Mid-Week Motivation: Get CLEAR On This!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation wondering, "How the heck did I get here?"

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I'm really not sure what is going on over the past few weeks, but it definitely seems that I've been running into many people are becoming fed up with what used to not bother them at all.  Situations or conflicts that they once brushed off are now irritating and aggravating at a level that is both distracting and frustrating. 

Being the overly inquisitive person I am, I asked why was the level of irritation so much greater now, than before?  What's changed that makes this situation less tolerable than it used to be? 

You would be surprised at some of the answers I received -- They truly ran the spectrum.  But what I found out is that it wasn't so much the situation that had changed, but the person had changed (think grown to a new level).  I got the impression as I listened to each of these individuals that it was kind of like putting on a pair of pants or shoes that once fit, only to wake up one day and find out that the pair of pants or shoes are now too small, out of style, too tight, and don't even come close to fitting your present tastes.

Sound like you or anyone you know?

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Life is too short to be in situations and experiences that don't help you move closer to your ultimate goal.  That doesn't mean everything should be waterfalls and rainbows in your world all the time.  Heck some of my best lessons have come from experiencing situations that were uncomfortable, irritating and at times made me darn right angry.  But having learned the lesson from those experiences, in hindsight it was worth the short term discomfort.

And then it dawned on me, whether it's losing weight, saving more money, getting out of pain, or just having less stress in our lives, we all have to keep our goals at the forefront of our minds.

Most of us start out with good intentions and great follow through, but then something happens.  We say "Yes" too often when we should have said "NO".  We overlook the mild irritations thinking they would go away and yet they only got worse.  Then we wake up one day, completely off track,

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frustrated and irritated at our present circumstances, asking "How the heck did I get here".

Life happens.  That is one constant you can rely on.

But there is a way to stay on track.  Whether it's losing weight, saving more money, getting out of pain, or just having less stress in your life. 

You have to have a code that guides you.  A way to make sure that each action you take is moving you closer to your goal and not further away.  And sometimes that can be a challenge to keep track of with all that we do day in and day out.

Here are a couple of excellent cheat sheets to help you stay on track no matter what your goals. 



As my father was always fond of saying, "A word to the wise is sufficient". 

Nuff said --

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Maybe I Shouldn't Do This, But Here You Go


I have to be honest with you.  I was asked NOT TO share this information with you.  I was told that this should be something that only clients that come to see me should receive.  I was told that, "It's information that the average person isn't going to appreciate without the guidance of regular visits to you or their nutrition counselor".

Well, I do tend to be a bit hard headed so what the heck.

I don't know where the idea came from, and honestly don't really care. But plain and simple, if you skip meals you will gain weight. 


Well if you've been following my posts this month, you know that going longer than 2.5-3.5 hours between meals is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your metabolism.  Your body needs to feed on a regular basis if it's going to keep burning stored calories (think fat) and maintain your lean tissue (think muscle).


Because the human body was built to survive.  Your ancestors out survived the dinosaurs for many reasons, one of which is that your body will slow down your metabolism when it receives insufficient calories on a regular basis (think skipping meals).  In that way you burn less energy and thus the survival of the species is ensured.

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Now granted, most of us are not on the verge of starvation nor is the population anywhere near being threatened for it's survival.  But your body doesn't know this.  It has survived for thousands of years using this type of survival mechanism and it's worked just fine.

Unless of course you're trying to lose weight.  Skipping meals in fact tells your body to not let go of any excess calories (think don't burn fat).  Whereas eating every 2.5-3.5 hours sends the message to your body that it does not need to store extra calories for survival because you will give it the nutrients it needs consistently.

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Now some people have had a hard time believing me.  While others have had a hard time wrapping their brain around such a concept.  So I thought it would be a good idea to share this TOP SECRET information.

Check out the link below.  I think you'll be surprised at how well the diagram explains the process.  And by all means, the next time someone tells you they don't eat breakfast because they're not hungry, just smile and hand them this diagram or email them this link.

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I think it's safe to say you've officially run out of excuses for missing meals.

