The first week of the new year is always so exciting to me. You've got a clean slate to start from. Pretty much no matter how the year before turned out, you have a fresh new year to start off right and achieve the things that you didn't have a chance to get to last year.
It's a prime opportunity to get clear on what it is you want out of this year and create a plan to achieve it. A chance to review the things that are adding to the quality of your life (friends, positive habits, personal and professional groups that keep you on track, etc) and those that are distracting (the judgmental friends, associates that when in their presence always seem to drag you down, and bad habits that sabotage your progress). It truly is an excellent time to really get dialed in on how to make this year better than the last. As well as an opportunity to clear out that which is distracting or not serving you.
Yet even with all of the opportunity provided by a new year and a fresh clean slate, there are still those that complain about how they can't accomplish their goals because of such and such: they're too busy, don't have time, work long hours, have to take the kids to their events, they don't like the gym, etc. And for every excuse I can, in most cases, show you a person that has as much or more on their plate and still is able to get it all done.
You see it's not a matter of your circumstances. It's a matter of your commitment to success. You achieving your best is going to take time. That's not the issue. Question is, are you committed to getting it done?
Check out today's video blog post to see what I mean.
10 Best Tips for Transformation
Happy New Year!
Hope you had a great new year's celebration. I trust you had a chance to say goodbye to some old habits, those annoying unproductive relationships, and other unnecessary distractions. Now it's time to start off on the right track. Time to get clear on your goals for the year, develop a plan, with short and long term goals, and consistently stick with it each day.
Quite simply, let's get to it.
I don't know if you've been the type of person that hates to write things down or create plans. I know I was. I just figured I would keep a tally in my head and that would be sufficient.
Boy was I wrong.
First off, no matter how smart you think you are, or how well you plan, there are always things that occur that you didn't plan for. And if you try to keep all the lists, goals, and daily routines in your head, you'll go bonkers. Or worse yet, start to lose track of the goal, the important deadlines, and daily tasks that need to be completed to get you to your goal.
Remember, if it's important, it's worth writing down and keeping track of it.
Nothing is worse then to come out of one those periods where you've been putting out a crisis fire, you sit back to catch your breath for a moment, and suddenly realize that you are completely off track and behind. It's not only irritating, but frustrating. Let's be honest, nothing ever runs as smoothly as we plan on paper, with or without goals, lists and deadlines. But I assure you, nothing is more frustrating than not having a plan. It's your guiding compass to keep you on track and to assist you in getting back on track after dealing with distracting or critical issues.
So if you're going to start off right this year, let's start by creating a list each day of the things that need to be completed. Of course these daily lists serve the purpose of keeping you accountable to a goal you've chosen as important. A goal, that when you achieve it, will remind you you're still alive and kicking. A goal that will make your life more fulfilling to you.
So to help you create your plan for a new you, here's a list below of the 10 of the Easiest Tricks to help you Lose 20lbs or more in 6 month or less. Courtesy of Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink -- outstanding book!
Easy Tricks
1.) Include a Fruit and Vegetable with you lunch and dinner.
2.) Don't eat white foods at dinner
3.) Use the half-plate rule (fill half your plate with salad or veggies).
4.) Have a sweet or salty afternoon snack only if you first eat a piece of fresh fruit.
5.) Drink one glass of water before every meal or snack.
6). Use the Restaurant Rule of Two: Limit yourself to two items other than your entree.
7.) Never eat in front of the TV.
8.) Eat a piece of fruit on the way to work every day (as part of complete breakfast).
9.) Save desserts for the weekends.
10). Freeze half of what you make, and serve the other half.
These 10 Easy Tricks should provide you with an excellent base to get you started on a new you. It provides you with guidelines that, when followed, put you in control, and keep you on target to achieve your goal (which is why you set the goal in the first place).
This year is going to be different. This is the year you make your goals happen, whether they are physical, financial or otherwise; get it done. No more winging it.
Ski Season Exercises
First off, let me apologize for not getting this post to you last week. I had some serious server issues that wouldn't allow me to post any video. Problem solved. So let's get down to business.
As previously promised here are two more exercises to get you better prepared to enjoy your winter season of snowboarding, skiing, and ice skating.
Much like any sport or activity, a strong core, stable but flexible hips and strong legs are all just a part of being prepared. But when it comes to winter sports activities you are also faced with the significant slick and unstable surface of the ice and snow. So you want to be extra sure that your core, hips and legs are ready for a full day of cutting loose and feeling the rush of the air in your face.
Today's exercises will help you do just that, strengthen your legs and hips as well and improve your overall hip flexibility and functioning. As with all of the exercises I demonstrate, I would encourage you to warm up properly (rolling and stretching) and then perform them. As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Next week I will share two more movements to improve your overall hip and leg strength as well as a special little bonus.
