tips and tricks for body transformation

It's Monday. Time for more Tricks, Tips, and Info

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Well, it's Monday again.  So of course it's time for some information that actually works and saves you the trouble of trying to make sense of all the media hype and misdirection.

The first article is for those of you who are wondering does timing of meals really matter when it comes to putting on or keeping your muscle.  Believe it or not, it actually does matter.  Research has confirmed something that those of us in the fitness community have known for a while, eating an easily digested meal, high in protein and low in fat, directly after your workout preserves and assists you in gaining muscle.  And remember the goal when it comes to transforming your body -- maintain your muscle and shedding the body fat. 

Here's a little help:  Muscle Building Effect of Protein Post Workout

The second article is an excellent read.  Especially for those of you who really don't want to keep track your fitness progress and goals.  Believe me when I say, it doesn't matter until you write it down.  I don't exactly know what mechanism it is, but there is something about writing down a goal that is very motivating and spurs a sense of accountability.  And what better way to achieve a goal than to make yourself truly accountable.  That's how success happens in any realm -- making yourself accountable.

Need a reason?  Here's 6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Fitness Goals On Track

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And then we move to an issue that is always concerning to me, people looking for shortcuts when it comes to weight loss. I have to admit, there are many "diets" that can provide short term weight loss and body transformation, but few of them are truly safe.  And to be quite honest, virtually none of them are something you can keep up for any length of time.  So why bother?  I mean seriously, transforming your body is a lifestyle change that takes time.  It is something that you do step by step -- getting a bit more consistent each day and each week.  Lasting body transformation is not something that happens quickly -- we're talking about changing habits here.  So even the most committed do back step once in a while.  But with a good program, consistent effort and realistic goals, You Can Do It!

Check this out:  The Danger of Weight Loss Shortcuts 

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(by the way, holding your breath as a form of body transformation, doesn't work)

Only the real deal info here --

So Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Some Serious Truths, Tips, and Tricks

I know I tend to go on and on about the big marketing machine.  How they are not working towards our healthful improvement, but are in fact leading us astray on many occasions. 

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Remember how I frequently comment that they are in business to sell products not improve your overall health.  Check out this article.  It's well worth the read and has some serious surprises regarding what foods claim to be healthy and are not.

Foods With Health Benefits, or So They Say

I don't know about you, but that article was quite a wake-up call about the concerns we all should have about marketing and what they claim.

Switching gears a bit, have you heard about the rising amount of people with Gluten allergies?  You may be affected and don't even know it.  Check out this article to get more info on how you can help yourself.

Belly Fat Caused by Glutens and Gluten Allergies

And lastly, let me share some quick and ready to use tips on how to decrease high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

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Ways to Reduce High Blood Pressure, Bad Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Levels

3 more ways to help you and/or someone you know -- Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Here's Some Truths, Tips, and Reality

Some days it feels as though I live on two different planets. 

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One based in the reality of research and what I've seen work, day in and day out with my clientele, as well as what I witness other fitness coaches doing with their clientele and getting results.

Then there's the other world.  The world of marketing and infomercials where product 'X" is said to achieve certain results based on science I never heard of, nor can find in the vast array of information on the internet.  So I'll call my guru and ask him and he can't make heads or tails of it either.  Which by the way usually means it's a load of poo. 

But that doesn't seem to stop the marketing machine from turning and producing more fantastic and mythical products that will allow you to exert minimal effort and yet get maximum results.  Sometimes it's so painful to watch I have to just switch off the TV -- yelling at the TV doesn't seem to be very effective -- though it feels darn good.  Let's deal in reality.

Do you think it matters where you hold body fat?  I mean besides the fact that you don't want it at all, do you think there is actually a place on your body where, having body fat in this area is actually more dangerous to your health?

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Believe it or not, there actually is a difference. Where your body stores body fat actually can determine the length and quality of your life.  Don't believe me?  Check this out and get motivated:

Belly Fat Study and Heart Disease

Want to lose that body fat, but not sure what was the best way -- interval training by far is the best way to lose body fat quickly and effectively.  As long as you do not have a history of heart disease or other coronary issues in your family, and with your doctor's permission, I would encourage anyone who is serious about transforming their body, to explore the outstanding benefits of interval training.

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Here's a recent study with even better reasons to explore the option:

Interval Training Study

OK, so now you're convinced and motivated to get more activity into your life.  But as we all know, just losing weight isn't the real key. 

No, not by a long shot.

The true key component to losing weight, is losing the right weight -- meaning body fat!  

Just stepping on the scale and seeing the number go down may make you feel better, but it doesn't mean you're getting any healthier. However, decreasing your overall body fat does mean you're adding years and quality to your life. 

Take my word for it. 

I've measured clients that weigh the exact same and have shown different body fat numbers. 

And guess what?

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They look a great deal different. You could be 120lbs and 15% body fat or you could be 120lbs and 30% body fat.  The person with the lower body fat will look leaner, have more energy, a higher quality of life and typically (bad personal habits excluded) a longer life span.

Need a home scale to help you stay on track that will give you reliable info and won't break the bank?