Reasons or Results --

Here's Your Third One For Core

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No matter how you slice it, you really can't get around the necessity of training core.  Whether you're dealing with knee pain, low back pain, or hip pain, chances are, at some level your core is involved.  You would be amazed at how frequently I've used a bit of self-massage (rolling on Energy F/X Tube), some effective stretching, and solid core work to address all sorts of pain issues. 

Yes, I know most of us only think about the vanity aspects of having a 6-pack to show off in the warmer weather, but it's bigger than that.  Core strength is part of keeping your body in alignment (think car tires). If your core is weak, the structures that connect to it, for instance your hips, can't maintain alignment or stability.  And if the hip can't maintain stability how will it keep your legs and knees in alignment when you sit for long periods, walk or run. 

Remember, everything is connected. 

Ignore training your core properly long enough and it's like ignoring putting oil in your car -- eventually you'll have to address it . . . . . or else.

So as promised here's another core movement to keep you progressing.  This is a progression from last week's post.  And of course if you've missed any of the exercises I've shared with you, or need some motivation, check out my You Tube Channel.

Mid Week Motivation: Let's Get This Nailed Down!

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Let's face it, change is not easy no matter who you are.  It doesn't seem to matter what the issue, change takes some effort and some serious focus.  Don't believe me, take a casual walk through your local bookstore. There are literally stacks and stacks of books on how to make successful changes in your life.  Literally volumes of information, diagrams, templates, exercises as well as audio and video.

But you know what?

I found a way to create successful change in 3 Easy Steps.  Want the cheat sheet?  Click the link below.


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Are you’re stressed out, or know someone who is? 

I know with my own schedule it is a challenge to not get stressed out with all of the projects and daily responsibilities.  For me at least, it doesn't seem to matter how fast I go, there is always more to do.  Honestly I've come to accept this as part of the landscape of my life.  But on the other hand how do you effectively handle your day to day without getting stressed out?

I've come to realize it starts with how you begin your day.  Another key component is making sure to get your body moving on a consistent basis.  Want to know the other 5?  Click the link below.


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Without tooting my own horn too much, I have to say these 2 documents are worth the read.  There is some really common sense stuff in them that I believe we all forget way too often.

Now that you know. . . . . . .

Go Out and Get It Done!

Here's A Little Refresher To Keep You On Track

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Without a doubt, physical pain questions are by far the one's I get most often.  It doesn't matter if you sit at a desk all day long, run every morning, or workout at the gym 3x/week.  If you're not doing some sort of well thought out stretching program in addition to self-massage, it's just a matter of when you'll have pain, not if.

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So for all the parts that tend to hurt, here's a little cheat sheet to get you out of pain fast and keep you that way.

Cheat Sheet

Of course, I'm sure you've already guessed that the second most popular questions I receive are those concerning nutrition.  With all of the misinformation out there in the media, it can truly be a chore to figure out what works and what doesn't.  It's really not that difficult believe it or not.

It boils down to a very basic principle when it comes to nutrition -- portion control.  Meaning having a template of what each and every meal should look like on your plate.  That's the easiest way by far to keep you on track with your nutrition.  Realistically I understand most people are not going to measure out their food.  It's much more accurate, but it's not realistic for the majority of the population.  Here's a simple trick/template to help you stay on track with your nutrition so you can see results by the time warm weather arrives.

Cheat Sheet 2

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So there you have it. 

Whether it's some sort of pain you're in that you're ready to be rid of, or if you need a little help getting started with an easy to use nutrition guide, the above two references should get you on track quickly and effectively. 

There's no need to be in pain, life is too short. 

And there's no reason to be confused about what works when it comes to nutrition.  Don't be mislead by slick media.

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Here's The Second One For Core

Had some technical difficulties yesterday.  Can you say no internet or cable?  Thank goodness they came and fixed it quickly.

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Now on to the business at hand.

This month I'm sharing with you core exercises using the Swiss Ball.  The purpose of the Swiss Ball, if you're not familiar with it, is to add increased instability.  By adding increased instability to your training, you increase the functioning and efficiency of your core musculature.

