reasons or results

Mid-Week Motivation: More Tips, Tricks, and Motivation

How many of you out there actually have dreams and goals you'd like to accomplish this year?  How many of you out there have a pretty clear idea of what type of life you would like to be living?

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Way too often we find ourselves frustrated with our present situation and when asked, have a laundry list of reasons as to why this is the case.  Believe me, I've been down that road, in that cave, and talked that talk.  It serves no purpose in helping you get from where you are, to where you want to be.  Heck, sometimes I even fooled myself into thinking that if I told my "story" to enough people and got them to agree with how hard my circumstances were then somehow that made it alright. 

You know what?

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Having a bunch of other people agree with my "story" really didn't really help me feel all that much better.  Somewhere deep inside of me I knew that I had more I could create, achieve, and share.

But then I ran across this amazing piece that hit me square between the eyes and really put things in perspective.  I trust it will do the same for you.


Water is wet.  Not a news flash right?  But you would be surprised how many people completely get this idea, but then do things in their daily routines that completely undermine the very goals they say they want to achieve.  If you don't plan your meals you will not have consistent results in your weight loss efforts.  If you do not roll and stretch (or get a massage) on a regular basis, you are setting yourself up for an injury.  It's not a question of if, but when.  If you don't get 6-8 hours of sleep more often than not, it's just a matter of time before you feel run down and are fighting a cold or other illness.  These all seem pretty straight forward, but so many people skip some or all of these basic rules and act surprised when they don't see their body transforming, get injured, or spend just as much time with a cold or flu as they do healthy. 

There are rules to the game of success no matter what you've chosen to be successful at.

Guess what?

I also found a helpful little reminder of the rules (think guides) to being an at peace, productive, and focused person.  If you're serious about making any change in your life, and doing it successfully; Check out the quick ten points on this one.

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Sure this week I could have given you another video and spoke of things that you and I both know you need to be doing in order for you to Go Out and Get It Done, but even better to give you some things you can read, print out, and re-read when you find yourself getting off track.

So Get on Track and Stay on Track!