Shoulder Pain?

I know you're going to think I made this up, but it is 100% true. 

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Not more than a week ago, a client of mine expressed that he was having pain in his right shoulder and neck area, and couldn't figure out why. 

So we reviewed the new movements he was doing in his program -- actually had him go through a few of them.  No, those didn't seem to be creating any discomfort. 

We talked about his work -- the amount of hours sitting at his desk have actually gotten less over the past the few months. 

So we explored what has changed at home -- outside of the obvious -- he recently had a child.  --BINGO!--  Originally, he didn't notice it, but recently he's been picking his newborn up more, carrying him, and holding him for extended periods.  So far that has really been the only change that he can think of in his daily and weekly routine.

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This is not the first time I've heard this.  Trainers, clients and friends have all commented at one time or another about one shoulder being more sore than the other a few weeks or months after having a child.

And 9 times out of 10, you know what else?

When they are consistent with their shoulder stretches and exercises the shoulder pain goes away -- mysteriously.

I shared this client's experience because I have worked with literally hundreds of people, that start using one shoulder more than the other, each for different reasons, and end up with the same, "I don't know what's going on, but this shoulder has really started bother me", experience. 

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Shoulder pain can come from the most common activities that we do everyday and don't think about it for a second.  Whether it's a wonderful new addition to the family, the posture you sit/lay in while watching TV or reading the paper, a laptop, sleeping on your shoulders, or too many pressing movements at the gym.  Shoulder pain is often times just an issue of alignment.

Practice the stretches I've shared with you along with the shoulder movements from this month and you'll be out of shoulder pain fast!

Don't just take my word for it -- Try them.

Mid-Week Motivation: DO IT NOW!

Do you remember the cartoon Popeye?  Remember the cast of characters, Olive Oil, Brutus, and who could forget Wimpy?

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Do you remember one of Wimpy's favorite statements?  "I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today?"

It seems like too many people are playing Wimpy these days.  They want results today, but want to pay the price of follow through and commitment on some other day or time.

I really wish it could be that way, but unfortunately . . . . . .

You have to put the effort in first, if you want to see the results later.

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Now if you've been following my blog for any length of time, you know I don't have any powders to sell you.  I don't have any food bars, magic weight loss supplements, special shoes that will lose the weight for you, nor mythical exercises that work magic.

What I do offer you is honest to goodness, tried and true, reliable information and techniques that will get you results. Believe me, if there were an easier way to provide you with lasting body transformation, I would gladly share it with you.

The truth is, it's going to take some effort on your part first to see the results, later.  You can't have that hamburger today and not pay the price for it.

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But let's be fair.  I'm not asking you to eat tasteless meals once or twice per day.  I'm asking you to eat 5-6 times a day.  That's the typical 3 of breakfast, lunch and dinner -- AND one morning snack as well as an afternoon snack.  I'm asking you to make sure that you have a protein, carb, and fat in each meal.  And though I may be out of line, I'm actually asking you to plan your meals in advance as best you can, so you won't be stuck eating food that sabotages your progress (think processed foods, or fast food).

No, I believe I'm giving you the real deal.

I realize we live in a world of instant gratification.  A world of smart phones, I-Pads, instant fame from reality TV, and all sorts of feel good now philosophies.

But there is one thing that will never change.

If you create a good plan, put in the work by taking the steps each day, you will get results -- Period.  There is no way around it.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to doing.  I believe that about you.

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Think about it.

All the things you're most proud of, all the things you've accomplished took some amount of effort and consistency to achieve.  If you take a look around, all those around you (not counting reality TV) that have accomplished success in any field, did it by taking the steps each day, each week, each month.

If success were easy, everyone would be lean, driving sports cars, and sipping their favorite coffee beverage while making deals on their smart phone or I-Pad. 

But this isn't a cartoon.  This is your life.  And the sooner you take the time to make a plan, and follow it daily, the sooner you'll see the results you deserve.

Need some help with recipes, stretch or exercise ideas on how to get out of shoulder, knee, or lower back pain, or some exercises to get you out of your workout rut?  Take a look in the left hand margin under categories and . . . . .

Go Out And Get It Done!

Fat Loss and Ab Training -- Tips and Tricks

How many times have we all been told growing up as children, that breakfast was the most important meal of the day?  And yet as adults, how many people do you know that continually skip breakfast for all sorts of reasons?  No matter what type of research you give them they seem to refuse to take that extra 5-10 minutes to start their day off right and kick their metabolism on to burn fat.

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It seems no matter how often you tell someone the importance of something, their habits will win out, even in the face of evidence.

