getting on track

Mid-Week Motivation: Tips, Tricks, Guides and Motivation

Well, we are mid-way through the second week of January.  I don't know about you, but to me it seems like the month is already flying by.  Those that are going to be successful are already creating their plan and putting it into action.  But wait a minute, maybe a video is not what they need this month.  So I was thinking the other day, maybe everyone out there, that's committed to success, doesn't want to look at a video every week.  Maybe they would like something they could print out and hang up as a reminder.  Kind of a guide to help keep them on track and motivated.

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Having some sort of reminder in front of you each day does wonders to help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

I don't know if you've ever used this trick.  But I often tell my clients when they first start with me to take a picture of themselves and hang it up in a place they will have to see it everyday.  Whether it's the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, or the closet door.  Right next to the picture of themselves I ask them to hang up a picture of a body type that they are working to achieve. 

Why you ask? 

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It serves the purpose of constantly reminding you of what it is you are working towards.  Kind of an "in your face" motivation to keep you on track daily.  It also, believe it or not, triggers the brain to help keep you on track throughout the day using a principle called reticular activation.  Click here if you need a more detailed review of just how this process works (reticular activation).

I do honestly believe that more often than not, we all start with sincerely good intentions when we set a goal -- think New Year's Resolutions.  But somewhere along the way life tends to get in the way and we end up off track.  Sometimes it's the group of people that we hang around that don't share similar goals, and sometimes it's just the day to day grind of getting through the day.  Either way, having a daily guide in front of you to remind you of your goal works wonders.

This is your year! 

This year is going to be different because you're going to use the little tips, tricks, guides and motivation that I will provide for you each Wednesday to help keep you motivated and on track.

The first little helper I want to pass along to you is a reminder on how not to let other people throw you off track or distract you.


The second little helper is to remind you of the things to avoid in order to be a success.  Sure we are told about the things we are supposed to do in order to be successful at a certain goal or trait, but sometimes I think it's important to also remember the behaviors to avoid, if we truly want to be successful.


Print them out.  Post them up.  And use them to help you make this year, your year!

Get on Track and Stay on Track!