secrets to losing weight

Mid-Week Motivation: Do Less Cardio, Get Better Results

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I'm slightly keeping with the theme from Monday this week -- don't waste time doing the same old thing that's not getting you results.

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1.)  Are you happy with what you see in the mirror?

2.)  Do you have too much free time on a daily basis?

3.)  Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Now, if you answered "yes" to any of these questions then this post is not for you. 

However, if you answered "no" to these questions, then please stop doing the same old routine and getting less than exciting results.  You can get the body you want in less time than you can possibly imagine.

Let me be plain and clear --

I am asking you to stop doing steady state cardio since you already know it will not give you the results you want. 

I am asking you to spend less time doing cardio.

I am asking you to put more effort in getting your nutrition in order.  And lastly,

I am asking you to be willing to challenge yourself to do something different (that has been tested and I know works)

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Mid-Week Motivation: Your Results Tell You . . . .

I've been getting all sorts of emails and personal inquires about how to get in shape quickly now that the summer weather is approaching.  As well as the usual inquiries regarding  how to get out of shoulder, hip and back pain, which I will address next Monday.

Funny thing is the answer is the same to both of these questions.  "What results are you getting?"

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Now, that question is not meant to be a smartypants comment at all.  It's meant to initiate thought.

You would be surprised how many people are not getting the results they want, and yet continue to do the same things that are already not working (not getting results).

When people ask me how to get rid of that last little layer of flub around the middle, they seem to expect an easy quick fix--one size fits all answer, that will magically dissolve the problem overnight.  Instead I usually ask them 2 specific questions:

  • What is their present nutrition schedule like?  Meaning how many times are they eating per day, as well as how each meal is made up -- regarding protein, carbs, and fat.

  • Next, I ask them what type of metabolic work are they doing?  Meaning what type of program are they using to stimulate an increase in their metabolism.

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7 times out of 10 the person looks at me with a blank stare, or proceeds to tell me what they ate yesterday or today.  And if you'll remember my post on that response a few weeks ago, you'll know that is a dead give-away that the person has no real system to their eating/nutrition.  Yet they wonder why they are not getting the results they want.

I know you're tired of hearing it, but you have to have a plan if you're going to make successful changes to anything in your life.  If you don't write it down, it's not a serious goal.

Your results tell you if your program is working.  Don't just keep doing the same thing that's not working and get more and more frustrated. Find out why it's not working -- that's what I'm here for.

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If you're not dropping the weight you want -- for goodness sake, please start keeping a food journal.  It's the only way to truly find out what's wrong.  Your car has a gas gauge to tell you when you're low on gas.  Your food journal (your human gas gauge) will tell you where to make changes in order to create the results you want. 

Equally important is to remember that steady state cardio does not work in getting rid of body fat quickly.  Want 2 ways to start seeing results from your cardio/metabolic training sessions?

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Try these:

  • If you have no history of heart condition nor in your family, then try intervals.  Meaning a slow period of walking, jogging or running, followed by a fast period of walking, jogging or running.  The periods should start at about 30-45 seconds, for 10-20 minutes at a time.  After approximately two weeks move to 45 seconds to 1 minute interval periods.

  • Try using circuits in your weight training.  Meaning do 3-5 movements in a row, alternating upper and lower body movements, before taking a 1-1:30 minute break.  Do 3-4 cycles of this method and watch the results happen.

Ok.  What does that look like: 

All movements should be done with a weight you can do 12-20 times in proper form, but challenges you.

Push-up or Flyes
Squats (body weight or with dumbbells)
Rows (seated or 1 arm rows with dumbbell)
Lunges (backward stepping, dumbbells optional)
Wood Chops (using an elastic band or 1 dumbbell)

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Fat Loss and Ab Training -- Tips and Tricks

How many times have we all been told growing up as children, that breakfast was the most important meal of the day?  And yet as adults, how many people do you know that continually skip breakfast for all sorts of reasons?  No matter what type of research you give them they seem to refuse to take that extra 5-10 minutes to start their day off right and kick their metabolism on to burn fat.

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It seems no matter how often you tell someone the importance of something, their habits will win out, even in the face of evidence.

