Looking for science based facts to put your questions to rest? This convenient audio provides answers to the most frequently asked fitness questions.
Your Comfort Zone Could Kill You
It's been a while since I've had a chance to share with you some Tips, Tricks, and Info to keep you on Track and making progress. I had quite a few major changes going on on this end over the past couple of months, that literally demanded my attention.
But that aside, let's get to it shall we.
This past week it has become painfully apparent to me that your Comfort Zone Can Kill You. I know, you think I'm probably overstating the problem for shock effect, right?
I presently have a client, a former triathlon competitor, that originally came to me with concerns about his increasing cholesterol, as well as nagging hip and knee pain. As you would expect it was the usual suspects, tight quads and hip flexors, rounded shoulders from way too many hours in front of the computer, weak glutes from little to no activity since he stopped competing, and of course a weak core. He regularly attended sessions twice per week. In addition to those sessions, he was given homework to do so that we could rid him of pain as quickly as possible.
Then life happened. His job began to require him to travel 2 weeks out of the month and POW, the progress we had made slipped backwards.
As you might have guessed, the homework he had been doing went out the window, the amount of sitting he was doing had almost doubled, thanks to plane travel, and on top of it all he was not able to keep his regular sessions. So in essence he had gone back to the comfort zone that had originally created the pain and increasing cholesterol.
After reviewing what had transpired we agreed that taking care of himself couldn't be something he would find time for, taking care of himself would something he would have to make time for.
You see we all have crazy busy schedules. I completely respect that. But what I also know without a doubt, is that if you don't make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for illness. Whether it's in the form of physical pain and discomfort or other more serious issues of health.
Our plan was simple. I created a program for him that would take no longer than 15-30 minutes to complete. We agreed that while it was important to make his scheduled appointments, equally important was that he follow through on his homework each and every day. That he make time to take care of himself -- whether he was traveling or not.
And honestly, I believe that is the difference between getting to your goal or just taking 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. You've got to make time each and every day to do something for your health. Because just keeping with your same old comfortable routine, could kill you.
Need a quick and easy stretch program to make sure you keep on track?
Try this one on for size. (Stretches to Keep You Out Of Pain).
7 Most Important Stretches if You Spend Your Day at a Desk
No more reasons, only results!
Tips, Tricks, and Info Monday
Happy Labor Day!
Hope you've enjoyed your long weekend and are ready to tackle the short week ahead.
Today I have 4 items I would like to share with you that I am sure will take some of the guess work out of getting started on creating that new you.
The first is the easiest of them all. A new study just released states that it only takes a commitment of 15 minutes/day to actually add 3 years to your life. Imagine that, just 15 minutes per day and you can add 3 more years to your life -- quality years of course.
15 Minutes of Fitness Per Day
We are all looking for ways to get the results as fast as possible. So it doesn't surprise me when someone asks, "What is the best time to workout?" To be honest, the best time is the time that you can commit to on a regular basis. I realize not every person is an early riser, but if you've considered starting or changing your workouts to the morning, here's -- 5 Reasons to Incorporate Morning Workouts.
The next article I would like to share with you is actually for you to share with one of your friends that is on the fence about whether or not to commit to an exercise program. So often people make fitness as challenging and intricate as brain surgery. It doesn't have to be that way. It actually can be boiled down to the basics. I realize there is a ton of information out there that can confuse even the seasoned veterans. So here you go: 3 Simple Rules of Fitness
And finally, the last article of real value today is one that is actually a response to a person I ran into at the grocery store today. He asked me did I really believe that lifting weights could actually help him lose weight faster. DEFINITELY!! I've been in the fitness biz for over 17 years and let me tell you, it never ceases to amaze me how many people begin a weight loss program and only do cardio. If you're serious about wanting to shed body fat as quickly as possible, including resistance exercise is an absolute must.
Weight Training Routines and Weight Loss
And for the gentleman I met at the grocery store today -- add some weights and watch the difference it makes.
You know the saying --
Get On Track and Stay On Track!!
Tips, Tricks, and Info That Actually Works
Hello Monday!
It always amazes me how quickly the weekend goes by. I do hope the information I'm sharing with you on Monday's is really helping you break through your plateaus and achieve new results. There is nothing that will take the wind out of your sails faster than putting in all that time and not seeing the results you deserve.
