
Mid Week Motivation: Don't Get It Perfect, Get It Started!

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Your success is based on 2 things:

1.) A Plan

2.) Commitment to that plan

No matter how you slice it, it boils down to those 2 things. 

I know time and time again you've heard me share, encourage, scold, and even preach the importance of those 2 simple items.


  • Because I continue to run into 2 types of people it seems.

  • One is the group that feels they need more information to get the process started. 

  • The other is the group that tends to often feel overwhelmed because of the long lists they continue to make for themselves on their daily tasks lists.

Let's start with the people I know who fall into the first group.  These friends and clients of mine always seem to have questions about some new product or training philosophy they just read about.  They want to know does it work, how does it work and will it work faster than . .

Be clear, I do understand why we all do this at times.  We live in the information age.  A time when our typical Sunday paper contains more information than the average person in the middle ages would consume in an entire lifetime.  So it actually makes sense that we all want to be informed before we go out and just do it! 

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But sometimes there is such a thing as paralysis through analysis. I believe most of you out there reading this already have enough information to get started transforming your body today.  You know the importance of a good warm-up, the importance of using rollers and tubes for self massage to alleviate pain and tight muscles, as well as how resistance circuit training and cardio intervals can speed up your body transformation process.  All that's really needed is for you to make a realistic plan and commit to it.  I suspect you don't need more info before you get started, you just need to get started.

Then there's the second group, the group of long list makers.  No matter when you run into them they don't have much time to talk because they are rushing off to do such and such, the next item on their long list of "to-dos". For some reason these people seem to feel that the only way they can reach their goal is to over schedule themselves.

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You know what I've learned?

All it does is make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed.  The true secret to accomplishing your goals, making serious changes, is creating a reasonable plan. Trying to make it happen faster by adding more things to your list is just a recipe for disaster and frustration.  Don't beat yourself up.

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  • First get clear on what your priorities are, what you want to accomplish in the next 30, 60, or 90 days. I urge you to be fair and realistic about what it is that you want to change.

  • Second, make a plan -- with a timeline (timelines work wonders for making you accountable).  Chances are you have enough information to create a good plan.  You can modify it along the way, but it will get you started and making progress.

  • Third, do your absolute best to follow this plan no matter what!

I'll let you in on a little secret, I've been a member of both groups at one time or another.  But with practice and focus you can accomplish anything.

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Pareto's Law and Your C-Zone

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I already had a post for you today, seriously packed with info on the 5 absolute things you need to do to seriously transform your body.  Believe me when I tell you, you will want to check back next Monday with me for that one.

But then life happened. 

I sat and spoke at length with a former client, and 2 points kept coming up.  And then I began to wonder how many of you are struggling with these 2 issues.

1.) "Pareto's Law" or the 80/20 rule, and

2.) Getting out of your comfort zone

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First things first.  Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule?  It's a mathematical equation that basically predicts that typically 80% of output is a result of 20% of input (simply stated-- 20% of your habits create 80% of your results).  And it applies to virtually anything.  Now in my opinion that's one heck of a rule of thumb to learn from and live by.

So let's put this in real world form. 

  • Stats say that 20% of the population generate 80% of the wealth

  • 80% of company profits come from 20% of the products and customers

That means that 20% of your meal choices are creating 80% of your results, and that means when you skip meals too!  If you miss meals, you will nibble during the evening hours before you go to bed.  I hear it all the time. 

Remember this, you can gain weight 2 ways:
1.) under eat and your body will store calories fearing starvation, or
2.) over eat and you have a surplus of calories your body doesn't know what to do with -- so it stores those calories as fat.

So that means, you need to ask yourself what 20% of your habits (in your nutrition and in life) are creating 80% of your problems or frustrations.  Take the time to do this, I promise it will do wonders for your productivity, success, and overall happiness.

The secret is to find what your "range" of calories is that works for you, and stay in it. 

Now onto the second rule that is worth its weight in gold.  Getting out of your comfort zone

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Did I miss something over the past 24hrs or did success and accomplishment change?  It still requires work, right?  It doesn't grow on trees, nor can you buy them at a discount on a daily deal site.

