this video picks up at round 7).  Because of the nature of Battling Ropes they provide plenty of variety regarding the different movements you can do.  And WOW, talk about jacking up the heart rate and getting a total body workout -- without the banging on the joints (think hip and knee trauma from too much running).  I can't thank Jerry and Gus enough for the opportunity to work with them and get my feet wet on this experience.

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There are so many ways to change it up.  Keep the variety.  I'll help with a few more videos in the coming Fridays.  Bottom line -- stop wasting time doing something that doesn't work.  More studies on the way on Monday to give you more reasons to abandon the steady state cardio theory.

Here is an idea for a little change. You might even get a little chuckle out of me getting pushed.

It's time to Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Mid-Week Motivation: More Tips, Tricks, and Motivation

How many of you out there actually have dreams and goals you'd like to accomplish this year?  How many of you out there have a pretty clear idea of what type of life you would like to be living?

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Way too often we find ourselves frustrated with our present situation and when asked, have a laundry list of reasons as to why this is the case.  Believe me, I've been down that road, in that cave, and talked that talk.  It serves no purpose in helping you get from where you are, to where you want to be.  Heck, sometimes I even fooled myself into thinking that if I told my "story" to enough people and got them to agree with how hard my circumstances were then somehow that made it alright. 

You know what?

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Having a bunch of other people agree with my "story" really didn't really help me feel all that much better.  Somewhere deep inside of me I knew that I had more I could create, achieve, and share.

But then I ran across this amazing piece that hit me square between the eyes and really put things in perspective.  I trust it will do the same for you.


Water is wet.  Not a news flash right?  But you would be surprised how many people completely get this idea, but then do things in their daily routines that completely undermine the very goals they say they want to achieve.  If you don't plan your meals you will not have consistent results in your weight loss efforts.  If you do not roll and stretch (or get a massage) on a regular basis, you are setting yourself up for an injury.  It's not a question of if, but when.  If you don't get 6-8 hours of sleep more often than not, it's just a matter of time before you feel run down and are fighting a cold or other illness.  These all seem pretty straight forward, but so many people skip some or all of these basic rules and act surprised when they don't see their body transforming, get injured, or spend just as much time with a cold or flu as they do healthy. 

There are rules to the game of success no matter what you've chosen to be successful at.

Guess what?

I also found a helpful little reminder of the rules (think guides) to being an at peace, productive, and focused person.  If you're serious about making any change in your life, and doing it successfully; Check out the quick ten points on this one.

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Sure this week I could have given you another video and spoke of things that you and I both know you need to be doing in order for you to Go Out and Get It Done, but even better to give you some things you can read, print out, and re-read when you find yourself getting off track.

So Get on Track and Stay on Track!

It's Time to Set The Record Straight

I hope you had a great weekend, and gave yourself a chance to recharge your batteries.


I just spent an amazing weekend at a seminar that has completely supported, with peer reviewed research, all the the benefits, ideas and training methods my clients have been receiving for years.  But the really interesting thing is that study after study continued to show that steady state aerobics/cardio, is not effective in losing body fat quickly. Unless you have an unusually low body fat, long slow cardio (steady state) will not work effectively in getting rid of body fat quickly or effectively.

Don't believe me?  Check out the link below.

The addition of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 78% Max Heart Rate 5 days a week for 12 weeks had NO EFFECT over dieting alone.

Great, so what does it mean you ask? 

It means if you're spending hour after hour on a treadmill or other cardio machine and not doing intervals, you are wasting a lot of time and not getting near the benefits you could get if you stepped it up a bit and did intervals on your chosen machine.

I know, I know.  We've all been told for years that all you had to do was get on your favorite cardio machine and bang out an hour and you'll see results after such and such amount of time.  Well the research is in and it does not support that theory.  To be quite honest I haven't believed in steady state (long slow cardio) for quite some time based on my own personal experiences with myself and my clientele.  If you're just starting out it's a great way to start doing your cardio, but after approximately 6-8 weeks and with no significant health issues, you should really be doing intervals whenever you do cardio.

