
3 Stretches to Get Rid of Shoulder Pain

Whether it’s sleeping on your shoulders, spending hours at your computer, or looking down at your phone in less than perfect posture, shoulders tend to get tight and out of alignment if you do any of these too often. Your shoulder(s) being out of alignment can cause not only shoulder pain, but neck and upper back pain as well. I suspect we all know how uncomfortable that can be. . . .

After some good self-massage try these 3 shoulder stretches to get you out of pain and start the healing.

Each of these stretches should be done in a doorway. In a split stance position. Your lead foot should be slightly through the doorway, while your back foot should be slightly behind the doorway.

Hold each stretch for 7-10 slow breaths.

For this stretch, your hands should be reaching out and up towards the top of the door way. Your posture should look similar to the letter “Y”. Your hands will be resting on the door frame.

For this stretch you’ll want to bring your arms down so that your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Both your forearms and hands should be supported on the frame of the doorway.

For this stretch you’ll want to move your hands down the door frame so that they are at about a 45 degree angle.

Most of us could afford to do each of these stretches daily. Some of us could afford to do them a few times a day. Start with once a day and see how they work for you. Please be sure to do a bit of self-massage (rolling) before hand. That way you’ll be able to maximize the benefits.

Your Comfort Zone Could Kill You

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It's been a while since I've had a chance to share with you some Tips, Tricks, and Info to keep you on Track and making progress. I had quite a few major changes going on on this end over the past couple of months, that literally demanded my attention.


But that aside, let's get to it shall we.  

This past week it has become painfully apparent to me that your Comfort Zone Can Kill You.  I know, you think I'm probably overstating the problem for shock effect, right?   


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I presently have a client, a former triathlon competitor, that originally came to me with concerns about his increasing cholesterol, as well as nagging hip and knee pain. As you would expect it was the usual suspects, tight quads and hip flexors, rounded shoulders from way too many hours in front of the computer, weak glutes from little to no activity since he stopped competing, and of course a weak core.  He regularly attended sessions twice per week.  In addition to those sessions, he was given homework to do so that we could rid him of pain as quickly as possible.  

Then life happened.  His job began to require him to travel 2 weeks out of the month and POW, the progress we had made slipped backwards. 

As you might have guessed, the homework he had been doing went out the window, the amount of sitting he was doing had almost doubled, thanks to plane travel, and on top of it all he was not able to keep his regular sessions.  So in essence he had gone back to the comfort zone that had originally created the pain and increasing cholesterol. 

After reviewing what had transpired we agreed that taking care of himself couldn't be something he would find time for, taking care of himself would something he would have to make time for.


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You see we all have crazy busy schedules.  I completely respect that.  But what I also know without a doubt, is that if you don't make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for illness.  Whether it's in the form of physical pain and discomfort or other more serious issues of health.

 Our plan was simple.  I created a program for him that would take no longer than 15-30 minutes to complete.  We agreed that while it was important to make his scheduled appointments, equally important was that he follow through on his homework each and every day.  That he make time to take care of himself -- whether he was traveling or not.

And honestly, I believe that is the difference between getting to your goal or just taking 3 steps forward and 2 steps back.  You've got to make time each and every day to do something for your health. Because just keeping with your same old comfortable routine, could kill you. 

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Need a quick and easy stretch program to make sure you keep on track?


Try this one on for size. (Stretches to Keep You Out Of Pain).

 7 Most Important Stretches if You Spend Your Day at a Desk

No more reasons, only results!

For All The Parts That Hurt, Here's The Solution

Since May of this year, I've been sharing with you various stretches and exercises to help you get out of pain and stay that way.  From the questions and emails I've been receiving it seems as though a reminder of the blogs would be really helpful.  As I promised early on in my blog post, I am committed to providing reliable, useful, practical information that will assist you in getting out of pain and staying that way.

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If your having Shouler Pain:

Try these stretches and exercises to get rid of pain and stay that way:

Shoulder Stretches Group 1

Shoulder Stretches Group 2

Shoulder Exercises Group 1

Shoulder Exercises Group 2

Having Wrist Pain, don't forget these tried and true movements:

Painful Wrists Stretches and Exercises

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Lower Back Pain, remember these stretches for the hip and lower back:

Back Pain Stretches Group 1

Back Pain Stretches Group 2

Back Pain Stretches Group 3

Knee Pain have you limping around? Try these:

Knee Pain Exercises

So there you go. The body part where you're experiencing pain listed just above the stretches and exercises. It doesn't get much easier than that.

With this well outlined group of stretches and exercises you should have no problem getting out of pain and staying that way.  But I feel I have to remind you, you have to do them consistently if you want them to work. Doing these movements once in a while will not get you results. Make the commitment, get out of pain and go do what you already enjoy doing . . . . better!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend.