exercise and weight loss

Tips, Tricks, and Info That Actually Works

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Hello Monday!

It always amazes me how quickly the weekend goes by.  I do hope the information I'm sharing with you on Monday's is really helping you break through your plateaus and achieve new results. There is nothing that will take the wind out of your sails faster than putting in all that time and not seeing the results you deserve.

Just this past weekend I was stopped by a complete stranger, asking for advice on how to get lean. He shared with me his frustrations about his body transformation due to bad information -- believe it or not, he was doing hours of cardio and cutting out certain food groups. This suggestion from a "friend" gave him almost zero results. In fact, he complained that he actually felt as though he had gained fat.  Your body is a machine -- it has to be fed every 3-4 hours a protein, carbohydrate and a healthy fat. And always remember, marketing is for the purpose of selling X amounts of units of a certain product.  Marketing is not sincerely interested in giving you knowledge and products that work wonders -- they're interested in selling hope.  Which often times ends up misleading you.

On to the good stuff.

The first article I want to share is to remind you that just because you don't see the scale moving, doesn't mean you are not making progress.  Yes, I made this point a few weeks back, but found yet another article definitely worth the reminder.

When You're Exercising But Your Body Is Not Changing

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Keeping in line with the previous article. Have you ever notice that when someone is in the process of transforming their body, they often seem to be cranky and just plain not in a good space.  Assuming they are not a physique competitor, that's usually a cue that their calories are too low and/or they are way over trained.

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Sanity

And what Monday post would be complete without a good old reminder about one of my favorites, the importance of interval training, to decrease the wear and tear on your joints, increase your results, and cut your workout time down significantly.

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Steady State Cardio vs Interval Training

So now that you have information that works ----

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

More Tips, Tricks, and Info, To Keep You Making Progress!

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I want you to succeed!

And my responsibility to make sure that happens, is by providing you with reliable, practical, accurate information.

Today I want to share with you a few articles that I thought were outstanding.

The first discusses a new study that just came out that supports why exercise is so important when it comes to transforming your body.  I know often times people feel all they need to do is work on their nutrition (diet).  That is the most important aspect for sure, but guess what?  Exercise actually helps you to control your food craving because of the hormones it stimulates. 

Exercise May Help Regulate Body Weight

To keep it simple and plain, the article discusses how certain hormones are released in the body just before and just after eating.  What the research is now showing is that exercise actually affects the hormones that encourage the desire to eat as well as the one's that tell you when you've had enough.  Just another reason to make sure you get your exercise in regularly.

I don't know if you knew this or not, but there is a growing movement of fitness coaches that are celebrating the effectiveness of the row machine for cardio.

Making The Cardio Scene With The Rowing Machine

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For one, the row machine works the total body, unlike the traditional treadmill which just asks you to pick up your leg while it carries the other one back for you effortlessly.  The row machine, with proper instruction, is a great tool to work your entire body and be able to utilize interval training easily in your cardio routine.  So, it's low impact, works the total body, and you can utilize cardio intervals with ease, sounds like a good addition to your cardio choices.

If you're like me, you enjoy having tips or cheat sheets to help you stay on track.  Just some quick notes to keep you focused, are easy to remember, and get results.

I think you'll like this one:  Tips to Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Fitness

So there you have even more info to help you --

Get On Track and Stay On Track!