Fortunately I tend to be a bit stubborn.  I honestly believe that if you can show someone the benefits of doing something a certain way they will make a change.  In most cases, the people that continually skip breakfast still haven't been told information that is important enough to them to make them change their behavior.

Funny thing is the same excuses these people give for not making time for breakfast, are usually the same type of excuses they make for not making exercise part of their weekly routine.  Well, let's see if this motivates you towards a slight change in your habits.

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7 Lies We All Tell Ourselves

And then of course I still get the regular emails and face to face questions regarding how hard it is to take 5-10 extra minutes in the morning for breakfast.  As well as the usual, "I'm not a breakfast person because I don't like breakfast foods".  Well here's a little reminder on the importance of breakfast, as well as some very helpful recipes to make sure you get your metabolism awake and burning fat before you even hit the office.

Breakfast and Weight Loss

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I apologize, I couldn't resist.  I was cleaning out my office, which seems to be a never ending task, and I came across this article on abdominal training and back injuries.  Couldn't resist the opportunity to share it with you -- especially considering the many times I've advocated for more core training done the "right way".

Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back?

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So now you have even more choices and reasons to get the most important meal of day -- breakfast.  Not to mention some great insight as to why I've been making such a fuss about training your abs properly -- to avoid potential injury.

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Heck, if the leading spine bio-mechanics expert in the country suggests the same movements I've been asking you to do, and demonstrating on my You Tube Channel, then maybe it's time you stop beating up your spine and instead trained your abs-- properly.

I think it's time to --

Get On Track and Stay On Track

Stop Shoulder Pain!

They say over 70% of people experience some form of back pain than that stops them from doing what they enjoy.  I'd be willing to bet at least that same amount of people experience some form of shoulder pain that does the same thing -- stop you from enjoying the life you deserve. 

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Last week I shared with you that shoulder pain doesn't just come from doing lots of pressing movements in the gym, it can also come from just living life. The main thing to understand is that keeping your shoulders healthy requires specific exercises that you won't see the average gym person doing.


Because 9 times out of 10 most people train their body to create a certain look. Not taking into consideration how it functions. So most often you'll witness people training the muscles they can see, rather than the muscles that matter.  It doesn't matter what you look like if you can't do the things you truly enjoy doing.

I don't care if it's tennis, golf, boxing, softball, beach volleyball, rollerblading or gardening; as long as it's something you truly enjoy doing. Something that, when you do it, makes your hard week of work all seem worth it.  And the only way to be able to continue to do "that" activity or get you back to enjoying "that" activity, is to take good care of your body by training the muscles that matter as well as the ones you can see.

So here is the your next installment for getting you out of shoulder pain or making sure you don't ever have to experience it. 

Mid-Week Motivation: What Is YOUR Reason?

I realize you have a busy schedule, family responsibilities, an unbelievable load of work at your job, and can barely find the time to do the things you need to do, let alone the things you want to do.

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We are all under such unbelievable loads of stress, and maxed out on our ability to manage our time any more efficiently.  Between the commute to work, the meetings, the children's activities, the business dinners, the project deadlines, and on top of all that, there is always that relative that wants to come and visit at the most inconvenient time.

Believe me when I tell you, I get it.  I really do understand how hard it is to find time to get your meals made ahead of time.  How unrealistic it is to be able to make good food choices at work when all there is is fast food.  And honestly you barely have enough time to get that meal in you before you have yet, another meeting.

Equally, I respect how challenging it is to find time to even consider creating a regular routine for exercise.  I understand even the thought of it is overwhelming.  I know you understand the benefits of it and would do it if you could.

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I think this article and video is a great example of the kinds of challenges that can get a person down and unable to focus on, or accomplish the goals that are most important to them.  Take a look and tell me what you think.

Video on Challenges

Now if that is not the absolute ultimate example of a truckload of cards stacked against you and still choosing to come out on top, I don't know what is!

If that doesn't motivate you to want to find a way to be creative, to find a way to make your body transformation happen, get out of pain, or whatever goal you have chosen, in spite of the circumstances that arise -- What else can I say?

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I guess, I have to be honest.  I was a high school wrestler and so I really can appreciate the accomplishment at a different level.  That being said, at some level you have to admit that it must be exceptionally hard, challenging and difficult to make a choice to participate in sports at all, let alone this type of competition. 

But somehow, someway, with lots of coaching and guidance I'm sure, Anthony found a way to be his best at his goal.

You know what?

I believe you can do the exact same thing that Anthony just accomplished.  I believe you can set a goal, check in with me each week, stay on your program by using the tools provided, and watch the results happen. 

We can't all be that level of athlete, I actually didn't compete in team sports in college or graduate school.  But we all can achieve a goal we set for ourselves, by following the steps each day and believing that it is possible if we are diligent; even in the face of challenges.