Fortunately I tend to be a bit stubborn.  I honestly believe that if you can show someone the benefits of doing something a certain way they will make a change.  In most cases, the people that continually skip breakfast still haven't been told information that is important enough to them to make them change their behavior.

Funny thing is the same excuses these people give for not making time for breakfast, are usually the same type of excuses they make for not making exercise part of their weekly routine.  Well, let's see if this motivates you towards a slight change in your habits.

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7 Lies We All Tell Ourselves

And then of course I still get the regular emails and face to face questions regarding how hard it is to take 5-10 extra minutes in the morning for breakfast.  As well as the usual, "I'm not a breakfast person because I don't like breakfast foods".  Well here's a little reminder on the importance of breakfast, as well as some very helpful recipes to make sure you get your metabolism awake and burning fat before you even hit the office.

Breakfast and Weight Loss

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I apologize, I couldn't resist.  I was cleaning out my office, which seems to be a never ending task, and I came across this article on abdominal training and back injuries.  Couldn't resist the opportunity to share it with you -- especially considering the many times I've advocated for more core training done the "right way".

Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back?

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So now you have even more choices and reasons to get the most important meal of day -- breakfast.  Not to mention some great insight as to why I've been making such a fuss about training your abs properly -- to avoid potential injury.

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Heck, if the leading spine bio-mechanics expert in the country suggests the same movements I've been asking you to do, and demonstrating on my You Tube Channel, then maybe it's time you stop beating up your spine and instead trained your abs-- properly.

I think it's time to --

Get On Track and Stay On Track

Maybe I Shouldn't Do This, But Here You Go


I have to be honest with you.  I was asked NOT TO share this information with you.  I was told that this should be something that only clients that come to see me should receive.  I was told that, "It's information that the average person isn't going to appreciate without the guidance of regular visits to you or their nutrition counselor".

Well, I do tend to be a bit hard headed so what the heck.

I don't know where the idea came from, and honestly don't really care. But plain and simple, if you skip meals you will gain weight. 


Well if you've been following my posts this month, you know that going longer than 2.5-3.5 hours between meals is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your metabolism.  Your body needs to feed on a regular basis if it's going to keep burning stored calories (think fat) and maintain your lean tissue (think muscle).


Because the human body was built to survive.  Your ancestors out survived the dinosaurs for many reasons, one of which is that your body will slow down your metabolism when it receives insufficient calories on a regular basis (think skipping meals).  In that way you burn less energy and thus the survival of the species is ensured.

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Now granted, most of us are not on the verge of starvation nor is the population anywhere near being threatened for it's survival.  But your body doesn't know this.  It has survived for thousands of years using this type of survival mechanism and it's worked just fine.

Unless of course you're trying to lose weight.  Skipping meals in fact tells your body to not let go of any excess calories (think don't burn fat).  Whereas eating every 2.5-3.5 hours sends the message to your body that it does not need to store extra calories for survival because you will give it the nutrients it needs consistently.

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Now some people have had a hard time believing me.  While others have had a hard time wrapping their brain around such a concept.  So I thought it would be a good idea to share this TOP SECRET information.

Check out the link below.  I think you'll be surprised at how well the diagram explains the process.  And by all means, the next time someone tells you they don't eat breakfast because they're not hungry, just smile and hand them this diagram or email them this link.

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I think it's safe to say you've officially run out of excuses for missing meals.

Reasons or Results --

Mid-Week Motivation: Which Would You Rather Have?

This post has been floating around in my head for a few months now.  I've been reluctant to put these words down on paper for fear of alienating some of my readers.  I so don't want to disappoint you when you've taken the time to visit my post each week on motivation.

It's accurate, honest, and truthful.  But as one of my favorite quotes goes:

Character A says:
"There's what people want to hear.
Then there's what people want to believe;
There's everything else,
Then there's the truth."

Character B says:
"The truth is what makes people responsible".

Character A responds:
"Exactly, and that's exactly why people avoid it".

That being said, here we go.

I understand that it's part of being human to look for the most efficient way to accomplish any task or goal.  Believe me I get it.  That extra brain matter is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Equally at some point you have to understand and believe that old adage, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".

