4 easy steps to fitness

Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps

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Just like the first few moments of how you start your day sets the tone, how you start off the New Year really dictates how your year will evolve.  If you don't do some regular house cleaning you set yourself up for a frustrating and irritating year.  The relationships that don't do anything but drag you down and suck your energy, get rid of them.  Those items around the house that you haven't used in years, but keep telling yourself you will.  By now, chances are you won't -- donate them/get rid of them.  Those clothes in your closet that you keep telling yourself you're going to wear one day.  Chances are if they have been in your closet unworn for over 5-7 months, you're not going to wear them.  Donate them, but get rid of them!  Why wait till spring cleaning?  Do it now!  The sooner you get rid of the things in your life that don't inspire, pull, and motivate you forward, the sooner you will find your find yourself achieving your goals.

And by now you all know how I feel about having some sort of plan in place (your blueprint of sorts).  A plan that will serve as your guide in moving you forward. But as I stated above, you first have to make room for the new stuff coming into your life.  Adding a plan to an already overwhelming/cluttered life often times only adds to the frustration.  The new year provides us with an opportunity to take note of what's working and what's not.  By all means I urge you to get rid of that which is not working in your life.  Make room for the good stuff.

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And since it's my job to make sure that you have a plan that works, once you've cleaned out the dead weight in your life, here's a little guide to get your started on your road to a new you. 

Remember, getting in shape isn't about how long you spend working out -- it's about how well it challenges you.  Whether it's at the gym or at home, your workout/exercise routine should be something that you look forward to doing.  A chance to get rid of some of that stress from the day and a chance to get your body to sweat out some of those impurities.  Not to mention all the enjoyable endorphins and other healthy processes that come from a good workout.

So to get you started here is your from Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps:

Wellness to Fitness -- 4 Easy Steps

Clean out the old -- it's not working for you.

Make room for the new-- and make sure you have a plan in place to guide you along the way.

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you know that needs a bit of guidance in getting their new year started of right.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!