Have a Happy and safe New Year's Celebration.
Mid-Week Motivation: YOU ARE ENOUGH!
It's really scary.
If you stand in line at the check out counter of a grocery store or any store with magazine racks at the check out counter, long enough, you could become seriously neurotic. A gander over the titles of the rack would make anyone neurotic. Whose cheating on who, who lost what amount of weight, who gained what amount of weight, how to lose 20lbs and keep it off, how to get rid of those wrinkles, and all sorts of intimacy tips on how to please your lover better. I mean really. It's enough to make you just want to scream.
But you know what? It's just noise. As a matter of fact, after leafing through the different health and fitness magazines for men and women, I didn't find anything that we haven't discussed already this year; though the titles would lead you to believe otherwise. I suspect it's just a way to actually keep you distracted. Don't be -- Check out today's video blog post for an important personal reminder.
It's Monday! Time for 2 New Recipes to File
The year is almost over. I promised to make sure that you were well prepared with a wide variety of recipes to make sure you start the new year off right. Recipes to help start you on track, keep you on track, and not make you feel like you were going to have to give up taste. I believed I've delivered as promised.
Only one more Monday left in the year. So here are two more recipes to add to your ever growing file. Next year is going to be so easy for you start off on the right track. By spring you'll be unveiling a new you and not had to suffer, by living on tasteless boring food. No one likes to feel deprived. So I've made sure that your journey to a new you is as painless as possible when it comes to your nutrition.
Here you are:
Recipe #1: Pizza Eggs (Pizza_Eggs.doc)
Recipe #2: Romaine Tuna Wraps (Romaine_Tuna_Wraps.doc)
This weeks recipes are from A Recipe for Life by Susan Dopart, M.S., R.D. with Jeffrey M. Batchelor and Eat 2 Liv by Elizabeth Brown M.S., R.D., C.D.E
Be sure to come back next week for more recipes to add to your file. Remember, the more options you have the easier it will be to stay on track. No one likes boring food. And cooking and preparing food that actually tastes good should not be a chore. If you've been cutting and pasting you will ready to rock come January.
Ski Season Ready -- Core Exercise Review
Well here we are again on a Friday. Two weeks left in the year and it will be time to start with a clean slate. Time to apply all the things we learned about ourselves in 2010. It will be time to step up to the next level.
But right now it's time for the next installment on getting you ready for ski season. An opportunity for me to share with you the process that will keep you healthy for the entire season so you can enjoy what you love doing -- skiing, snowboarding or ice skating.
First we started with the all important self-massage. You have to get the muscles properly warmed-up, prepared, to work before you can do anything. Then last week I shared with you some important stretches to make sure you're flexible and your range of motion is improved. Ice, snow and generally unstable surfaces are nothing to play with. So now you should be ready for the next stage in your preparation for a heck of an active winter season.
This week I will share with you the next stage in training properly for a successful winter-fun season. The all important core/abs. That will be followed by some new movements such as single leg exercises, and a host of lunges to make sure your hips are flexible and stable in various positions.
So let's do a little review first shall we? Let's make sure the proper core work is being done so that that area is prepared to handle the challenging leg exercises that are to follow. I know, too many people like to just skip over this part of their preparation, believing that it is really not all that important. But let me assure you, a strong core is by far one of the most important pieces to being physically fit for any activity.
Next week let's blast those hips and legs.
Do You Have YOUR Owner's Manual?
I thought about it for quite some time before I decided on this title. I look at it this way, you have an owner's manual for everything from your toaster, to your blender, cell phone, automobile, computer, and stove, etc. And let's be honest, how well you follow the owner's manual great decides how long that item will last. Either you follow the manual and have significant success or you don't and . . . .
Pretty much anything that has any value to you, you have an owner's manual for, right? But for some reason when it comes to getting out of pain or improving the quality of your fitness, people just tend to "wing-it". Then they wonder why they get the results they get. It's not by accident.
But there is so much information out there, how do you know what is good information guiding you in the right direction and how much is just hype and trends?
Check out today's video blog and know which is the right information that will help you quickly build your own manual.
How's That File of Recipes? Here's 2 More!
As promised here are 2 more delicious recipes to add to your growing file. We all have busy
schedules, this time of year more than ever. But that shouldn't mean all of your hard work should go out the window. Whether you're committing to a new year of losing those extra pounds or just looking for a change in your usual day to day of staying on track, these recipes are sure to help. They are quick, tasty, and will definitely keep you on track.