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So when you see all these unbelievable claims on TV spouting some secret weight loss remedy, pill, potion, or DVD set, it is just that, too good to be true.  Think about it for a minute.  Don't you think hundreds upon hundreds of people have already tried that system and not had the outstanding results the participants claim during the commercial?  If it was really that easy don't you think that the number of 61% of the population being overweight would have dropped considerably over the past few years?

It hasn't.  And from what I've been reading over the past few months, it's actually still climbing.  So obviously something is not quite right.

Here's an ad campaign for you: 

Guaranteed results or your money back.  Lose an average of 1.5 to 2lbs per week for the next 40 weeks and keep it off.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think that ad campaign is going to go over to well.


Because it isn't outrageous enough.  It doesn't tell you something completely unbelievable and sell you something you already know has a slim chance of working.  It's flat.  It's boring.

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But unfortunately, it's the truth.

Sure when you first start exercising most people will lose anywhere from 7-10 pounds in the first few weeks.  But for most people that's about it.  Either they get distracted.  Don't like the structure of program X.  Or just give up because they didn't have the same results as were claimed by the TV personalities.

The truth

You will initially lose a significant amount of weight (hopefully body fat) when you follow a well rounded nutrition and exercise program.  But those results only happen in the beginning.  If you continue the program you will indeed continue to make progress, but it will slow down as your body adapts to the routine (whether it's food or exercise).

The secret is to keep going
.  Make minor tweaks in your nutrition or exercise, but keep going -- keep doing it.  There is no easy way to accomplish anything of value.  But you can be sure you'll never get lasting results if you don't stay with it.

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Don't believe the false hype.  Don't be lead to believe, just popping a pill is the answer.  Don't think just buying the DVD set is the beginning and the end of your responsibility.  Research the program, makes sure it's authentic and follow it.

Like anything in the life, the more you do it, the more proficient you become at it.  If you're in pain, you have to roll (self massage) and stretch daily at first, as uncomfortable as it is, and then it gets easier.  Want to get rid of those extra pounds? You have to pay attention to what you eat at each meal, and yes, it would be a very good idea for you to make your food the night before to help keep you on track.

So when I share my tips, tricks, motivation, and other strategies to assist you in getting results, know they work. I am committed to giving you information that works -- not making outrageous claims. But you have to stick with them, like anything else, to see the results.

Now that you have the truth --Go Out and Get It Done!

Mid-Week Motivation: If Not Now . . . .?

Please understand that my whole purpose in sharing Mid Week Motivation with you each week is to do my best to provide you with information, guidance, and if all else fails, a good ole kick in the pants to get you up, motivated, and moving to achieve your goals.

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We are now in the second month of the new year, and yes it's flying by very quickly already.  How are those New Year's Resolutions going so far?  Are you still on track? Have you abandon them all together? Or are you still waiting for the right time to get started and commit to making this year different.

"Our past and our future simultaneously exist in our present" -- Unknown

There is no better time to start your rolling and stretching program than today.  There is nothing special about tomorrow, except one more day will have passed that you have missed the opportunity to move forward.  Choosing to start making better choices in your food can begin today -- with your next meal.  Why wait?  Start giving your body the fuel it needs to get healthy, shed those extra unwanted pounds, and get a good night sleep tonight. 

Over and over again I hear all sorts of excuses (notice I said excuses not reasons) about why someone hasn't begun the work of being their best selves.  The excuses range from family obligations, to work schedules, to a lack of time.  But guess what:

  • your family wants you to be healthy so you'll be around to enjoy all of the family activities (not to mention having the energy to be present to enjoy them).

  • if your work schedule is that busy, chances are, you of all people need that personal time to exercise; to get rid of the days stress and to assure that you maintain your health since you're under such a stressful schedule

  • and if a lack of time is your excuse, then it sounds like some serious time management and prioritization is what's in order.

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You need, deserve, and require physical activity on a regular, if not daily basis. It's what helps you stay in balance, productive, and clear in thought.  Giving all sorts of excuses won't help you achieve anything except stagnation.

