interval training

Target Heart Rate. . . . The Myth

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I know I'm going to ruffle some more feathers out there by posting this, but hey, I'm here to help you get real information that will help you make choices and take actions that will get results! 

I'm not here to just tell you what you want to hear.  No, I want you to hear the truth, with evidence, and be able to make an informed choice from there.

I realize that will not necessarily make me the most exciting or popular person out there.  But for those brave enough and serious enough about making changes in their bodies, by getting out of pain or transforming their body -- those people will appreciate this post.

I recently received this question that made me realize how many people out there are still using the heart rate info on machines as guides on how to transform their bodies.  So let me give the truth.

In reference to the heart rate ranges posted on exercise equipment.  They identify what your targeted heart rate should be if you want to burn fat, etc. based on your age.  In my case, my heart rate while exercising is ALWAYS higher than that "fat burn" range. I would have to significantly slow down my pace in order to fall within that range.  If my heart rate is not within that range, am I not burning calories efficiently?  Is there a lot of merit to those targeted heart rate ranges?  If I am not sweating, I don't feel like I am working hard. -- Nikkie

Target Heart is highly flawed.  I have personal experience with contacting the user of some of these formulas and they had no real idea why they used them accept to say, "They were the popular tools used at the time".  Guess it really doesn't answer why once they see the flaw they continue to use antiquated information.

To the point.

  • Target heart rate is inaccurate for 70% of the population by 10-12 beats per minute.  Not such a big deal right.  But get this, for 30% of the population it's off by 20-24 beats per minute.  That is a big deal.  Knowing which group you fall into can only be found by using your own heart rate monitor.

  • The Fat burning zone is supposed be the heart rate range where you will supposedly burn the most fat calories.  Truth is, it cannot predict this.  At best it can only partially suggest a percentage of use of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

  • You burn the most fat at rest.  The more intense an exercise is, the more carbohydrates will be used as the primary fuel source.

Low Intensity - 60-65% MHR High Intensity - 80-85% MHR Total Calories expended per min. 4.86 6.86

Fat Calories expended per min. 2.43 2.7

Total Calories expended in 30 min. 46 206

Total Fat calories expended in 30 min. 73 82

Percentage of fat calories burned 50% 39.85%

From The 24/5 Complete Personal Training Manual, 24 Hour Fitness, 2000

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I think this chart simply and accurately explains why using intervals (alternating periods of fast and slow) instead of the steady state "fat burning zone" cardio, is the most effective way to shed body fat quickly and effectively.

Slow, steady state cardio just doesn't cut it when it comes to losing body fat quickly and effectively.  Not to mention the wear and tear on the knees, hips, and lower back.

And this is the part that everyone seems to forget so readily -- what happens after that intense exercise circuit you just finished, or that extremely challenging cardio interval session.  There's something called EPOC.  Which basically discusses the amount of calories being burned after an intense session of training that can last up to 3 days later.

You will be burning more calories after intense training session because your resting metabolic rate is higher (you won't get that from "fat burning zone" cardio).  And if you'll remember, when do you use fat as the main source of fuel -- AT REST!

And if that wasn't enough information to convince you, check out this article The Final Nail in the Cardio Coffin pt 2.

Get On Track and Stay on Track!

Here's Some Truths, Tips, and Reality

Some days it feels as though I live on two different planets. 

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One based in the reality of research and what I've seen work, day in and day out with my clientele, as well as what I witness other fitness coaches doing with their clientele and getting results.

Then there's the other world.  The world of marketing and infomercials where product 'X" is said to achieve certain results based on science I never heard of, nor can find in the vast array of information on the internet.  So I'll call my guru and ask him and he can't make heads or tails of it either.  Which by the way usually means it's a load of poo. 

But that doesn't seem to stop the marketing machine from turning and producing more fantastic and mythical products that will allow you to exert minimal effort and yet get maximum results.  Sometimes it's so painful to watch I have to just switch off the TV -- yelling at the TV doesn't seem to be very effective -- though it feels darn good.  Let's deal in reality.

Do you think it matters where you hold body fat?  I mean besides the fact that you don't want it at all, do you think there is actually a place on your body where, having body fat in this area is actually more dangerous to your health?

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Believe it or not, there actually is a difference. Where your body stores body fat actually can determine the length and quality of your life.  Don't believe me?  Check this out and get motivated:

Belly Fat Study and Heart Disease

Want to lose that body fat, but not sure what was the best way -- interval training by far is the best way to lose body fat quickly and effectively.  As long as you do not have a history of heart disease or other coronary issues in your family, and with your doctor's permission, I would encourage anyone who is serious about transforming their body, to explore the outstanding benefits of interval training.

