
Tips, Tricks, and Info Monday

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Happy Labor Day!

Hope you've enjoyed your long weekend and are ready to tackle the short week ahead.

Today I have 4 items I would like to share with you that I am sure will take some of the guess work out of getting started on creating that new you.

The first is the easiest of them all.  A new study just released states that it only takes a commitment of 15 minutes/day to actually add 3 years to your life.  Imagine that, just 15 minutes per day and you can add 3 more years to your life -- quality years of course.

15 Minutes of Fitness Per Day

We are all looking for ways to get the results as fast as possible.  So it doesn't surprise me when someone asks, "What is the best time to workout?"  To be honest, the best time is the time that you can commit to on a regular basis.  I realize not every person is an early riser, but if you've considered starting or changing your workouts to the morning, here's -- 5 Reasons to Incorporate Morning Workouts.

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The next article I would like to share with you is actually for you to share with one of your friends that is on the fence about whether or not to commit to an exercise program.  So often people make fitness as challenging and intricate as brain surgery.  It doesn't have to be that way.  It actually can be boiled down to the basics.  I realize there is a ton of information out there that can confuse even the seasoned veterans.  So here you go:  3 Simple Rules of Fitness

And finally, the last article of real value today is one that is actually a response to a person I ran into at the grocery store today.  He asked me did I really believe that lifting weights could actually help him lose weight faster.  DEFINITELY!!  I've been in the fitness biz for over 17 years and let me tell you, it never ceases to amaze me how many people begin a weight loss program and only do cardio.  If you're serious about wanting to shed body fat as quickly as possible, including resistance exercise is an absolute must.

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Weight Training Routines and Weight Loss

And for the gentleman I met at the grocery store today -- add some weights and watch the difference it makes.

You know the saying --

Get On Track and Stay On Track!!

Tips, Tricks, and Info That Actually Works

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Hello Monday!

It always amazes me how quickly the weekend goes by.  I do hope the information I'm sharing with you on Monday's is really helping you break through your plateaus and achieve new results. There is nothing that will take the wind out of your sails faster than putting in all that time and not seeing the results you deserve.

Just this past weekend I was stopped by a complete stranger, asking for advice on how to get lean. He shared with me his frustrations about his body transformation due to bad information -- believe it or not, he was doing hours of cardio and cutting out certain food groups. This suggestion from a "friend" gave him almost zero results. In fact, he complained that he actually felt as though he had gained fat.  Your body is a machine -- it has to be fed every 3-4 hours a protein, carbohydrate and a healthy fat. And always remember, marketing is for the purpose of selling X amounts of units of a certain product.  Marketing is not sincerely interested in giving you knowledge and products that work wonders -- they're interested in selling hope.  Which often times ends up misleading you.

On to the good stuff.

The first article I want to share is to remind you that just because you don't see the scale moving, doesn't mean you are not making progress.  Yes, I made this point a few weeks back, but found yet another article definitely worth the reminder.

When You're Exercising But Your Body Is Not Changing

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Keeping in line with the previous article. Have you ever notice that when someone is in the process of transforming their body, they often seem to be cranky and just plain not in a good space.  Assuming they are not a physique competitor, that's usually a cue that their calories are too low and/or they are way over trained.

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Sanity

And what Monday post would be complete without a good old reminder about one of my favorites, the importance of interval training, to decrease the wear and tear on your joints, increase your results, and cut your workout time down significantly.

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Steady State Cardio vs Interval Training

So now that you have information that works ----

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

23 1/2 hours? Better Get Moving On This!

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It's scary even for me to read.  Especially when I think about the busy schedules everyone has, but the following two links are by far 2 of the most important things you need to consider this year!

Yes, I realize that sounds rather sensationalized, but believe me when I tell you the information shared in the following two links will indeed get you thinking about your life differently.

The first one I just received -- literally.  And it impacted so much that I raced home to send this blog post out to you right away!

23 1/2 Hours by Dr. Mike Evans 

or just watch the video below.

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The next link is to a post I wrote a little while back that shares some pretty startling research on how sitting for over 3 hours at a time can actually decrease you life span.  Yes, I do realize it's hard to believe, but it is actually backed with some interesting research.  Either way you look at it, it should move you into action.  

Sitting For Long Periods Can Kill You

No matter how you look at, both of these pieces really serve as great reminders that no matter how wonderful technology is, you still have to make time to take care of your body.  And that means, whether it's getting out of pain, getting back to enjoying your favorite activity, or wanting to lose a few of those unwanted pounds, you have to get up, get out and move that body!


Have a day that makes you glad to be alive!

More Tips, Tricks, and Info for That Summer Body

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So it's Monday again.  Where does the time go?  No matter, it's time to give you some more information that will give you the transformation you're looking for before the summer ends.