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Now it's time for you --

To Go Out and Get It Done!

Now This Is Some Good Stuff!

No matter how you slice it, you can't transform your body if you don't transform your eating first. (Yes, pun intended)

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There are no two ways about it.

All the excuses in the world won't create the results you want if you don't at least start making a daily effort to change what you eat. Now that doesn't mean you have to change overnight.  You can do it in a gradual process.  I generally suggest to my clients to pick one meal they will commit to eating in the right proportions, at the right time, consistently (daily).  That way they don't have to feel overwhelmed with making a complete change overnight.  After 2 weeks of getting that one meal in each day, I ask them to then pick a second meal, and so on, until the entire day is covered -- one meal at a time.

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There are all sorts of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself motivated and to make the process easier.  Need a few suggestions?

Here are 5 Simple Solutions that will definitely help.

But let's be honest.  Sometimes losing weight has to do with a little deeper issue.  Sometimes we place the responsibility outside of ourselves as the reason why we haven't gotten rid of those extra pounds.  Sound like you or someone you know?

Check out this link to put things back in perspective -- The Blame Game

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If the above two don't really seem to apply to you, perhaps your challenge is to have a better plan in place to make the process of getting that one meal or more on track -- with as little thinking as possible. 

No problem.  I've got that covered as well.  Here's Meal Plans for Weight Loss to help you get on track by providing you with 7 days of meal options.  Now maybe all the meals don't quite fit your palate.  Don't let that stop you.  Find the ones that do and use the one's I've provided to help fill in the blanks.

Well, it looks like you're running out of excuses to not be ready for the warmer weather ahead.

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Don't Let Life Get in the Way of Your Progress!

Get Out Of Shoulder Pain!

Well, let's get right to it shall we.

This month I want to focus on helping you get out of shoulder pain.  Far too many people suffer from it and there is honestly no reason to continue to live with it. 

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I can't tell you how many times I see someone getting up from doing a bench press and rubbing their shoulder.  Instant hint that there is something going on that's about to get much worse in the shoulder.  But shoulder exercises and rotator cuff exercises are not just for those that do bench pressing movements.  Heck No!

Spend your day hunched over a computer?

Carry your child around the mall or at the park?

Tend to carry your purse or laptop on one shoulder consistently?

Sleep on your shoulders?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then this month is especially for you. 

Our shoulders take a beating day in and day out.  In our society we live our life in a forward posture all too often.  This constant forward posture can lead to all sorts of problems, from the obvious shoulder pain or discomfort, to neck pain, and yes, believe it or not, even lower back pain.

Everything is connected!

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If you spend your day in poor posture, no matter what the reason, it's only a matter of time before your body starts giving you signals that something is wrong.  Now like most people you'll probably solve the problem by first avoiding the movements or activities that give you pain or discomfort.  But that is only a short term fix.  That's kind of like turning up the volume on the car radio when you hear a rattling noise in your car.  And as we all know, turning up the radio won't fix the rattle.  Likewise avoiding certain movements or activities won't make the problem in your shoulders go away either.

It's an alignment issue most likely. All of that hunching over the computer, sleeping on your shoulders, etc. all lead to creating a misalignment in your shoulders.  And like your car tires, a misalignment is only going to wear your shoulder joint out sooner.  But of course not before it gives you a great deal of pain in the process.

So every Friday this month I will share with you an exercise you can do to help re-align your shoulders.  But of course being me, I want to get as much out of the movement as I can, so I'm going to ask you to perform these movements using a Swiss Ball.  Using the Swiss Ball will force you to activate your core (think tensing your abdominal muscles).  In this way you'll get a bit of core training while getting your shoulder back in alignment.

Always remember, when performing these movements be sure to keep your shoulders and ears as far apart as possible.  The goal is to put your shoulders back in alignment, under your ears.  I also want to encourage you to keep as much space as you can between your shoulders and ears.  So during the movements be sure to reach for your ankles as you proceed backwards in each of the movements.

Mid-Week Motivation: Yes, You CAN!

I have to be honest with you, I cannot think of one person I know that does not have a boatload of things to do each day.  It doesn't matter whether they are self-employed, or work a typical 9-5 job.  It doesn't seem to matter what gender the person is or how much they make a year, we all seem to be working at maximum capacity to get through each and every week.

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Like you, my clients and friends have work responsibilities, family responsibilities, and personal projects that pretty much take up their complete day from start to finish. 

But I will let you in on a little secret.  Some people have a tendency to get all of their stuff done consistently, while making progress to their long term goal.  While others seem to be caught up in a rut of complaints and constantly feeling overwhelmed.