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Here's a recent study with even better reasons to explore the option:

Interval Training Study

OK, so now you're convinced and motivated to get more activity into your life.  But as we all know, just losing weight isn't the real key. 

No, not by a long shot.

The true key component to losing weight, is losing the right weight -- meaning body fat!  

Just stepping on the scale and seeing the number go down may make you feel better, but it doesn't mean you're getting any healthier. However, decreasing your overall body fat does mean you're adding years and quality to your life. 

Take my word for it. 

I've measured clients that weigh the exact same and have shown different body fat numbers. 

And guess what?

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They look a great deal different. You could be 120lbs and 15% body fat or you could be 120lbs and 30% body fat.  The person with the lower body fat will look leaner, have more energy, a higher quality of life and typically (bad personal habits excluded) a longer life span.

Need a home scale to help you stay on track that will give you reliable info and won't break the bank?

Best Bathroom Scales (be sure to click on the link that says "best bathroom scales")

There's your Truth, Tips, and some serious reality -- Now Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Mid-Week Motivation: Your Results Tell You . . . .

I've been getting all sorts of emails and personal inquires about how to get in shape quickly now that the summer weather is approaching.  As well as the usual inquiries regarding  how to get out of shoulder, hip and back pain, which I will address next Monday.

Funny thing is the answer is the same to both of these questions.  "What results are you getting?"

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Now, that question is not meant to be a smartypants comment at all.  It's meant to initiate thought.

You would be surprised how many people are not getting the results they want, and yet continue to do the same things that are already not working (not getting results).

When people ask me how to get rid of that last little layer of flub around the middle, they seem to expect an easy quick fix--one size fits all answer, that will magically dissolve the problem overnight.  Instead I usually ask them 2 specific questions:

  • What is their present nutrition schedule like?  Meaning how many times are they eating per day, as well as how each meal is made up -- regarding protein, carbs, and fat.

  • Next, I ask them what type of metabolic work are they doing?  Meaning what type of program are they using to stimulate an increase in their metabolism.

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7 times out of 10 the person looks at me with a blank stare, or proceeds to tell me what they ate yesterday or today.  And if you'll remember my post on that response a few weeks ago, you'll know that is a dead give-away that the person has no real system to their eating/nutrition.  Yet they wonder why they are not getting the results they want.

I know you're tired of hearing it, but you have to have a plan if you're going to make successful changes to anything in your life.  If you don't write it down, it's not a serious goal.

Your results tell you if your program is working.  Don't just keep doing the same thing that's not working and get more and more frustrated. Find out why it's not working -- that's what I'm here for.

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If you're not dropping the weight you want -- for goodness sake, please start keeping a food journal.  It's the only way to truly find out what's wrong.  Your car has a gas gauge to tell you when you're low on gas.  Your food journal (your human gas gauge) will tell you where to make changes in order to create the results you want. 

Equally important is to remember that steady state cardio does not work in getting rid of body fat quickly.  Want 2 ways to start seeing results from your cardio/metabolic training sessions?

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Try these:

  • If you have no history of heart condition nor in your family, then try intervals.  Meaning a slow period of walking, jogging or running, followed by a fast period of walking, jogging or running.  The periods should start at about 30-45 seconds, for 10-20 minutes at a time.  After approximately two weeks move to 45 seconds to 1 minute interval periods.

  • Try using circuits in your weight training.  Meaning do 3-5 movements in a row, alternating upper and lower body movements, before taking a 1-1:30 minute break.  Do 3-4 cycles of this method and watch the results happen.

Ok.  What does that look like: 

All movements should be done with a weight you can do 12-20 times in proper form, but challenges you.

Push-up or Flyes
Squats (body weight or with dumbbells)
Rows (seated or 1 arm rows with dumbbell)
Lunges (backward stepping, dumbbells optional)
Wood Chops (using an elastic band or 1 dumbbell)

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

4 Easy Tips To Transform and Reach Your Goals

I don't know how many of you had a chance to read the latest on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , but I've taken the liberty of including it.

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Not that you actually needed a reason to get on track and stay on track, but I think this article is very eye opening and a good kick in the pants to anyone on the fence about improving their health.

Many Americans' diets are a train wreck — loaded with junk food, fast food, sugary beverages and too few healthful foods. So it's no surprise that the federal government's new dietary guidelines, being released today, recommend people get...   2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines

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I believe much of the problem of the American dietary habits has a great deal to do with great advertising (for unhealthy foods) and too much bad information about what it really takes to change your body.  Heck, there is so much misinformation out there, it's all I can do to keep up slaying all those dragons for you and providing the truth.