The first important article I want to share with you is about motivation.  Yes, I realize that is typically my Wednesday topic, but this article came across my desk and I was impressed.  It basically talks about the importance of being clear why you want to transform your body.  Just wanting to be thinner is too vague.  Wanting to look good and fit into a bathing suit, while motivating, may not be quite enough to get you to change the habits that are holding you back.

Check this one out:  How to Give Purpose and Vision to Your Workouts

The second article I would like to share is about getting better results, and who doesn't want that, right?  I can't tell you how many people I see day in and day out, come into the gym, go through a half-hearted workout and then wonder why they don't see their body changing.  It takes more than just showing up to get the results.  Sure, showing up is half the battle, but the other half is putting in the work necessary to make those changes happen.  Coming to the gym to socialize won't give you the changes in your body you're seeking.

Here's 5 Tips To Get More Results From Your Workouts

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And as you know me, I've saved the juicy one for last.  Thankfully over the past few weeks I've had several emails and a few personal inquires about how to safely do interval training.  I've always said anyone can do it, but it does take a bit of moderation to get the process started off correctly.  I think this article does a good job of giving you the quick and dirty on how to get started safely.  And then look out -- cause you're going to start seeing massive results when you apply interval training as your cardio of choice. 

Should You Be Trying High Intensity Training?

Quick, short and to the point!  Information you can use to make sure you see the changes you deserve.

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Here's A Challenge For Your Chest Training


WOW! The group training class DYNAMIC X "The Anti-Boot Camp Class" is really taking off.  I want to say Thank You to all of you for coming out and supporting the launch of what I am sure will be the next wave of group training.

That being said, let's get right down to it.  It's Friday so it's time for a new exercise to add to your own private exercise locker.  I want to tell you that this video is from a project I am working on.  As you've probably guessed it's footage from my On-Line Training Video series.  It's a great way for those of you who don't live in the immediate Los Angeles area to get some serious private instruction on how to train properly and get results without injuries.

While there is lots of video to be cut and edited, stay tuned, we're working as fast as we can.

Today I want to share with you a well known exercise with a little twist -- Flat Chest Press with Dumbbells, Alternating.  Now at first glance the movement really doesn't look like much.  That is until you try it for yourself. 

It's a great exercise to add variety to your chest routine, strengthen your rotator cuff and believe it or not, provide a little challenge to your core as well.

I will caution you though.  Be careful with this one.  Start with a weight that is typically very easy for you.  The amount of stability needed in the core, chest and shoulders is no joke.

Mid Week Motivation: Don't Get It Perfect, Get It Started!

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Your success is based on 2 things:

1.) A Plan

2.) Commitment to that plan

No matter how you slice it, it boils down to those 2 things. 

I know time and time again you've heard me share, encourage, scold, and even preach the importance of those 2 simple items.


  • Because I continue to run into 2 types of people it seems.

  • One is the group that feels they need more information to get the process started. 

The other is the group that tends to often feel overwhelmed because of the long lists they continue to make for themselves on their daily tasks lists.

Let's start with the people I know who fall into the first group.  These friends and clients of mine always seem to have questions about some new product or training philosophy they just read about.  They want to know does it work, how does it work and will it work faster than . .

Be clear, I do understand why we all do this at times.  We live in the information age.  A time when our typical Sunday paper contains more information than the average person in the middle ages would consume in an entire lifetime.  So it actually makes sense that we all want to be informed before we go out and just do it! 

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But sometimes there is such a thing as paralysis through analysis. I believe most of you out there reading this already have enough information to get started transforming your body today.  You know the importance of a good warm-up, the importance of using rollers and tubes for self massage to alleviate pain and tight muscles, as well as how resistance circuit training and cardio intervals can speed up your body transformation process.  All that's really needed is for you to make a realistic plan and commit to it.  I suspect you don't need more info before you get started, you just need to get started.

Then there's the second group, the group of long list makers.  No matter when you run into them they don't have much time to talk because they are rushing off to do such and such, the next item on their long list of "to-dos". For some reason these people seem to feel that the only way they can reach their goal is to over schedule themselves.

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You know what I've learned?

All it does is make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed.  The true secret to accomplishing your goals, making serious changes, is creating a reasonable plan. Trying to make it happen faster by adding more things to your list is just a recipe for disaster and frustration.  Don't beat yourself up.

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  • First get clear on what your priorities are, what you want to accomplish in the next 30, 60, or 90 days. I urge you to be fair and realistic about what it is that you want to change.

  • Second, make a plan -- with a timeline (timelines work wonders for making you accountable).  Chances are you have enough information to create a good plan.  You can modify it along the way, but it will get you started and making progress.

  • Third, do your absolute best to follow this plan no matter what!

I'll let you in on a little secret, I've been a member of both groups at one time or another.  But with practice and focus you can accomplish anything.