Just this past weekend I was stopped by a complete stranger, asking for advice on how to get lean. He shared with me his frustrations about his body transformation due to bad information -- believe it or not, he was doing hours of cardio and cutting out certain food groups. This suggestion from a "friend" gave him almost zero results. In fact, he complained that he actually felt as though he had gained fat. Your body is a machine -- it has to be fed every 3-4 hours a protein, carbohydrate and a healthy fat. And always remember, marketing is for the purpose of selling X amounts of units of a certain product. Marketing is not sincerely interested in giving you knowledge and products that work wonders -- they're interested in selling hope. Which often times ends up misleading you.
On to the good stuff.
The first article I want to share is to remind you that just because you don't see the scale moving, doesn't mean you are not making progress. Yes, I made this point a few weeks back, but found yet another article definitely worth the reminder.
When You're Exercising But Your Body Is Not Changing
Keeping in line with the previous article. Have you ever notice that when someone is in the process of transforming their body, they often seem to be cranky and just plain not in a good space. Assuming they are not a physique competitor, that's usually a cue that their calories are too low and/or they are way over trained.
How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Sanity
And what Monday post would be complete without a good old reminder about one of my favorites, the importance of interval training, to decrease the wear and tear on your joints, increase your results, and cut your workout time down significantly.
Steady State Cardio vs Interval Training
So now that you have information that works ----
Get On Track and Stay On Track!
Popular or Good? One Could Get You Hurt, The Other Fit
With the New Year upon us, so many people are making an effort to get into better shape. And that's a good thing for sure.
For some that means just finally getting off the couch and doing something -- anything to get the body moving. For others it means joining a gym, a group fitness class, a yoga studio, or some other structured group.
But beware, just joining a group doesn't always mean you will get fit, sometimes it can mean you'll open yourself up to getting hurt.
Check this out!
Now at first glance you might think I'm advocating that Yoga is bad!
If you read the article carefully you'll find in many cases you could replace the references and word "yoga" with group exercise, weightlifting, or any host of other fitness choices.
Not all instruction is good instruction. And just because an instructor is popular doesn't necessarily mean that they are good.
There is a difference!
So the the next time you go shopping for a way to get in shape be sure of 3 things:
1.) Start off slow regardless of your chosen interest; at a level you're capable of doing!
2.) Don't confuse popular with good. Make sure the instructor caters the class to the abilities of the various students. Not the other way around.
3.) No matter what you choose, remember your body needs a bit of variety -- stretching, resistance exercise, some type of challenging cardio, and yes, some time to recuperate.
And as the old saying goes, Those that don't make time for health will eventually have to make time for illness.
Choose wisely and Have Some Fun!
23 1/2 hours? Better Get Moving On This!
It's scary even for me to read. Especially when I think about the busy schedules everyone has, but the following two links are by far 2 of the most important things you need to consider this year!
Yes, I realize that sounds rather sensationalized, but believe me when I tell you the information shared in the following two links will indeed get you thinking about your life differently.
The first one I just received -- literally. And it impacted so much that I raced home to send this blog post out to you right away!
23 1/2 Hours by Dr. Mike Evans
or just watch the video below.
The next link is to a post I wrote a little while back that shares some pretty startling research on how sitting for over 3 hours at a time can actually decrease you life span. Yes, I do realize it's hard to believe, but it is actually backed with some interesting research. Either way you look at it, it should move you into action.
Sitting For Long Periods Can Kill You
No matter how you look at, both of these pieces really serve as great reminders that no matter how wonderful technology is, you still have to make time to take care of your body. And that means, whether it's getting out of pain, getting back to enjoying your favorite activity, or wanting to lose a few of those unwanted pounds, you have to get up, get out and move that body!
Have a day that makes you glad to be alive!
Here's A Challenge For Your Chest Training
WOW! The group training class DYNAMIC X "The Anti-Boot Camp Class" is really taking off. I want to say Thank You to all of you for coming out and supporting the launch of what I am sure will be the next wave of group training.
That being said, let's get right down to it. It's Friday so it's time for a new exercise to add to your own private exercise locker. I want to tell you that this video is from a project I am working on. As you've probably guessed it's footage from my On-Line Training Video series. It's a great way for those of you who don't live in the immediate Los Angeles area to get some serious private instruction on how to train properly and get results without injuries.
While there is lots of video to be cut and edited, stay tuned, we're working as fast as we can.
Today I want to share with you a well known exercise with a little twist -- Flat Chest Press with Dumbbells, Alternating. Now at first glance the movement really doesn't look like much. That is until you try it for yourself.