  • How much cardio should I do and what type works the best?

  • Should I do cardio in the morning before I eat breakfast -- I heard that I can burn more calories that way?

  • Does lifting weights help in losing weight faster?

  • How should I organize my meals?

  • What about "such and such" diet, my friend got great results on it?

  • How important is sleep really?

Let's take it one step at a time, keep it real, and live in reality.

1.) Cardio serves two main purposes:

     * To improve the functioning of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels
     * Burns calories by stimulating your metabolism

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My experience is, if you've been consistently training for at least 6 months, do intervals a minimum of 3x/week. Figure 10-20minutes at a time utilizing the interval method.  And as far as when to do it -- only worry about that after you've been consistently doing your cardio routine for 4-6 weeks AND following your nutrition plan.  Then you can worry about what time of day.  There are no shortcuts.

No matter what anyone tells you --There is no magic cardio machine.  You can do intervals using your favorite cardio machine, or choose different alternatives to the same old grind. (battling ropes, kettlebells, bike riding, stairs, swimming)

2.) Using weights is essential if your goal is to lose body fat quickly while maintaining muscle.  Try doing circuits (4-7 movements in a row before taking a 2 minute break).  Repeat the process 3-4 times.  You'll get quicker results in half the time.


3.) There is no magic diet.  The nutrition program that works is the one that fits your tastes, budget, and time constraints.  It only works if you use it consistently.  Don't skip or eliminate food groups. Every meal should contain a protein, carb (starchy and veggies), and fat (figure 4-5 meals per day; 3 regular meals and a morning and afternoon snack).  Here's a quick and easy reminder when it comes to planning your meals (quick reminder).

4.) Sleep is Important.  Everyone is different.  However it's safe to say you'll need 6-8 hours/night minimum if you're going to transform your body quickly.  Studies have shown a lack of sleep actually sabotages weight loss.

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Below I'm including a bonus to get you from OK to OUTSTANDING as quickly as possible.  But of course you'll have to apply the information for it to work (think 1% information--90% application).

The KISS Method for Fast Body Transformation

It doesn't get much easier than that.  Try out and let me know what you think.  Be prepared for some serious physical changes.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Time To Kick Out The Old -- and Get Some Results!

OK.  So I understand from the emails I've received that some of you out there are still not convinced that steady state (slow) cardio doesn't work.  Please let me be clear.  I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm giving you legitimate research that proves it does not work as effectively as interval cardio or circuit training for losing body fat efficiently. 

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I wouldn't give you inaccurate information, believe me.  It wouldn't be fair.  You rely on me to do the work of investigation and then pass on what I learn so that you can benefit.  I am determined to make sure that you have all the necessary information to get to your body transformation goals as quickly and safely as possible.

Analysis of a 25 year study regarding diet, exercise or diet plus exercise

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Plain and simple, what they found was that after having analyzed over 400 studies comparing diet and diet plus aerobic exercise, they concluded that aerobic exercise does not provide a significant advantage over dieting alone.

I still hear some grumbling in the background. So let's take it to the next level.  Let's see what the research says when we put the two concepts (interval training vs steady state training) head to head.

A Comparison of the Effects of Interval Training vs. Continuous Training on Weight Loss and Body Composition

So what did they find.  Here's the quick and dirty:

  • Group one: Interval Training

  • Group two: Steady State Training

  • Both groups trained 3 times per week -- burned 300 cals for 8 weeks

  • The interval training group showed a -4.4% change in body fat whereas the low intensity steady state group exhibited a +1.2% change in body fat (meaning the interval group lost on average 4.4% body fat, while the steady state group gained 1.2%).

So again you ask, what works better.  For one don't forget, with permission from your doctor, intervals is an outstanding way to kick up the intensity of the cardio you're already doing.  To add variety to your cardio check out Kettlebell swings as another alternative.  And lastly as a quick note, if you just can't stand doing cardio, try creating a circuit utilizing weights or bands where you do 4-5 movements in a row before taking a break (little secret, if you alternate upper body with lower body exercises you'll get even more bang for the buck).

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I do hope that helps give you even more reason to get off the steady state cardio wagon.  I challenge you to give my suggestions a try for 4 weeks and see the drastic changes that take place.

I'll have two more studies for you next week.  And by the way if you didn't get a chance to check out Battling Ropes on Friday as a great change of pace from your regular cardio routine click here.