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

The 6 No-No's of Gym Training

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I've posted a great deal of what I consider excellent info over the past year.  But I have to tell you this is probably one of the most important posts to date.

Building on last weeks article "Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back", here are 6 more no-no's for training at the gym.

You can train to look and function better without putting yourself in danger.

Walking into the gym and expecting a great workout is like walking into the supermarket and expecting a gourmet meal. The basic ingredients are there, but like they say in the infomercials, results may vary. With working out, as with cooking, a little bit of smarts, dedication, creativity and knowledge will make all the difference between perfect pasta and a gelatinous ball of mush.

For this list of no-no exercises, we consulted Stuart McGill, PhD, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario; Nicholas DiNubile, MD, author of FrameWork: Your 7-Step Program for Healthy Muscles, Bones, and Joints; and trainer Vern Gambetta, author of Athletic Development: The Art & Science of Functional Sports Conditioning.

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1. Seated Leg Extension
What it's supposed to do: Train the quadriceps. What it actually does: It strengthens a motion your legs aren't actually designed to do, and can put undue strain on the ligaments and tendons surrounding the kneecaps.

A better exercise: One-legged body-weight squats. Lift one leg up and bend the opposite knee, dipping as far as you can, with control, while flexing at the hip, knee, and ankle. Use a rail for support until you develop requisite leg strength and balance. Aim for five to 10 reps on each leg. (If you are susceptible to knee pain, do the Bulgarian split squat instead, resting the top of one foot on a bench positioned two to three feet behind you. Descend until your thigh is parallel to the ground and then stand back up. Do five to 10 reps per leg.)

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2. Seated Lat Pull-Down (Behind the Neck) What it's supposed to do: Train lats, upper back, and biceps. What it actually does: Unless you have very flexible shoulders, it's difficult to do correctly, so it can cause pinching in the shoulder joint and damage the rotator cuff.

A better exercise: Incline pull-ups. Place a bar in the squat rack at waist height, grab the bar with both hands, and hang from the bar with your feet stretched out in front of you. Keep your torso stiff, and pull your chest to the bar 10 to 15 times. To make it harder, lower the bar; to make it easier, raise the bar.


3. Seated Hip Abductor Machine
What it's supposed to do: Train outer thighs. What it actually does: Because you are seated, it trains a movement that has no functional use. If done with excessive weight and jerky technique, it can put undue pressure on the spine.

A better exercise: Place a heavy, short, looped resistance band around your legs (at your ankles); sidestep out 20 paces and back with control. This is much harder than it sounds.

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4. Seated Leg Press
What it's supposed to do: Train quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. What it actually does: It often forces the spine to flex without engaging any of the necessary stabilization muscles of the hips, glutes, shoulders, and lower back.

A better exercise: Body-weight squats. Focus on descending with control as far as you can without rounding your lower back. Aim for 15 to 20 for a set and increase sets as you develop strength.

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5. Squats Using Smith Machine
What it's supposed to do: Train chest, biceps, and legs. What it actually does: The alignment of the machine—the bar is attached to a vertical sliding track—makes for linear, not natural, arched movements. This puts stress on the knees, shoulders, and lower back.

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A better exercise: Body-weight or weighted squats. See "Seated Leg Press" above.

6. Roman Chair Back Extension
What it's supposed to do: Train spinal erectors. What it actually does: Repeatedly flexing the back while it's supporting weight places pressure on the spine and increases the risk of damaging your disks.

A better exercise: The bird-dog. Crouch on all fours, extend your right arm forward, and extend left leg backward. Do 10 seven-second reps, and then switch to the opposite side.


So the next time you decide to do a certain exercise or machine just because someone else does it and happens to have a nice body -- think again.  Chances are their genetics have more to do with how they look and not the dangerous exercise they've chosen.  If you have a question, send me an email.  I'd be happy to help.

Mid-Week Motivation: DO IT NOW!

Do you remember the cartoon Popeye?  Remember the cast of characters, Olive Oil, Brutus, and who could forget Wimpy?

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Do you remember one of Wimpy's favorite statements?  "I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today?"

It seems like too many people are playing Wimpy these days.  They want results today, but want to pay the price of follow through and commitment on some other day or time.

I really wish it could be that way, but unfortunately . . . . . .

You have to put the effort in first, if you want to see the results later.

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Now if you've been following my blog for any length of time, you know I don't have any powders to sell you.  I don't have any food bars, magic weight loss supplements, special shoes that will lose the weight for you, nor mythical exercises that work magic.

What I do offer you is honest to goodness, tried and true, reliable information and techniques that will get you results. Believe me, if there were an easier way to provide you with lasting body transformation, I would gladly share it with you.

The truth is, it's going to take some effort on your part first to see the results, later.  You can't have that hamburger today and not pay the price for it.

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But let's be fair.  I'm not asking you to eat tasteless meals once or twice per day.  I'm asking you to eat 5-6 times a day.  That's the typical 3 of breakfast, lunch and dinner -- AND one morning snack as well as an afternoon snack.  I'm asking you to make sure that you have a protein, carb, and fat in each meal.  And though I may be out of line, I'm actually asking you to plan your meals in advance as best you can, so you won't be stuck eating food that sabotages your progress (think processed foods, or fast food).

No, I believe I'm giving you the real deal.

I realize we live in a world of instant gratification.  A world of smart phones, I-Pads, instant fame from reality TV, and all sorts of feel good now philosophies.

But there is one thing that will never change.

If you create a good plan, put in the work by taking the steps each day, you will get results -- Period.  There is no way around it.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to doing.  I believe that about you.

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Think about it.

All the things you're most proud of, all the things you've accomplished took some amount of effort and consistency to achieve.  If you take a look around, all those around you (not counting reality TV) that have accomplished success in any field, did it by taking the steps each day, each week, each month.

If success were easy, everyone would be lean, driving sports cars, and sipping their favorite coffee beverage while making deals on their smart phone or I-Pad. 

But this isn't a cartoon.  This is your life.  And the sooner you take the time to make a plan, and follow it daily, the sooner you'll see the results you deserve.

Need some help with recipes, stretch or exercise ideas on how to get out of shoulder, knee, or lower back pain, or some exercises to get you out of your workout rut?  Take a look in the left hand margin under categories and . . . . .

Go Out And Get It Done!

Stop Shoulder Pain!

They say over 70% of people experience some form of back pain than that stops them from doing what they enjoy.  I'd be willing to bet at least that same amount of people experience some form of shoulder pain that does the same thing -- stop you from enjoying the life you deserve. 

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Last week I shared with you that shoulder pain doesn't just come from doing lots of pressing movements in the gym, it can also come from just living life. The main thing to understand is that keeping your shoulders healthy requires specific exercises that you won't see the average gym person doing.


Because 9 times out of 10 most people train their body to create a certain look. Not taking into consideration how it functions. So most often you'll witness people training the muscles they can see, rather than the muscles that matter.  It doesn't matter what you look like if you can't do the things you truly enjoy doing.

I don't care if it's tennis, golf, boxing, softball, beach volleyball, rollerblading or gardening; as long as it's something you truly enjoy doing. Something that, when you do it, makes your hard week of work all seem worth it.  And the only way to be able to continue to do "that" activity or get you back to enjoying "that" activity, is to take good care of your body by training the muscles that matter as well as the ones you can see.

So here is the your next installment for getting you out of shoulder pain or making sure you don't ever have to experience it. 

Mid-Week Motivation: What Is YOUR Reason?

I realize you have a busy schedule, family responsibilities, an unbelievable load of work at your job, and can barely find the time to do the things you need to do, let alone the things you want to do.

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We are all under such unbelievable loads of stress, and maxed out on our ability to manage our time any more efficiently.  Between the commute to work, the meetings, the children's activities, the business dinners, the project deadlines, and on top of all that, there is always that relative that wants to come and visit at the most inconvenient time.

Believe me when I tell you, I get it.  I really do understand how hard it is to find time to get your meals made ahead of time.  How unrealistic it is to be able to make good food choices at work when all there is is fast food.  And honestly you barely have enough time to get that meal in you before you have yet, another meeting.

Equally, I respect how challenging it is to find time to even consider creating a regular routine for exercise.  I understand even the thought of it is overwhelming.  I know you understand the benefits of it and would do it if you could.

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I think this article and video is a great example of the kinds of challenges that can get a person down and unable to focus on, or accomplish the goals that are most important to them.  Take a look and tell me what you think.

Video on Challenges

Now if that is not the absolute ultimate example of a truckload of cards stacked against you and still choosing to come out on top, I don't know what is!

If that doesn't motivate you to want to find a way to be creative, to find a way to make your body transformation happen, get out of pain, or whatever goal you have chosen, in spite of the circumstances that arise -- What else can I say?

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I guess, I have to be honest.  I was a high school wrestler and so I really can appreciate the accomplishment at a different level.  That being said, at some level you have to admit that it must be exceptionally hard, challenging and difficult to make a choice to participate in sports at all, let alone this type of competition. 

But somehow, someway, with lots of coaching and guidance I'm sure, Anthony found a way to be his best at his goal.

You know what?

I believe you can do the exact same thing that Anthony just accomplished.  I believe you can set a goal, check in with me each week, stay on your program by using the tools provided, and watch the results happen. 

We can't all be that level of athlete, I actually didn't compete in team sports in college or graduate school.  But we all can achieve a goal we set for ourselves, by following the steps each day and believing that it is possible if we are diligent; even in the face of challenges.

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Now it's time for you --

To Go Out and Get It Done!