circuits with bands

Tight On Time? Here's a Travel Circuit

They say "Time is the currency of the 21st and 22nd century".  If that's true then none of us has the time to waste doing things that doing work and don't produce measurable results.

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It has also been said "Don't confuse motion with progress.  A rocking horse makes a great deal of motion, but no progress".

With those two quotes to set the tone for today's post.  It has been my intention this month to make sure you receive workout guides that make sure you get results and are not just a bunch of motion (waste of time).

Remember, whether you travel a great deal and can't make it to the gym, or just don't like the whole gym scene, there is no reason why you can't exercise and get results.  All it takes is a little creativity and few items of assistance. You don't have to make some huge investment to get a good workout or results.

Don't believe me, click on the video below.

Here's An Easy Circuit To Get You Started

WOW!  What a first week of the new year.  Talk about having to kick start the body back into reality.  Thank goodness it's Friday.  Time for a little down time and finalizing the plan for the first six months of the year.

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Let's get down to business.

I received an email a few days ago asking for help.  This person states she travels a great deal and doesn't always have time to get to the gym.  Whether it's the weather conditions or late night business dinners, she states she has so much trouble staying on track when she's out of town.  She feels as though she has her nutrition down pretty well, but her workouts suffer tremendously.  She asked for my help with a travel workout that she could do to train her major muscles in about 30 minutes.  But she cautioned me, "don't make it too easy, I want to feel like I actually worked out.  My workouts help me relieve my stress, so please challenge me." 

Well here you go.

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A simple to the point circuit, using only 2 types of bands, that trains the major muscle groups. Three times through is less than 30 minutes. Let me know what you think.

Get on track and stay on track!