This article addresses some causes of shoulder pain and provides 2 exercises to help you get rid of should pain.
Fix Your Shoulder Pain
Intro to Rotator Cuff using a band
What are YOUR Habits?
A client asked me the other day why do I think it takes some people so long to get results while other people seem to have faster results.
I think this is such an outstanding question.
It’s all about habits. Some people will come in each week and do hours of cardio, but then leave the gym and pay little to no attention to what they eat. Likewise others will come in and do all sorts of rehab exercises and then go and sit in their office chair with their legs crossed for 3-4 hours a day and wonder why their knee or hip is still bothering them.
It’s all about HABITS. To me the whole idea of working out, exercising and training, is so that it makes what we do in our day to day life easier and more enjoyable. If you spend 3-4 hours a week exercising, but spend 20-30 hours a week sitting improperly or not paying attention to what you eat, you’ve dismantled all the hard work you’ve done at the gym.
See, working out, training and exercising is like fluoride for the body. It fortifies the body so it doesn’t break down while you’re going through your daily routine. Eating properly does much the same thing. It fortifies and encourages your body to burn fat, digest and eliminate properly and repair damaged tissues.
The curious thing is many people treat fitness like we do our car repair. We think if we just show up and do some exercise, that’s the end of the responsibility. Unfortunately you can’t just drop off your body and pick up a new one, without aches and pains, and with the perfect shape you want. You have to be aware of your habits outside the gym as well.
Simply put, health, fitness and wellness is a lifestyle. It is something that should be made part of your everyday living if you are going to get results and reach your goals.
Here are some HABITS to assist you in reaching your goals.
1.) Focus on the task at hand. If you’re training, train, don’t make it a social outlet. Get what you came to get done, done.
2.) Plan your meals in advance. Make food choices that assist you in reaching your goals. You deserve to see the results of all your hard work, and it will help you stay motivated.
3.) Get body work/massage done regularly. Whether it’s going to a massage therapist or using a roller or tube for self massage, take care of your body. It’s as important as changing the oil in your car.
4.) Be aware of your posture. How you sit in your chair, how you walk, how you stand. You spend WAY more hours doing each of these things than you do training – Fortify!
5.) Get your rest. At the pace most of us are working, none of us can afford to miss any sleep. It’s a necessary part of recuperation both mentally and physically.
Your habits, like it or not, decide your success in anything you do in life. Don’t just go through the motions. You’re putting in the hard work, why not see the results? Whether it’s physical pain, a few extra pounds you want to get rid of, or a financial goal you have set for yourself, your habits will dictate your success.
At the risk of sounding a bit too cliche, changing your habits can seriously change your life.
Remember the 80/20 Rule -- 80% of your results are based on 20% of your actions!
As always, let me know what you think.
Tips, Tricks, and Info Monday
Happy Labor Day!
Hope you've enjoyed your long weekend and are ready to tackle the short week ahead.
Today I have 4 items I would like to share with you that I am sure will take some of the guess work out of getting started on creating that new you.
The first is the easiest of them all. A new study just released states that it only takes a commitment of 15 minutes/day to actually add 3 years to your life. Imagine that, just 15 minutes per day and you can add 3 more years to your life -- quality years of course.
15 Minutes of Fitness Per Day
We are all looking for ways to get the results as fast as possible. So it doesn't surprise me when someone asks, "What is the best time to workout?" To be honest, the best time is the time that you can commit to on a regular basis. I realize not every person is an early riser, but if you've considered starting or changing your workouts to the morning, here's -- 5 Reasons to Incorporate Morning Workouts.
The next article I would like to share with you is actually for you to share with one of your friends that is on the fence about whether or not to commit to an exercise program. So often people make fitness as challenging and intricate as brain surgery. It doesn't have to be that way. It actually can be boiled down to the basics. I realize there is a ton of information out there that can confuse even the seasoned veterans. So here you go: 3 Simple Rules of Fitness
And finally, the last article of real value today is one that is actually a response to a person I ran into at the grocery store today. He asked me did I really believe that lifting weights could actually help him lose weight faster. DEFINITELY!! I've been in the fitness biz for over 17 years and let me tell you, it never ceases to amaze me how many people begin a weight loss program and only do cardio. If you're serious about wanting to shed body fat as quickly as possible, including resistance exercise is an absolute must.