I mean really now, if making changes and getting results was simple and comfortable, don't you think everyone would be driving around in sports cars, playing with their smart phones on the patio of their beach front houses, and never gaining an ounce of fat while eating anything they wanted?

Obviously it's not that simple.  In fact you might actually have to be a bit uncomfortable in the process of achieving your said goal(s) --  No matter what it is!

Notice I said uncomfortable, NOT miserable.  Truth be told, I can't think of any client I've had over the past 18 years that told me they were hungry anytime during the day when they followed my nutrition program.

Equally, I cannot think of a client who didn't get serious relief from pain, when they followed my prescription for rolling (self-massage) and stretching. 

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The reality is, change is difficult, it's inconvenient at times, and let's be honest, it's really not all that comfortable.  However, if you want something better than what you have right now, you will have to do something different.  BUT, you can get the results you want if you're willing to change your habits a bit -- and get out of your comfort zone.

Or, you could keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.  We all know what that's called, right?

Be sure to check back next Monday when I share with you the 5 Absolute things you need to do to change your body quickly.

Until then --

Mid-Week Motivation: Pizza?

Yes, I'm back from vacation.  Needed the downtime. Definitely feeling refreshed and ready to get back into the thick of things.


Even on vacation I can't seem to escape the marketing machine's grip.  I found some interesting facts about Pizza in one of my "poolside" reading magazines.  At first read I thought, "Wow, this is some good information to consider". But something just didn't seem real.  Then it hit me.

It almost made me pull out my hair, but then I remembered -- I don't have any.

Check out the short video below and see what I mean.

Mid Week Motivation: Keeping it Real

I don't care how you slice it, if you don't make a plan, you cannot effectively achieve any goal!

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Yes, it's that simple and the real. 

My commitment to you is to make certain that I share valuable, useable/practical, scientifically reliable information that will assist you in achieving your body transformation goals . . . . .  or any goal for that matter.

I can't express to you the importance of choosing a goal and making a plan to achieve that goal.  Yes, I know I sound like a broken record.  I'd ask you to excuse me, but the truth is, if you're not doing it, then you needed to hear it again.  Hopefully this time you will take it to heart.

I've spent a great deal of time reading and investigating all sorts of self-help books, motivational articles, CD's, DVDs, seminars, etc.

I've taken that information and shared it with my clients for over 2 decades. I've watched carefully at who achieves their goals and who tends to struggle.

You know what they all have in common?

You guessed it, yes, virtually all of the clients that achieve their goals make a plan, and some even utilized my suggestion to use visualization of themselves already achieving the goal.

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Why visualization?

Remember last week's post and the term reticular activation.  Well, visualization is another very important aspect of reticular activation. Athletes use it all time to improve their performance on the field.  Seeing yourself already achieving a goal is a powerful tool.

But it all starts with a plan.

Often times clients ask how to make an effective plan.  Here are two very helpful ways:


How to squeeze the most time out of your time

And just in case you need some good old fashioned video motivation -- here's one of my personal favorites:

Mid-Week Motivation: Get In Synch With Yourself

This week I wanted to address another critical element necessary for getting in The Zone, having a Peak Experience, or being in The Flow.  As I shared with you on Monday, many of us spend more time on auto-pilot than we do being present to the task at hand. If you're serious about making any sort of changes in your life, or are looking to have a re-creative experience, check out today's video blog post.

Kurt Elder discusses another critical element to getting in The Zone, having a Peak Experience, or being in The Flow.

How To Find Your Big Rocks

I really believe many people operate on auto-pilot more often then they even realize.  When you actually ask a person why they do such and such (a certain exercise, or have certain nutritional ideas) I get this looonnggg pause of silence, as though I've asked the question in Latin. Then the person usually goes on to quote some article or person who told them this perspective.  But when I ask them what do they think, they look bewildered.


The above is a great example of the goal of today's blog post -- to help you understand why you do what you do. Too many of us are operating on autopilot; dissatisfied with the results, but not really participating in the creation of the goal or process.

If you're serious about making any sort of transformation in your life, whether it's to lose weight, get out of pain, make more money, save more money, or just have a more satisfying life overall, you have to be clear on what your Big Rocks are.  If I may take it one step further, if you're reaching for a Peak Experience, Being in the Flow or Being in the Zone, you have to first be very clear on what your values are, what drives you, what moves you, what you're really committed to doing. Basically what values are you sincerely motivated by, and are they your values or one's you've just picked up along the way?

