I have to be honest with you, I cannot think of one person I know that does not have a boatload of things to do each day. It doesn't matter whether they are self-employed, or work a typical 9-5 job. It doesn't seem to matter what gender the person is or how much they make a year, we all seem to be working at maximum capacity to get through each and every week.
Like you, my clients and friends have work responsibilities, family responsibilities, and personal projects that pretty much take up their complete day from start to finish.
But I will let you in on a little secret. Some people have a tendency to get all of their stuff done consistently, while making progress to their long term goal. While others seem to be caught up in a rut of complaints and constantly feeling overwhelmed.
Want to know the secrets of the people that get it all done? Check out the link below:
Now understand, just because they are called shortcuts doesn't mean you do a poor job just to get it over with. No, shortcuts in case refers to effectively and efficiently using the time you have to do the most important things first and making sure they are done to the best of your ability.
Which of course leads me to the next item I would like to share with you. When you go on a trip do you just jump on the freeway or interstate and kind of guess which way to go while in route to your destination? Or when you get on a plane heading out of town, do you think the pilot has any idea where he's going before he gets into the air? I think we can all agree that in each case there is indeed a plan, an itinerary.
But for some reason when it comes to getting the day to day items done in our lives we seem to just wing it. Then we find ourselves frustrated at the lack of progress or when we don't attain the goal we had set.
There is no success without a plan.
Anything that is of importance to you is worth taking a moment to make a plan. Sure it may change along the way as you get more information or as life happens. But in either case, a plan is the best possible way to achieve any goal you set.
No matter how well thought out your plan, life will happen. If you were traveling on the freeway and have to take a detour, you would have to make an adjustment to your plan to continue towards your goal. If there are strong headwinds, a pilot may have to make adjustments to his flight plan. A plan serves as a guide to keep you on track. Life will happen, you can count on it, but don't let life get in the way of your progress. You may need to take a step back, pause, make the necessary modifications and then proceed.
Now Go Out and Get It Done!