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And as you all already know, a strong core is one of the most important aspects of being fit.  You can't truly call yourself in-shape if your core doesn't function properly.  Because to be quite honest, all movement first comes from the core.  It stabilizes your body just prior to any movement you do.  And if it's weak, other muscles take over a job they are not meant to do.  Now of course we all know what happens when you use the wrong tool for a job -- in this case possible injury. 

So don't skip the important exercises.  Train the muscles that matter as well as the muscles you can see

I'll have another one for you next week.

Is It Just Me, Or Do You . . . . ?

Is it just me, or do you sometimes find yourself putting things off that you know good and well you should be doing? 


Like me, are you sometimes guilty of telling yourself, ". . .  but when I get to  . . . I'll do things a different way"?  Whatever that new found knowledge is.

You know what I realized? 

That's a fantasy and a game I play on myself that holds me back from getting to be my absolute best.

Writting down your goals is necessary.  It's what keeps you on track and helps you move forward. Don't believe me check this out.


And this one really hit me between the eyes.


So now that you know . . . . . . . .

Go Out and Get It Done!

What's The Big Deal?

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I don't know if you are realize why I make such a big deal of eating regularly.  And by regularly, I mean eating a balanced meal every 2.5 to 3.5 hours.  Yes, I realize it's a pain in the behind.  Yes, I realize sometimes your meeting schedule for that day doesn't cooperate, I understand.  But you'll need to find a way to get some nourishment in every 2.3-3.5 hours each day.


Because that is approximately the amount of time it takes before your body has burned through the previous meal.  And as long as we're being honest about it, it's about the time your blood sugar is beginning to drop off.  And we all know what happens when your blood sugar begins to drop.  Outside of being loopy and distracted, you'll notice it's harder to keep focused, and think clearly.  Basically it just takes so much more energy to get the job in front of you done.

Now, add to that, if you make a habit of skipping meals it actually sends the message to your body to store calories.  That's right, store calories (think increased body fat). 

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Because as corny as it sounds, your body is a survival machine. We out survived the dinosaurs for a reason -- our ability to adapt.  One of the reasons we've been so good at survival in tough times is because our bodies respond to our eating habits.  When food was scarce, whether from drought or cold (depending on where your ancestors lived), your metabolism slows down.  In that way it ensures that you will not starve to death (conserving energy).  That's kind of an important thing don't you think.

Well, flash forward, if you consistently skip (go over 3.5 hours without eating something substantial) meals you are in fact sending your body the same type of message -- caloric deprivation or "food is scarce".  Being the great survival machine that it is, your body will slow down your metabolism to make sure you don't starve (think conserving gasoline). 

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So any ideas you had about losing weight or getting lean -- scratch 'em.  Your body is focused on survival because you've been missing meals.

Now, on the other hand, when you feed your body every 2.5-3.5 hours, your sending your body the message that it does not need to store calories -- because you are feeding it consistently (think decreased body fat).

Obviously if there's no need to store calories (evidenced by the regular meal schedule) then your body will (with a good exercise program) proceed to get lean by speeding up the metabolism and burning fuel (food) efficiently.

And to make sure you have your meal options, I've included some snack options to help you stay on track.  Last week was breakfast choices.  This week let's cover the morning and afternoon snacks.  Next week I'll make sure you stay on track with some lunch options.

Snack Options (mini meals):

Romaine Tuna Wraps (Romaine_Tuna_Wraps.doc)

Mint Chocolate Shake (Mint_Chocolate_Shake.doc)

Raspberry Mocha Shake (Raspberry_Mocha_Shake.doc)

And remember there is always the trusty Pita Pocket (cut in half) with 4-6 oz. of your favorite meat, lettuce, tomato and a low fat topping.

That's the Big Deal!
So get your meals in.  It just takes a little creativity.  Don't find problems, Find Solutions!

Mid-Week Motivation: Which Would You Rather Have?

This post has been floating around in my head for a few months now.  I've been reluctant to put these words down on paper for fear of alienating some of my readers.  I so don't want to disappoint you when you've taken the time to visit my post each week on motivation.

It's accurate, honest, and truthful.  But as one of my favorite quotes goes:

Character A says:
"There's what people want to hear.
Then there's what people want to believe;
There's everything else,
Then there's the truth."