Believe it or not, I have found more than one or two people who practice fitness by default. They do it just because someone told them it's important, their partner does it, etc., not because they are sincerely motivated by the idea or the benefits it yields.  The problem with this orientation to health, fitness, and wellness is that it comes from a place outside of you. And trust me when I tell you that when an idea you follow is not yours, it is short-lived and usually has merger if any positive results.


You have to see the value of a certain idea if you're going to commit to doing it and see positive results. As we all know, even when we are doing things we like, it's difficult to commit to doing them day in and day out if we don't feel some sort of passion and commitment to doing them.  Because let's be honest, committing to something is not always convenient. And unless you're passionate about a certain value or idea, you'll just stop doing it when the going gets uncomfortable.

So. . .

Take out a piece of paper and write down a list of 7 things that are important to you. Don't judge them, just write them down. If you find yourself having a little trouble, perhaps think of people you respect and admire and write down characteristics of each of these individuals. Do you notice any items on the list being repeated? That's a clue that those items may be core values that you yourself aspire to have or already contain.  You could also write down things you've heard others say about you, both the positive and the negative. Sometimes other people see us more clearly than we see ourselves.  It may even be helpful to start off by writing what is most important to you in life. After you've written the 7 items are important to you, then ask yourself why is each value important to me, what does having 'that' mean.


This is a good starting point for getting to your core values. It is a way of fleshing out what values you live your life by and why.   And if you feel like sharing, then post your list and your observations on my blog.

Next week I'll share with you what to do with this list of core values and how to use it to your advantage in achieving all of your goals!

Until next week. . . .

Do You Have The Focus It Takes?

I wanted to pick up where I left off last Monday regarding achieving an experience in The Zone. There are several elements that are necessary, or that people all seem to mention, as part of their Zone experience.  Click on the video below and check out the first element necessary to achieve a Zone experience. Be sure to tune in next week as each Wednesday, for the month of September, I will be sharing a crucial element to achieving a Zone experience.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness addresses the first element of what it takes to get into the zone, the flow, to have a peak experience. http://www.energyfxf...

How Do YOU Get In The Zone

As I finished yet another insane training day on Saturday, I paused for a moment, turning to my training partner and saying, "How lucky are we?" For a full 75 minutes I pretty much lost track of time. I was completely immersed in each and every exercise, every breath, was without judgments, or distractions and felt literally part of every movement I was doing. As difficult and uncomfortable as the workout was it felt as though my body was moving through the movements effortlessly. For years I've taken for granted this very special time that I get to enjoy a few times each week.

To me, this is being in The Zone!

When you are so present to a moment you are in, that you actually lose track of time and literally become part of that moment, feeling and experiencing the smells, tastes, touches from a place that is almost surreal -- that's the zone. Many athletes have described the zone as feeling like everything slows down to slow motion. They state their vision is crystal clear, they are without distractions, and while they are obviously in their body, they feel as though they are watching everything happen from a place beyond themselves, often saying they are doing the activity effortlessly.

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The cool thing to me about being in the zone is that you don't have to be a professional athlete or weekend warrior. I have friends that paint, hike in the mountains, surf, friends that build things (wood work), and numerous other activities that are not sports related all comment on being in the zone. What I now realize is that in order to get into the zone in any activity you have to be willing to become completely immersed in the activity you are doing. The activity has to involve you using your body to do the activity and the activity has to require some significant level of concentration (and sometimes skill) in order to perform it.

The interesting thing about reaching the zone is that your body moves effortlessly, you feel as though you can go on forever. Runners often talk about this as a "runner's high". But make no mistake, achieving the zone state can be done while painting, doing cardio, wood work, or any other activities that meet the requirements I listed above.

The result of being in the zone is a completely refreshed sense of well being, clarity and calmness about things that had been previously troubling you, and if you're lucky a kind of giddy euphoria.

Is there anyone else out there that has an experience of being in "the zone" that they'd like to share?  We all get there in different ways, but WOW is the feeling fantastic.

Let me know about your Zone experience.