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So what are intervals?  Simple. It just means alternating periods of intense cardio followed by periods of slower cardio.  If you walk during your slow periods, walk faster during the intense periods.  If you jog during the slow, jog faster during the intense periods.  It simply means alternating light cardio with intense cardio periods.  How long should each period be?  When you first start do 30 seconds intense followed by 45 seconds of lighter/slower cardio.  Continue this alternating process until you have completed 5-12 minutes.  From there you would slowly progress upward to longer periods of intense followed by shorter periods of slow.  Be sure to get your doctor's permission. This type of cardio is no joke.

Ok.  So maybe you're thinking that the 12 week period wasn't really long enough to show the beneficial effects of steady state cardio.  Believe me, I thought the same thing.

Then the presenter hit us with this.

A six month study was done between two groups.  One group was diet only and the second group was diet plus aerobic exercise (50 minutes, 5 days per week).  That should certainly show the significant benefits of doing cardio using the belief of slow steady state, right?


Still not a believer?  Check out the link below.

Six month Study of two groups.  One diet only the other diet plus aerobic exercise.

So what were the findings?  Plain and simple, no additional effects of aerobic exercise on body composition.

Please believe me when I tell you that numerous hands went up to explain their story of what they experienced.  The presenter did an outstanding job of explaining what was really at work in those "success stories". Then he went on to provide numerous other studies that continued to show the ineffectiveness of steady state/slow cardio for those serious about getting rid of body fat quickly and effectively.

So what do you do that works.  Well for one, try using intervals during your cardio training sessions and see the results.  In addition you should check back next week when I'll share with you what the studies say works to help you get rid of that stubborn body fat quickly and effectively.

See you next week for the real deal.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Tight On Time? Here's a Travel Circuit

They say "Time is the currency of the 21st and 22nd century".  If that's true then none of us has the time to waste doing things that doing work and don't produce measurable results.

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It has also been said "Don't confuse motion with progress.  A rocking horse makes a great deal of motion, but no progress".

With those two quotes to set the tone for today's post.  It has been my intention this month to make sure you receive workout guides that make sure you get results and are not just a bunch of motion (waste of time).

Remember, whether you travel a great deal and can't make it to the gym, or just don't like the whole gym scene, there is no reason why you can't exercise and get results.  All it takes is a little creativity and few items of assistance. You don't have to make some huge investment to get a good workout or results.

Don't believe me, click on the video below.

Mid-Week Motivation: Tips, Tricks, Guides and Motivation

Well, we are mid-way through the second week of January.  I don't know about you, but to me it seems like the month is already flying by.  Those that are going to be successful are already creating their plan and putting it into action.  But wait a minute, maybe a video is not what they need this month.  So I was thinking the other day, maybe everyone out there, that's committed to success, doesn't want to look at a video every week.  Maybe they would like something they could print out and hang up as a reminder.  Kind of a guide to help keep them on track and motivated.

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Having some sort of reminder in front of you each day does wonders to help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

I don't know if you've ever used this trick.  But I often tell my clients when they first start with me to take a picture of themselves and hang it up in a place they will have to see it everyday.  Whether it's the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, or the closet door.  Right next to the picture of themselves I ask them to hang up a picture of a body type that they are working to achieve. 

Why you ask? 

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It serves the purpose of constantly reminding you of what it is you are working towards.  Kind of an "in your face" motivation to keep you on track daily.  It also, believe it or not, triggers the brain to help keep you on track throughout the day using a principle called reticular activation.  Click here if you need a more detailed review of just how this process works (reticular activation).

I do honestly believe that more often than not, we all start with sincerely good intentions when we set a goal -- think New Year's Resolutions.  But somewhere along the way life tends to get in the way and we end up off track.  Sometimes it's the group of people that we hang around that don't share similar goals, and sometimes it's just the day to day grind of getting through the day.  Either way, having a daily guide in front of you to remind you of your goal works wonders.

This is your year! 

This year is going to be different because you're going to use the little tips, tricks, guides and motivation that I will provide for you each Wednesday to help keep you motivated and on track.