Weight Training Routines and Weight Loss
And for the gentleman I met at the grocery store today -- add some weights and watch the difference it makes.
You know the saying --
Get On Track and Stay On Track!!
Tips, Tricks, and Info That Actually Works
Hello Monday!
It always amazes me how quickly the weekend goes by. I do hope the information I'm sharing with you on Monday's is really helping you break through your plateaus and achieve new results. There is nothing that will take the wind out of your sails faster than putting in all that time and not seeing the results you deserve.
Just this past weekend I was stopped by a complete stranger, asking for advice on how to get lean. He shared with me his frustrations about his body transformation due to bad information -- believe it or not, he was doing hours of cardio and cutting out certain food groups. This suggestion from a "friend" gave him almost zero results. In fact, he complained that he actually felt as though he had gained fat. Your body is a machine -- it has to be fed every 3-4 hours a protein, carbohydrate and a healthy fat. And always remember, marketing is for the purpose of selling X amounts of units of a certain product. Marketing is not sincerely interested in giving you knowledge and products that work wonders -- they're interested in selling hope. Which often times ends up misleading you.
On to the good stuff.
The first article I want to share is to remind you that just because you don't see the scale moving, doesn't mean you are not making progress. Yes, I made this point a few weeks back, but found yet another article definitely worth the reminder.
When You're Exercising But Your Body Is Not Changing
Keeping in line with the previous article. Have you ever notice that when someone is in the process of transforming their body, they often seem to be cranky and just plain not in a good space. Assuming they are not a physique competitor, that's usually a cue that their calories are too low and/or they are way over trained.
How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Sanity
And what Monday post would be complete without a good old reminder about one of my favorites, the importance of interval training, to decrease the wear and tear on your joints, increase your results, and cut your workout time down significantly.
Steady State Cardio vs Interval Training
So now that you have information that works ----
Get On Track and Stay On Track!
Popular or Good? One Could Get You Hurt, The Other Fit
With the New Year upon us, so many people are making an effort to get into better shape. And that's a good thing for sure.
For some that means just finally getting off the couch and doing something -- anything to get the body moving. For others it means joining a gym, a group fitness class, a yoga studio, or some other structured group.
But beware, just joining a group doesn't always mean you will get fit, sometimes it can mean you'll open yourself up to getting hurt.
Check this out!
Now at first glance you might think I'm advocating that Yoga is bad!
If you read the article carefully you'll find in many cases you could replace the references and word "yoga" with group exercise, weightlifting, or any host of other fitness choices.
Not all instruction is good instruction. And just because an instructor is popular doesn't necessarily mean that they are good.
There is a difference!
So the the next time you go shopping for a way to get in shape be sure of 3 things:
1.) Start off slow regardless of your chosen interest; at a level you're capable of doing!
2.) Don't confuse popular with good. Make sure the instructor caters the class to the abilities of the various students. Not the other way around.
3.) No matter what you choose, remember your body needs a bit of variety -- stretching, resistance exercise, some type of challenging cardio, and yes, some time to recuperate.
And as the old saying goes, Those that don't make time for health will eventually have to make time for illness.
Choose wisely and Have Some Fun!
23 1/2 hours? Better Get Moving On This!
It's scary even for me to read. Especially when I think about the busy schedules everyone has, but the following two links are by far 2 of the most important things you need to consider this year!
Yes, I realize that sounds rather sensationalized, but believe me when I tell you the information shared in the following two links will indeed get you thinking about your life differently.
The first one I just received -- literally. And it impacted so much that I raced home to send this blog post out to you right away!
23 1/2 Hours by Dr. Mike Evans
or just watch the video below.
The next link is to a post I wrote a little while back that shares some pretty startling research on how sitting for over 3 hours at a time can actually decrease you life span. Yes, I do realize it's hard to believe, but it is actually backed with some interesting research. Either way you look at it, it should move you into action.
Sitting For Long Periods Can Kill You
No matter how you look at, both of these pieces really serve as great reminders that no matter how wonderful technology is, you still have to make time to take care of your body. And that means, whether it's getting out of pain, getting back to enjoying your favorite activity, or wanting to lose a few of those unwanted pounds, you have to get up, get out and move that body!
Have a day that makes you glad to be alive!