Character B says:
"The truth is what makes people responsible".

Character A responds:
"Exactly, and that's exactly why people avoid it".

That being said, here we go.

I understand that it's part of being human to look for the most efficient way to accomplish any task or goal.  Believe me I get it.  That extra brain matter is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Equally at some point you have to understand and believe that old adage, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".

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So when you see all these unbelievable claims on TV spouting some secret weight loss remedy, pill, potion, or DVD set, it is just that, too good to be true.  Think about it for a minute.  Don't you think hundreds upon hundreds of people have already tried that system and not had the outstanding results the participants claim during the commercial?  If it was really that easy don't you think that the number of 61% of the population being overweight would have dropped considerably over the past few years?

It hasn't.  And from what I've been reading over the past few months, it's actually still climbing.  So obviously something is not quite right.

Here's an ad campaign for you: 

Guaranteed results or your money back.  Lose an average of 1.5 to 2lbs per week for the next 40 weeks and keep it off.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think that ad campaign is going to go over to well.


Because it isn't outrageous enough.  It doesn't tell you something completely unbelievable and sell you something you already know has a slim chance of working.  It's flat.  It's boring.

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But unfortunately, it's the truth.

Sure when you first start exercising most people will lose anywhere from 7-10 pounds in the first few weeks.  But for most people that's about it.  Either they get distracted.  Don't like the structure of program X.  Or just give up because they didn't have the same results as were claimed by the TV personalities.

The truth

You will initially lose a significant amount of weight (hopefully body fat) when you follow a well rounded nutrition and exercise program.  But those results only happen in the beginning.  If you continue the program you will indeed continue to make progress, but it will slow down as your body adapts to the routine (whether it's food or exercise).

The secret is to keep going
.  Make minor tweaks in your nutrition or exercise, but keep going -- keep doing it.  There is no easy way to accomplish anything of value.  But you can be sure you'll never get lasting results if you don't stay with it.

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Don't believe the false hype.  Don't be lead to believe, just popping a pill is the answer.  Don't think just buying the DVD set is the beginning and the end of your responsibility.  Research the program, makes sure it's authentic and follow it.

Like anything in the life, the more you do it, the more proficient you become at it.  If you're in pain, you have to roll (self massage) and stretch daily at first, as uncomfortable as it is, and then it gets easier.  Want to get rid of those extra pounds? You have to pay attention to what you eat at each meal, and yes, it would be a very good idea for you to make your food the night before to help keep you on track.

So when I share my tips, tricks, motivation, and other strategies to assist you in getting results, know they work. I am committed to giving you information that works -- not making outrageous claims. But you have to stick with them, like anything else, to see the results.

Now that you have the truth --Go Out and Get It Done!

Here's The First One For Core

Last month after sharing with you some very challenging exercise on the suspension straps, I promised to provide you with some new movements for core that you can do on the Swiss Ball.

Actually, as I'm sure you already know, getting results and providing an effective workout for my clients is all about understanding progressions.  Meaning understanding how to go from simple to complex with any given movement/exercise.  Unfortunately most people go for the most "interesting"-- usually meaning the more difficult progression of an exercise.  Probably because it looks so impressive to observe. However you have to understand that it is probably being done by someone who has already put in the time doing the previous progressions.

Not following the order of easy to difficult is a good way to get injured.

In regards to the core, start off doing your movements from the ground (obviously a very stable surface).  Then proceed to a more challenging version of the exercise by moving to the Swiss Ball (which provides some instability and increased challenge), then consider using the suspension straps after mastering the previous movements.  That way you don't risk injury and can be sure you will keep making progress as well as keeping your routine interesting.

So by example, this is what a good challenging progression would look like (in the second video I show you all 3 options):

Now it's important for you to understand that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of progressions that could be followed.  This is just an example of one way to do it (from the ground, to the Swiss ball, to the wheel, and then of course the suspension straps).  The key is to not allow your ego to get ahead of your skills -- that's a recipe for injury.

Bottom line is to keep moving forward challenging yourself with different movements and types of equipment so that you can keep motivated and making progress.

Be sure to check back in with me next week for another new movement for core using the Swiss Ball.