The first little helper I want to pass along to you is a reminder on how not to let other people throw you off track or distract you.


The second little helper is to remind you of the things to avoid in order to be a success.  Sure we are told about the things we are supposed to do in order to be successful at a certain goal or trait, but sometimes I think it's important to also remember the behaviors to avoid, if we truly want to be successful.


Print them out.  Post them up.  And use them to help you make this year, your year!

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps

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Just like the first few moments of how you start your day sets the tone, how you start off the New Year really dictates how your year will evolve.  If you don't do some regular house cleaning you set yourself up for a frustrating and irritating year.  The relationships that don't do anything but drag you down and suck your energy, get rid of them.  Those items around the house that you haven't used in years, but keep telling yourself you will.  By now, chances are you won't -- donate them/get rid of them.  Those clothes in your closet that you keep telling yourself you're going to wear one day.  Chances are if they have been in your closet unworn for over 5-7 months, you're not going to wear them.  Donate them, but get rid of them!  Why wait till spring cleaning?  Do it now!  The sooner you get rid of the things in your life that don't inspire, pull, and motivate you forward, the sooner you will find your find yourself achieving your goals.

And by now you all know how I feel about having some sort of plan in place (your blueprint of sorts).  A plan that will serve as your guide in moving you forward. But as I stated above, you first have to make room for the new stuff coming into your life.  Adding a plan to an already overwhelming/cluttered life often times only adds to the frustration.  The new year provides us with an opportunity to take note of what's working and what's not.  By all means I urge you to get rid of that which is not working in your life.  Make room for the good stuff.

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And since it's my job to make sure that you have a plan that works, once you've cleaned out the dead weight in your life, here's a little guide to get your started on your road to a new you. 

Remember, getting in shape isn't about how long you spend working out -- it's about how well it challenges you.  Whether it's at the gym or at home, your workout/exercise routine should be something that you look forward to doing.  A chance to get rid of some of that stress from the day and a chance to get your body to sweat out some of those impurities.  Not to mention all the enjoyable endorphins and other healthy processes that come from a good workout.

So to get you started here is your from Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps:

Wellness to Fitness -- 4 Easy Steps

Clean out the old -- it's not working for you.

Make room for the new-- and make sure you have a plan in place to guide you along the way.

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you know that needs a bit of guidance in getting their new year started of right.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Mid-Week Motivation: Are You Chasing Dreams or Goals?

Let's keep it simple as we are on our last week of the year.  An absolutely excellent time to kind of prime the pumps for the coming year. 

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After you've taken the time to blow off some steam and have a wonderful New Year's celebration, also take some time to review you last year.  Did all go as planned?  Probably not, when does it?  But more importantly did you achieve the important items that you had on your list? If you did, could you accomplish even more this year?  If you didn't achieve the points that were important to you, take a moment and ask yourself why not.

Whether you did outstanding last year or didn't quite make the mark you had set, it's a new year now.  And it's time to set new goals to achieve. Take a moment to decide what you plan on achieving this year. 

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Then check out the video below so you know which you should be following, Dreams or Goals, if you plan on being successful. 

Is it going to be a roll of the dice again this year to see how things happen to you, or are you going to create your future this year?

Here's An Easy Circuit To Get You Started

WOW!  What a first week of the new year.  Talk about having to kick start the body back into reality.  Thank goodness it's Friday.  Time for a little down time and finalizing the plan for the first six months of the year.

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Let's get down to business.

I received an email a few days ago asking for help.  This person states she travels a great deal and doesn't always have time to get to the gym.  Whether it's the weather conditions or late night business dinners, she states she has so much trouble staying on track when she's out of town.  She feels as though she has her nutrition down pretty well, but her workouts suffer tremendously.  She asked for my help with a travel workout that she could do to train her major muscles in about 30 minutes.  But she cautioned me, "don't make it too easy, I want to feel like I actually worked out.  My workouts help me relieve my stress, so please challenge me." 

Well here you go.

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A simple to the point circuit, using only 2 types of bands, that trains the major muscle groups. Three times through is less than 30 minutes. Let me know what you think.

Get on track and stay on track!