lifting weights

Here's A Challenge For Your Chest Training


WOW! The group training class DYNAMIC X "The Anti-Boot Camp Class" is really taking off.  I want to say Thank You to all of you for coming out and supporting the launch of what I am sure will be the next wave of group training.

That being said, let's get right down to it.  It's Friday so it's time for a new exercise to add to your own private exercise locker.  I want to tell you that this video is from a project I am working on.  As you've probably guessed it's footage from my On-Line Training Video series.  It's a great way for those of you who don't live in the immediate Los Angeles area to get some serious private instruction on how to train properly and get results without injuries.

While there is lots of video to be cut and edited, stay tuned, we're working as fast as we can.

Today I want to share with you a well known exercise with a little twist -- Flat Chest Press with Dumbbells, Alternating.  Now at first glance the movement really doesn't look like much.  That is until you try it for yourself. 

It's a great exercise to add variety to your chest routine, strengthen your rotator cuff and believe it or not, provide a little challenge to your core as well.

I will caution you though.  Be careful with this one.  Start with a weight that is typically very easy for you.  The amount of stability needed in the core, chest and shoulders is no joke.

Which One Are You?

The other day a client asked me why do I think most people work out at all?

Of course it got me thinking, you know me, and I thought, yeah what are the major reasons why?

Well after a little trip down memory lane, I came up with these.  Let me know what you think.

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1.)  Vanity:  Plain and simple no matter how you try to dress it up or regardless how you word it.  When you take out all the preservatives, colors, and artificial politically correct sweeteners, it comes down to you want to look good.  Let's be honest.  We live in a world that over emphasizes looks way more than is probably good for any of us, but hey it's the truth.  I remember reading some research many years ago, that talked about a study done on perceived attractiveness.  In it they discussed how even when qualifications were identical, the person perceived more attractive was more often given the job.  Same thing happened when it came to giving traffic tickets, etc.  So if that's what motivates you and keeps your body healthy and vital, keep doing it!


2.)  Endorphins:  No matter how much you enjoy looking good from the results of working out, you can't get around that unbelievable "feeling" you have after a good training session.  We all know the research behind the "runner's high".  All sorts of magazines have discussed the hormones and enzymes that are released into your system after a good "bout of exercise", some even suggesting it's a similar "high" to eating chocolate.  If it keeps you moving and healthy, adding quality years to your life, and is an awesome "high" in the process, why not enjoy it.  It's free and good for you.

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3.)  Health:  We all know exercise is healthy for us, that's nothing new.  But let's be honest, if we all took that common sense to heart would we have a population that is approximately 61% overweight?  So no, just knowing exercise is good for you isn't enough to get everyone motivated.  People in this category exercise because they know they have to do so.  In some cases their doctor has told them they have to exercise or else.  This individual, while understanding the benefits of exercise, wasn't moved to action until their life depended on it.  What's interesting is that sometimes people motivated for this reason often end up in the other two after a short bit of time.  Exercise is funny like that. Regardless of how you get there, the truth of the matter is you're making sure you life is one of quality.  Having your health I believe is sometimes one of those things we take for granted.

I bet you don't believe that everyone fits into each of these categories purely as I've written them.  But my experience has found that in fact most people do in fact fit into one of the 3 categories above or are a hybrid of each of them.  Funny thing, no one ever really bothers to ask why you work out when you're at the gym.  Everyone is there just doing their thing for the reasons that move them. 


And when you really think about it, that's really all that matters.

4 Easy Tips To Transform and Reach Your Goals

I don't know how many of you had a chance to read the latest on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , but I've taken the liberty of including it.

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Not that you actually needed a reason to get on track and stay on track, but I think this article is very eye opening and a good kick in the pants to anyone on the fence about improving their health.

Many Americans' diets are a train wreck — loaded with junk food, fast food, sugary beverages and too few healthful foods. So it's no surprise that the federal government's new dietary guidelines, being released today, recommend people get...   2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines

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I believe much of the problem of the American dietary habits has a great deal to do with great advertising (for unhealthy foods) and too much bad information about what it really takes to change your body.  Heck, there is so much misinformation out there, it's all I can do to keep up slaying all those dragons for you and providing the truth.

  • How much cardio should I do and what type works the best?

  • Should I do cardio in the morning before I eat breakfast -- I heard that I can burn more calories that way?

  • Does lifting weights help in losing weight faster?

  • How should I organize my meals?

  • What about "such and such" diet, my friend got great results on it?

  • How important is sleep really?

Let's take it one step at a time, keep it real, and live in reality.

1.) Cardio serves two main purposes:

     * To improve the functioning of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels
     * Burns calories by stimulating your metabolism

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My experience is, if you've been consistently training for at least 6 months, do intervals a minimum of 3x/week. Figure 10-20minutes at a time utilizing the interval method.  And as far as when to do it -- only worry about that after you've been consistently doing your cardio routine for 4-6 weeks AND following your nutrition plan.  Then you can worry about what time of day.  There are no shortcuts.

No matter what anyone tells you --There is no magic cardio machine.  You can do intervals using your favorite cardio machine, or choose different alternatives to the same old grind. (battling ropes, kettlebells, bike riding, stairs, swimming)

2.) Using weights is essential if your goal is to lose body fat quickly while maintaining muscle.  Try doing circuits (4-7 movements in a row before taking a 2 minute break).  Repeat the process 3-4 times.  You'll get quicker results in half the time.


3.) There is no magic diet.  The nutrition program that works is the one that fits your tastes, budget, and time constraints.  It only works if you use it consistently.  Don't skip or eliminate food groups. Every meal should contain a protein, carb (starchy and veggies), and fat (figure 4-5 meals per day; 3 regular meals and a morning and afternoon snack).  Here's a quick and easy reminder when it comes to planning your meals (quick reminder).

4.) Sleep is Important.  Everyone is different.  However it's safe to say you'll need 6-8 hours/night minimum if you're going to transform your body quickly.  Studies have shown a lack of sleep actually sabotages weight loss.

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Below I'm including a bonus to get you from OK to OUTSTANDING as quickly as possible.  But of course you'll have to apply the information for it to work (think 1% information--90% application).

The KISS Method for Fast Body Transformation

It doesn't get much easier than that.  Try out and let me know what you think.  Be prepared for some serious physical changes.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!