Want to know the secrets of the people that get it all done?  Check out the link below:


Now understand, just because they are called shortcuts doesn't mean you do a poor job just to get it over with.  No, shortcuts in case refers to effectively and efficiently using the time you have to do the most important things first and making sure they are done to the best of your ability. 

Which of course leads me to the next item I would like to share with you.  When you go on a trip do you just jump on the freeway or interstate and kind of guess which way to go while in route to your destination?  Or when you get on a plane heading out of town, do you think the pilot has any idea where he's going before he gets into the air?  I think we can all agree that in each case there is indeed a plan, an itinerary. 

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But for some reason when it comes to getting the day to day items done in our lives we seem to just wing it.  Then we find ourselves frustrated at the lack of progress or when we don't attain the goal we had set. 

There is no success without a plan. 

Anything that is of importance to you is worth taking a moment to make a plan.  Sure it may change along the way as you get more information or as life happens.  But in either case, a plan is the best possible way to achieve any goal you set.

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No matter how well thought out your plan, life will happen.  If you were traveling on the freeway and have to take a detour, you would have to make an adjustment to your plan to continue towards your goal.  If there are strong headwinds, a pilot may have to make adjustments to his flight plan.  A plan serves as a guide to keep you on track.  Life will happen, you can count on it, but don't let life get in the way of your progress.  You may need to take a step back, pause, make the necessary modifications and then proceed.

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Want to Get LEAN?

I don't know exactly where I heard it, but there is a quote that goes something like this:

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" A truly wise person doesn't have all the answers.  But the truly wise person does know where to look for the answers."

I will readily admit I don't know everything.  But the funny thing about me is that I am willing to look long enough to find the information I need.

Over the past few weeks I provided you with meal options, diagrams on why it's important to eat on a regular basis, information regarding portion control, and a host of other items, sure to give you the info you need to create the changes you want to see in your body.

Well this Monday is no different.  I want to share with you an amazing article on the lessons other people have experienced when trying to lose weight and get lean. 


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Because all too often I think when we get frustrated in trying to achieve a goal, we think we are all alone in our experience.  Sometimes it helps to know that someone else has gone through the same thing -- and how they overcame that stumbling block.

Below is a link to a great article on how to get lean and the stumbling blocks that can sometimes occur.  As well as some good old to the point suggestions on how to get over those stumbling blocks.

I believe John Wooden said, "Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do".

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Here's Your Fourth One For Core

Just a few days ago, while waiting for my client to arrive, I watched a guy with low body fat (think lean), proceed to do his ab routine.  He did the typical knee raises, crunches on knees using the cable, and a few others that are too difficult to effectively explain here.  Let's just say it was an extensive routine, full of complicated and high level core movements. 

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But you know what?

Almost each and every ab/core movement he chose, he performed incorrectly.  I was honestly concerned whether he was going to literally injure his spine throughout the entire routine.

Now, please understand I'm not being pompous or arrogant.  The movements, by the way he was executing them, were literally putting his spine in danger.  He maintained little to no stabilization in his mid section while performing each of his movements, and when he became tired (fatigued) his form became even worse.

Of course I commented respectively, "That's quite a core routine you have laid out for yourself.  Those are some really advanced core movements".  Beaming he responded, "Yeah, I just saw it in (fitness name omitted) magazine.  They said it will give me a great core in a few weeks". 

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This is the exact kind of the thing that burns my you know what!

There are progressions to every movement/exercise.  There is a starting level, and numerous levels in between leading to the more advance versions (simple versions to more complex versions).  As in life, the goal is to start simply and slowly progress upward to more challenging forms and versions. 


So you don't injure yourself.  Do any movement, no matter how easy it seems, the wrong way long enough, and you will get injured.  Just because someone has a 6-pack does not mean they know how to train their core properly.  Having great genetics or good nutrition habits is what makes you lean. It doesn't dictate the quality of your core training.

And for goodness sakes, just because it's in a magazine doesn't make it the right way to train.  Magazine articles are written to help sell magazines.  Not necessarily to properly instruct you on the progressions of a certain movement/exercise.  Be clear, it's to sell magazines.

I want each of you to succeed in having a strong stable core.  And believe me when I tell you, you can't do it, build a strong core, if you're injured.

Start your core training movements utilizing the floor as your initial support surface.  Then try moving to do single leg versions of something like hip raises, for instance.  Then you would progress to a Swiss Ball, as this would provide even more challenge to your stability.  From there you could move to suspension straps, etc.  Now realize the above is merely a suggested guide as to how to properly progress your core training forward and not hurt yourself in the process.

It's more about how they function -- not just how they look.

Check out today's progression.