There must have been something in the air today because it seems like everyone within my ear shot was complaining about their frustrations and irritations. Some were trainers, some were the trainers' clients, and a couple were regular gym members I am familiar with and see frequently.
It seems at one level or another we are all struggling with creating the life we really want and feel we deserve. But I suspect, if you're like me, that there are some habits that you've picked up along the way that are not serving you. What do I mean by habits? I define it broadly. The habits could be friends that continually drain your energy by sharing negative stories or always seem to be in chaos. It could be your tendency to procrastinate on projects. Maybe your habit of going to bed too late to get adequate rest. It could be the habit of not planning your meals in advance and thus sabotaging your goal of transforming your body.
I think we can agree, no one is perfect. But perfection is not the goal, progress is. So if you're going to make consistent progress towards what it is that you say you want so dearly, then you're going to have to take a serious look at some of your habits.
I realize that sounds like yet another "item" on your already long "to do list". So I thought it might be a good idea if I shared with you an easy 4 step guide that I've found very helpful.
Keeping with that same theme of being frustrated with the present state of affairs in your life, how did you get to be at this point anyway? I know you work hard each day at work. I know you do your absolute best to be a good partner in your relationships. I trust that you sincerely want to achieve the goals and dreams you've outlined for yourself. But for some reason things just don't seem to be "clicking" for you. That would be frustrating to anyone.
Again, remember, we are all human. We can all use a little reminder every now and again to help get us get back on track and out of our "funk". When working with my clients I find that more often than not, while the sincerity is there to achieve what they want, and while they've taken the time to write down their goals in detail, there are often times a few steps missing. And when they apply these few little tweaks to their process they achieve amazing results.
I honestly believe that most of you are right on track. The reason that you are not seeing the results you would like sooner is probably nothing more than a minor tweak being needed to your way of doing things. I know it sounds kind of corny, but it's like stretching before you do your self-massage on the tube or roller. Stretching just doesn't seem to be as effective if you do it first. However, if you do your self massage before you do your stretching, you would be amazed at the different result you achieve in your stretching. Just a minor tweak can make a major difference.
Check out the link below and see if a minor adjustment would make a major difference for you.
You deserve to have the life you want. You deserve to create your best possible body. And you deserve to not be stressed out from the daily rigors of life. Try making a few adjustments and watch the results happen.
Get on Track and Stay on Track!