If you spend your day at a desk? This article provides essential stretches to help you get out of pain and discomfort.
7 Most Important Stretches If You Spend Your Day At A Desk
After last Friday's post I received quite a few emails regarding which were the most important stretches. "I don't have time to do them all Kurt, c'mon." So I thought it might be a good idea if I broke the stretches down into groups so that you can use them more effectively.
By and large most of my clientele spend the majority of their day sitting at a desk. They tell me that they have few if any opportunities to get up from their desk for any length of time. And if they do, it's usually to go to a meeting where they spend anywhere from 2-4hrs sitting again.
As all of you know, who have been following my posts, sitting for long periods of time has significant consequences to your body. Especially your lower back, knees and sometimes wrists (depending how much time you spend on the computer). So let's get rid of that pain and discomfort.
Below I have listed the 7 most important stretches if you're a person who is stuck at a desk for most of the day.
I would encourage you to do these stretches a minimum of 1x/day. They will take you approximately 15-30 minutes to do. Not much time to invest to get out of pain. Think about it for a second. You spend 4-8 hours sitting. I'm just asking for 30 minutes a day to get you out of pain, and help you decrease your stress level. Sounds like a good investment to me.
Well, there you go. The 7 most important stretches for those of you who spend way too many hours seated at your desk. These quick 7 should get you out pain and help you stay that way.
As always let me know what you think.