Best Bathroom Scales (be sure to click on the link that says "best bathroom scales")

There's your Truth, Tips, and some serious reality -- Now Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Want to Get LEAN?

I don't know exactly where I heard it, but there is a quote that goes something like this:

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" A truly wise person doesn't have all the answers.  But the truly wise person does know where to look for the answers."

I will readily admit I don't know everything.  But the funny thing about me is that I am willing to look long enough to find the information I need.

Over the past few weeks I provided you with meal options, diagrams on why it's important to eat on a regular basis, information regarding portion control, and a host of other items, sure to give you the info you need to create the changes you want to see in your body.

Well this Monday is no different.  I want to share with you an amazing article on the lessons other people have experienced when trying to lose weight and get lean. 


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Because all too often I think when we get frustrated in trying to achieve a goal, we think we are all alone in our experience.  Sometimes it helps to know that someone else has gone through the same thing -- and how they overcame that stumbling block.

Below is a link to a great article on how to get lean and the stumbling blocks that can sometimes occur.  As well as some good old to the point suggestions on how to get over those stumbling blocks.

I believe John Wooden said, "Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do".

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Maybe I Shouldn't Do This, But Here You Go


I have to be honest with you.  I was asked NOT TO share this information with you.  I was told that this should be something that only clients that come to see me should receive.  I was told that, "It's information that the average person isn't going to appreciate without the guidance of regular visits to you or their nutrition counselor".

Well, I do tend to be a bit hard headed so what the heck.

I don't know where the idea came from, and honestly don't really care. But plain and simple, if you skip meals you will gain weight. 


Well if you've been following my posts this month, you know that going longer than 2.5-3.5 hours between meals is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your metabolism.  Your body needs to feed on a regular basis if it's going to keep burning stored calories (think fat) and maintain your lean tissue (think muscle).


Because the human body was built to survive.  Your ancestors out survived the dinosaurs for many reasons, one of which is that your body will slow down your metabolism when it receives insufficient calories on a regular basis (think skipping meals).  In that way you burn less energy and thus the survival of the species is ensured.

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Now granted, most of us are not on the verge of starvation nor is the population anywhere near being threatened for it's survival.  But your body doesn't know this.  It has survived for thousands of years using this type of survival mechanism and it's worked just fine.

Unless of course you're trying to lose weight.  Skipping meals in fact tells your body to not let go of any excess calories (think don't burn fat).  Whereas eating every 2.5-3.5 hours sends the message to your body that it does not need to store extra calories for survival because you will give it the nutrients it needs consistently.

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Now some people have had a hard time believing me.  While others have had a hard time wrapping their brain around such a concept.  So I thought it would be a good idea to share this TOP SECRET information.

Check out the link below.  I think you'll be surprised at how well the diagram explains the process.  And by all means, the next time someone tells you they don't eat breakfast because they're not hungry, just smile and hand them this diagram or email them this link.

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I think it's safe to say you've officially run out of excuses for missing meals.

Reasons or Results --

Mid-Week Motivation: Tips, Tricks, Guides and Motivation

Well, we are mid-way through the second week of January.  I don't know about you, but to me it seems like the month is already flying by.  Those that are going to be successful are already creating their plan and putting it into action.  But wait a minute, maybe a video is not what they need this month.  So I was thinking the other day, maybe everyone out there, that's committed to success, doesn't want to look at a video every week.  Maybe they would like something they could print out and hang up as a reminder.  Kind of a guide to help keep them on track and motivated.

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Having some sort of reminder in front of you each day does wonders to help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

I don't know if you've ever used this trick.  But I often tell my clients when they first start with me to take a picture of themselves and hang it up in a place they will have to see it everyday.  Whether it's the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, or the closet door.  Right next to the picture of themselves I ask them to hang up a picture of a body type that they are working to achieve. 

Why you ask? 

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It serves the purpose of constantly reminding you of what it is you are working towards.  Kind of an "in your face" motivation to keep you on track daily.  It also, believe it or not, triggers the brain to help keep you on track throughout the day using a principle called reticular activation.  Click here if you need a more detailed review of just how this process works (reticular activation).

I do honestly believe that more often than not, we all start with sincerely good intentions when we set a goal -- think New Year's Resolutions.  But somewhere along the way life tends to get in the way and we end up off track.  Sometimes it's the group of people that we hang around that don't share similar goals, and sometimes it's just the day to day grind of getting through the day.  Either way, having a daily guide in front of you to remind you of your goal works wonders.

This is your year! 

This year is going to be different because you're going to use the little tips, tricks, guides and motivation that I will provide for you each Wednesday to help keep you motivated and on track.

The first little helper I want to pass along to you is a reminder on how not to let other people throw you off track or distract you.


The second little helper is to remind you of the things to avoid in order to be a success.  Sure we are told about the things we are supposed to do in order to be successful at a certain goal or trait, but sometimes I think it's important to also remember the behaviors to avoid, if we truly want to be successful.


Print them out.  Post them up.  And use them to help you make this year, your year!

Get on Track and Stay on Track!