Remember, food that is good for you can actually taste good too. All too often I hear people avoid making good food choices because they believe they have to give up flavor. Not with these. The second biggest reason I hear is that making food that is good for you just takes too much time. Again, not with these. But I will admit it will require some planning on your part to make sure you get all of your meals in each day. And heck if it tastes good, all the more motivation to take as little as 5 minutes to whip up something that tastes good going down and gives your body what it needs to stay healthy and assist you in getting in better shape.
Don't fall into the easy excuses. Take a few minutes and cut and paste these to your file. Good food and get in shape at the same time -- sounds like a win/win to me. Enjoy!
Recipe #1: Mint Chocolate Shake (Mint_Chocolate_Shake.doc)
Recipe #2: Sauteed Salmon (Sauteed_Salmon.doc)
Two More Recipes to Have You Ready For The New Year!
It's the last Monday of the year, and that means it's time for 2 more recipes for you to add to your file. Remember, there are no magic pills, no magic shoes, and no secrets I have not already shared with you. It's all about making the plan and sticking to it.
But when it comes to nutrition, who wants to stick to a plan where the food tastes horrid. Neither do you want to spend what little free time you have in the kitchen slaving over a stove and measuring every little morsel, right? Thank goodness you've been courageous enough to check in with me each week to build an incredible file of recipes, making sure you are ready to go for the new year. Now you have plenty of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Now all you have to do is make a plan. Stick to it. And watch your body transform.
It can happen.
It will happen.
And you can do it.
Here are your next two:
Recipe #1: Rancher's Omelet (Ranchers_Omelet.doc)
Recipe #2: Stir-Fry Beef (Stir_Fry_Beef.doc)
These are courtesy of Gourmet Nutrition by Dr. John M. Berardi, Michael Williams and Kristina Andrew. I would strongly recommend you take the time to pick up this wonderful book. I've shared a few with you, but there are countless other recipes that are sure to meet every taste, time schedule and lifestyle.
Ski Season Ready 2?
This month I want to make sure to have those of you who enjoy winter sports activities like skiing,
snowboarding and ice skating to be prepared to enjoy your season. I can't tell you how many times I watch "regular" members come in on crutches after a weekend away of enjoying their sport. If it's something you truly enjoy, then let's make sure you can do and not get injured. The whole idea of working out and keeping healthy is so you can participate and enjoy the activities that make the daily grind all worth it -- right?
Well, last week I shared with you the first part of an effective warm-up -- self-massage. We all know you cannot effectively stretch a cold rubber band fresh out of the refrigerator (which would represent your muscles). You have to first warm it up properly, before engaging in stretching. That way you can avoid injuring yourself during stretching, and definitely decrease the chances of injury while engaged in your favorite activity.
This week I want to share with you the second part of an effective warm up -- stretching. I want you to do this after you have completed the self-massage.
When considering winter sports we want to be sure we have your body ready to handle the pounding of the slopes. Balance is a big factor considering the instability of ice and snow. So ankle, knee, and hip flexibility and stability are very important. We want to prepare your entire body, for sure, but we will give extra attention to the lower body because you will be using it so much more.
Since we all know time is of the essence please find below the stretches I've found most important in preparing for a safe and fun winter season of activities on the slopes or ice.
Be sure to check back next week as I will share with you the important exercises that will get your body strong and help you avoid injury.
This is Stretch#1 (1/3).
This stretch is often called Child's Pose. From a kneeling position, toes pointed straight back, sit backwards so that you are sitting on the heels of your shoes. Reach forward with both arms, far enough to feel a stretch in the lower back and shoulders. Hold for 7-10 seconds
This is Stretch #1 (2/3)
Keeping your legs where they are at, engage your abs and move both arms to the right until a stretch is felt on the left side of the body. Think of making your body into a half circle. Be sure to remain seated on your heels. Hold for 7-10 seconds.
This is Stretch #1 (3/3).
Now do the same process you did for the above picture for the left side. Hold for 7-10 seconds
This is Stretch #2
From a seated position place your hands behind you, approximately shoulder width, with your fingers pointing away from your body. Slowly slide your body forward, away from your hands, until a stretch is felt. Be sure to keep your chest up and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your chest. Hold this position for 7-10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
This is Stretch#3.
(face down image) Position your body with your right leg bent at a 45 degree angle. Straighten your back leg with the toe facing the floor. Position your upper body so that your knee is in line with your sternum (chest bone). Hips should be parallel to the floor. You should feel no pain in the knee. If you do stop immediately. This pose is also know as Pigeon. Hold position for 7 breaths.
(face up image) This is a slightly less aggressive form of pigeon from the lying position. Lay flat on your back. Bring your right leg towards your chest. Grasping your knee and ankle gently, pulling the leg towards the left side of your chest (so you are moving the leg across the body) until you feel a stretch in your glutes. You will create a very gentle stretch in the hip. You should feel no pain in the knee. Repeat this process 3-7 times on both sides.