Cellulite - The Truth
I can’t take it anymore! If I see one more commercial advertising some magic cream, potion, or procedure to reduce cellulite “magically” I am going to go off the deep end! I can no longer sit by and watch women being lied to about cellulite or tricked into buying the next “scientific” finding– NOT, that is supposed to rid them of that unsightly area they have been frustrated with for so long.
So, after having a personal conversation with my television I sat down and did the research. Below I share with you what is being said, and what I have witnessed for years as a Fitness Consultant and Results Coach, providing guidance to my clientele to rid them or at least greatly decrease the cellulite areas they struggle with.
Cellulite is a term that is said to have originated in France more than 150 years ago. It began appearing in English publications in the late 1960’s. Widespread promotion of the term in the United States followed the 1973 publication of Cellulite: Those Lumps, Bumps and Bulges, You Couldn’t Lose Before, by Nicole Ronsard, owner of a New York City beauty salon that specialized in skin and body care.
Cellulite is described as the dimpling of the skin, caused by the bulging or protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis (upper layer of skin), thus creating a rippling (waffling, orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese) affect of the skin. The culprit affects 85% - 98% of postpubescent females, though primarily targeting females over the age of 35. In some rare instances it is seen in men but is, as stated above, largely a female issue. The reason for this is that if you took a cross section of a women’s thigh you would see tight vertical fiber bands connecting muscle through the fat to skin (septa). Where the bands aren’t attached or have hardened, the fat bulges up, thus creating the classic rippling effect of cellulite. Men on the other are not as susceptible to the phenomenon because their fibers criss-cross (diagonal) and the fat cannot bulge up as easily.
Let the marketers and charlatans say what they want, but research shows that there is no significant difference between ordinary fat and cellulite. It has yet to be proven otherwise. In fact researchers at the Rockefeller Institute used ultrasonongraphy, microscopic examinations, and fat-metabolism studies to see “affected” and unaffected skin areas of seven healthy adult subjects (five women, two men; four affected, three unaffected). They found/concluded that (1) certain characteristics of skin make women more prone than men to develop cellulite; (2) the process is diffused rather than localized (meaning you can’t spot attack the problem); and (3) there were no significant differences in the appearances or function of the fatty tissue or the regional blood flow between affected and unaffected sites within individuals.
There are literally thousands of products on the market today, from shoes, to creams, to body wraps, to pills and injections that make mild to exaggerated claims about how their products rid the body of cellulite. They use all sorts of “interesting” scientific research to back up their claims. Now admittedly we are learning more about how the body works literally every week. So as I write this there may in fact be some group somewhere that is on the verge of a yet to be reviewed and approved magic “solution”. But in the meantime the truth is that many of these products and their associated research have yet to be published and reviewed in authentic peer reviewed journals that would legitimize their claims. Many more than I care to list are under investigation or in legal proceedings with the FDA and FTC for making false claims, and/or not producing the results they claimed. Yet you the public are left to make sense of all of this mish-mosh.
From the above we now know that there is no difference, supported by research, between ordinary fat and cellulite. We know that women are more susceptible to this phenomenon than men because of their structural issues regarding the fibers of the skin. Further we know much of what is being sold on the market today is suspicious at best. While there may be a few items that initially are appearing “promising”, most are a waste of money.
And though I hate to be the bearer of bad news, research has recently shown that one’s genetics are a large indicator as to who will have a more likely chance of getting cellulite. Since connective tissue genetics are passed down from our parents DNA, so is cellulite predisposition. In addition the more damage one does to their circulatory system (by eating poorly and not exercising for example), which feeds the skin cells and lymph vessels, the sooner cellulite may become apparent.
One thing that all the research I’ve done does conclude: Eating a balanced diet, containing: lean sources of protein, drinking plenty of water, fiber and whole-grain foods, and fresh fruits and vegetables as well as polyunsaturated fats is a good start. In addition they all suggest the importance of exercise, both as a way to maintain good blood flow, healthy muscle tone, and to de-stress. It is also suggested that one avoid unnecessary medications and smoking.