It's a great exercise to add variety to your chest routine, strengthen your rotator cuff and believe it or not, provide a little challenge to your core as well.
I will caution you though. Be careful with this one. Start with a weight that is typically very easy for you. The amount of stability needed in the core, chest and shoulders is no joke.
Mid-Week Motivation: What Is YOUR Reason?
I realize you have a busy schedule, family responsibilities, an unbelievable load of work at your job, and can barely find the time to do the things you need to do, let alone the things you want to do.
We are all under such unbelievable loads of stress, and maxed out on our ability to manage our time any more efficiently. Between the commute to work, the meetings, the children's activities, the business dinners, the project deadlines, and on top of all that, there is always that relative that wants to come and visit at the most inconvenient time.
Believe me when I tell you, I get it. I really do understand how hard it is to find time to get your meals made ahead of time. How unrealistic it is to be able to make good food choices at work when all there is is fast food. And honestly you barely have enough time to get that meal in you before you have yet, another meeting.
Equally, I respect how challenging it is to find time to even consider creating a regular routine for exercise. I understand even the thought of it is overwhelming. I know you understand the benefits of it and would do it if you could.
I think this article and video is a great example of the kinds of challenges that can get a person down and unable to focus on, or accomplish the goals that are most important to them. Take a look and tell me what you think.
Video on Challenges
Now if that is not the absolute ultimate example of a truckload of cards stacked against you and still choosing to come out on top, I don't know what is!
If that doesn't motivate you to want to find a way to be creative, to find a way to make your body transformation happen, get out of pain, or whatever goal you have chosen, in spite of the circumstances that arise -- What else can I say?
I guess, I have to be honest. I was a high school wrestler and so I really can appreciate the accomplishment at a different level. That being said, at some level you have to admit that it must be exceptionally hard, challenging and difficult to make a choice to participate in sports at all, let alone this type of competition.
But somehow, someway, with lots of coaching and guidance I'm sure, Anthony found a way to be his best at his goal.
You know what?
I believe you can do the exact same thing that Anthony just accomplished. I believe you can set a goal, check in with me each week, stay on your program by using the tools provided, and watch the results happen.
We can't all be that level of athlete, I actually didn't compete in team sports in college or graduate school. But we all can achieve a goal we set for ourselves, by following the steps each day and believing that it is possible if we are diligent; even in the face of challenges.
Now it's time for you --
To Go Out and Get It Done!
Now This Is Some Good Stuff!
No matter how you slice it, you can't transform your body if you don't transform your eating first. (Yes, pun intended)
There are no two ways about it.
All the excuses in the world won't create the results you want if you don't at least start making a daily effort to change what you eat. Now that doesn't mean you have to change overnight. You can do it in a gradual process. I generally suggest to my clients to pick one meal they will commit to eating in the right proportions, at the right time, consistently (daily). That way they don't have to feel overwhelmed with making a complete change overnight. After 2 weeks of getting that one meal in each day, I ask them to then pick a second meal, and so on, until the entire day is covered -- one meal at a time.
There are all sorts of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself motivated and to make the process easier. Need a few suggestions?
Here are 5 Simple Solutions that will definitely help.
But let's be honest. Sometimes losing weight has to do with a little deeper issue. Sometimes we place the responsibility outside of ourselves as the reason why we haven't gotten rid of those extra pounds. Sound like you or someone you know?
Check out this link to put things back in perspective -- The Blame Game
If the above two don't really seem to apply to you, perhaps your challenge is to have a better plan in place to make the process of getting that one meal or more on track -- with as little thinking as possible.
No problem. I've got that covered as well. Here's Meal Plans for Weight Loss to help you get on track by providing you with 7 days of meal options. Now maybe all the meals don't quite fit your palate. Don't let that stop you. Find the ones that do and use the one's I've provided to help fill in the blanks.
Well, it looks like you're running out of excuses to not be ready for the warmer weather ahead.
Don't Let Life Get in the Way of Your Progress!
Mid-Week Motivation: Not All Movement is Good Movement
It's Mid Week Motivation Day.
It continues to both amaze and concern me how many people confuse doing an exercise correctly with just moving around. Just because a person has low body fat that allows you to see their abs, doesn't mean that person knows how to train their core muscles. It just means they have low body fat. It could be from having a great nutrition program or it could be that the person is blessed with a high metabolism and hence low body fat. One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
I want all of you to get the right information so that you can avoid injury and get results fast. Results that will last and you can be proud of.
Check out today's video blog post for more on how to train the right way.