Since Slow Doesn't Work, Try This


If you checked in with me on Monday you got a great peak at what's to come for rest of the fitness world in the coming months. 

No More Steady State Cardio.  It simply doesn't give you enough bang for the buck.

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If you're serious about getting rid of body fat and getting seriously lean; you now know that spending hours on any cardio machine and expecting it to transform your body, is being naive.  The research is just not supporting that idea.  Now if you have a significantly low body fat, that may be another story.  But for the majority of the people out there -- no more slow cardio.

But of course the next question ends up being, So what do I do now?  So many people have been doing steady state cardio for so long they have no idea where to go from there.  Now if you'll remember I discussed with you on Monday the idea of doing intervals.  Not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination, but man does it get results. 

However, if you're looking to get completely off of the cardio machines and try something new, check out this short clip of me getting my behind kicked with Battle Ropes (this video picks up at round 7).  Because of the nature of Battling Ropes they provide plenty of variety regarding the different movements you can do.  And WOW, talk about jacking up the heart rate and getting a total body workout -- without the banging on the joints (think hip and knee trauma from too much running).  I can't thank Jerry and Gus enough for the opportunity to work with them and get my feet wet on this experience.

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There are so many ways to change it up.  Keep the variety.  I'll help with a few more videos in the coming Fridays.  Bottom line -- stop wasting time doing something that doesn't work.  More studies on the way on Monday to give you more reasons to abandon the steady state cardio theory.

Here is an idea for a little change. You might even get a little chuckle out of me getting pushed.

It's time to Get on Track and Stay on Track!

It's Time to Set The Record Straight

I hope you had a great weekend, and gave yourself a chance to recharge your batteries.


I just spent an amazing weekend at a seminar that has completely supported, with peer reviewed research, all the the benefits, ideas and training methods my clients have been receiving for years.  But the really interesting thing is that study after study continued to show that steady state aerobics/cardio, is not effective in losing body fat quickly. Unless you have an unusually low body fat, long slow cardio (steady state) will not work effectively in getting rid of body fat quickly or effectively.

Don't believe me?  Check out the link below.

The addition of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 78% Max Heart Rate 5 days a week for 12 weeks had NO EFFECT over dieting alone.

Great, so what does it mean you ask? 

It means if you're spending hour after hour on a treadmill or other cardio machine and not doing intervals, you are wasting a lot of time and not getting near the benefits you could get if you stepped it up a bit and did intervals on your chosen machine.

I know, I know.  We've all been told for years that all you had to do was get on your favorite cardio machine and bang out an hour and you'll see results after such and such amount of time.  Well the research is in and it does not support that theory.  To be quite honest I haven't believed in steady state (long slow cardio) for quite some time based on my own personal experiences with myself and my clientele.  If you're just starting out it's a great way to start doing your cardio, but after approximately 6-8 weeks and with no significant health issues, you should really be doing intervals whenever you do cardio.

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So what are intervals?  Simple. It just means alternating periods of intense cardio followed by periods of slower cardio.  If you walk during your slow periods, walk faster during the intense periods.  If you jog during the slow, jog faster during the intense periods.  It simply means alternating light cardio with intense cardio periods.  How long should each period be?  When you first start do 30 seconds intense followed by 45 seconds of lighter/slower cardio.  Continue this alternating process until you have completed 5-12 minutes.  From there you would slowly progress upward to longer periods of intense followed by shorter periods of slow.  Be sure to get your doctor's permission. This type of cardio is no joke.

Ok.  So maybe you're thinking that the 12 week period wasn't really long enough to show the beneficial effects of steady state cardio.  Believe me, I thought the same thing.

Then the presenter hit us with this.

A six month study was done between two groups.  One group was diet only and the second group was diet plus aerobic exercise (50 minutes, 5 days per week).  That should certainly show the significant benefits of doing cardio using the belief of slow steady state, right?


Still not a believer?  Check out the link below.

Six month Study of two groups.  One diet only the other diet plus aerobic exercise.

So what were the findings?  Plain and simple, no additional effects of aerobic exercise on body composition.

Please believe me when I tell you that numerous hands went up to explain their story of what they experienced.  The presenter did an outstanding job of explaining what was really at work in those "success stories". Then he went on to provide numerous other studies that continued to show the ineffectiveness of steady state/slow cardio for those serious about getting rid of body fat quickly and effectively.

So what do you do that works.  Well for one, try using intervals during your cardio training sessions and see the results.  In addition you should check back next week when I'll share with you what the studies say works to help you get rid of that stubborn body fat quickly and effectively.

See you next week for the real deal.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!