When working with my clients, one of the first things I do is obtain an accurate body composition (body fat to lean muscle) reading. This allows us to set a baseline of where the client is at presently. It also allows you to set realistic short term and long term goals to attain. Next, I ask them to keep a food journal. Awareness of what you are eating is half the battle; so often most of us are just gobbling down meals, racing off to the next deadline or errand. Next, I begin to add some structure to their meal schedule so that we can get a handle on the amount of calories they are consuming. While that is in process we begin my unique exercise program called BILANEX, a system I have developed through years of research that utilizes functional exercises in a way that actually accelerates the metabolism by burning more fat, yet maintaining more lean muscle than any other program on the market today. My unique BILANEX SYSTEM allows my clients to burn those unwanted calories as well as strengthen and maintain the lean muscle that keeps their body looking and feeling young.
It has been my experience that there is no such thing as spot reduction.
Those frustrating areas of your hips, thighs and buttocks are best transformed through regular exercise and proper nutrition. Now this doesn’t mean spending hours in the gym. What it does mean is committing to making lifestyle changes that decrease your chances of getting cellulite or if you have it, decreasing it quickly.
No exercise is going to change your genetics. That die was caste long before you became unhappy with certain areas of your body. However while science is still figuring out its next potion to sell you, you have proven methods already available to you that get results.
The question becomes, is change what you really want? How will you spend you money, time, and energy.
About the author:
Kurt Elder MSW, CPT is a Fitness Consultant and Result Coach. Kurt has been in the health, fitness and wellness industry for over 20 years. He has been a practicing psychotherapist, competitive athlete, and world record holder. He holds a certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Kurt is currently the owner and operator of Energy F/X Fitness Consultants. Kurt is a highly sought after authority in rehab and sports conditioning as well as weight loss. His approach, aided by his unique background, allows an experience of total transformation of his clients. Kurt may be contacted at or call me at (310) 895-4464.
Do You Know Someone Like This?
I’ve had it!
I’ve sat quietly by and politely smiled when I’ve heard people speaking about the huge success of using this potion ‘X’ or make claims about this pill ‘Y’ or tonic ‘Z’. Commercials, magazine ads, and advertorials (when a company writes an article that appears to be informational or educational in content, when in fact it is an advertisement for their product) are making all sorts of claims about what we all NEED in order to be healthy.
I was watching TV the other day and noticed several ads came on about a product that was touting the health benefits of a certain drink. I remember yet another one that talked about the lack of nutrients in our soil, so people should start taking these pills to assure their health. Then of course there was the exercise DVD's that tell you how amazing your results will be by doing their 'special' program.
Needless to say I am all for health, fitness, and wellness. But is it just me, or has the marketing and snake oil selling gotten way out of hand?
I don’t deny that the quality of the soil is depleted, and that we probably all take in more toxins than is healthy for us. What gets under my skin is the shear outrageousness of the claims and the backwards thinking that is used to sell the products.
If you have the discipline to take product ‘X’ 4 times per day with meals and every other weekend, couldn’t you use that same discipline to prepare your “real food” meals prior to each day and receive even more benefits from consuming actual food instead of a pill or drink?
The same idea applies to your health. There is no magic exercise program out there, only the one that you commit to doing on a consistent basis. If you’re consistent and improve the way you eat, you will get results. Now for some people that may be hiring a Fitness Coach, or purchasing a set of exercise DVD’s, but you have to utilize the information and motivation if you want to see a result from your investment. Just showing up and going through the motions won't give you the results you want.
I don’t know about you, but it sounds like some old fashioned reality is what is needed to me.
1.) Your body was built to move. Because we spend so much time inactive, exercise is a way to give your body what IT NEEDS – challenging physical movement that gets the blood pumping and produces and some perspiration. Remember Not All Movement is Good Movement. First get proper instruction.
2.) Watch what you put in your body. Garbage in, Garbage out. Take the time to prepare your meals ahead of time so you don't make poor food choices because your starving. NO amount of special antioxidant drinks or pills will cure inactivity and poor food choices!!
3.) Make time for consistent fitness in your life, if not daily then 3x/week minimum. Many of us are stressed out beyond belief. How well you take care of your physical body, or fail to, will dictate how long and how well you live and enjoy your life. Energy drinks won't fix the problem.
4.) Make a Plan. If you really want to see a change in anything in your life, make a plan with 3-4 realistic short term goals and 1 long term goal, and get to work.
It is my intention to use these blog posts to assist you in achieving your health, fitness and wellness goals, by providing reliable, practical information that when you use it consistently, you will get the results you need.
Make a commitment to yourself Today to Get Out Of Pain, and Get In Your Best Shape.
Here’s a FREE BONUS to get you started.