Quite honestly, I think one of my clients put it best, "We live in an age where everyone wants to start on third and be the star running to home plate.  No one wants to do the work it takes to get to third in the first place".

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it.  Establish your priorities and go to work" -- H. L. Hunt American Oil Magnate


You can achieve, accomplish, or succeed at just about anything you put your mind to doing.  But you'll first have to decide what it is you want to achieve (remember, it's not a true goal if you don't write it down and share it with someone), how important it is to you, and what you're willing to exchange in order to achieve that goal.

It may mean you'll have to go to bed earlier, in order to get up early to get your workout in.

It may mean you'll have to spend a little more time in the evening preparing your food for the next day, to make sure you stay on track with your nutrition.

It may mean you'll have to say no to certain social activities, in order to keep your priorities straight so that you get done what truly needs to be done.

But be clear, you can start today.  You can achieve your goals in spite of the circumstances that are in front of you.

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If Not Now, Then When?

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Since Slow Doesn't Work, Try This


If you checked in with me on Monday you got a great peak at what's to come for rest of the fitness world in the coming months. 

No More Steady State Cardio.  It simply doesn't give you enough bang for the buck.

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If you're serious about getting rid of body fat and getting seriously lean; you now know that spending hours on any cardio machine and expecting it to transform your body, is being naive.  The research is just not supporting that idea.  Now if you have a significantly low body fat, that may be another story.  But for the majority of the people out there -- no more slow cardio.

But of course the next question ends up being, So what do I do now?  So many people have been doing steady state cardio for so long they have no idea where to go from there.  Now if you'll remember I discussed with you on Monday the idea of doing intervals.  Not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination, but man does it get results. 

However, if you're looking to get completely off of the cardio machines and try something new, check out this short clip of me getting my behind kicked with Battle Ropes (this video picks up at round 7).  Because of the nature of Battling Ropes they provide plenty of variety regarding the different movements you can do.  And WOW, talk about jacking up the heart rate and getting a total body workout -- without the banging on the joints (think hip and knee trauma from too much running).  I can't thank Jerry and Gus enough for the opportunity to work with them and get my feet wet on this experience.

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There are so many ways to change it up.  Keep the variety.  I'll help with a few more videos in the coming Fridays.  Bottom line -- stop wasting time doing something that doesn't work.  More studies on the way on Monday to give you more reasons to abandon the steady state cardio theory.

Here is an idea for a little change. You might even get a little chuckle out of me getting pushed.

It's time to Get on Track and Stay on Track!

It Only Works If. . . . .

I just finished listening to a gym member rave about some new book they picked up that they just swear is the "BIG SECRET" to losing weight.  This person went on and on about how easy it is to prepare the food, how much they like the options for food, and probably most importantly -- how much they enjoy the taste of the food.

I've been in the Health, Fitness and Wellness Industry for over 25 years.  I've seen literally tons of fad diets come and go. I've seen just as many people rally behind these so called "big secrets" as if they were the fountain of youth. And though some stayed on the band wagon, many became disenchanted with diet "X" and moved on to the next fad.  Only to rally around that one as the new "big secret", etc.  I think you get the point.

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What I'm trying to say is that the program that works, the "Biggest Kept Secret" is you finding a program, a structure that works for you. It's not the program, there are literally hundreds of diet books on the shelves of any bookstore.  The secret is you.  Are you willing to make the commitment to preparing your food in advance?  Are you willing to say no to the abundance of holiday treats that will be coming your way shortly.  And if you can't say no, only taste -- don't feast on dead calories.

There is nothing you can't accomplish if you truly put your mind to it.  This is just a matter of taking baby steps and getting your feet wet.  Plan one meal per day that you are committed to eating properly no matter what. In a week or so, make it two meals, etc. Next thing you know, you'll have your own Big Secret!

Here are two recipes to help you create your own "Big Secret".

1.)  Steamed Halibut (Steamed_Halibut.doc)

2.) Baked Chicken Strips (Baked_Chicken_Strips.doc)

These tasty and quick to prepare meals are courtesy of Gourmet Nutrition by Dr. John Berardi, Michael Williams, and Kristina Andrew