Like it or not, whether you’ve had to deal with it or not, back pain is the most common complaint when it comes to physical pain. Whether it’s from taking a bad fall, spending most of your day in a seated position stuck at a desk, sleeping in awkward positions or sitting in awkward positions, lower back pain and often associated hip pain, is just no fun!
If you’ve been following my blogs for any length of time, you already know that if you have pain, getting rid of it is often a two-step process. The main goal is to calm the tight over active muscle(s), and the second is to strengthen the muscles that are not working properly. Explaining it this way helps to remind you about the importance of keeping your body in balance. Excesses in any area don’t typically serve you for very long.
I’ll spare you all the $10 words and complicated muscle explanations and start off by saying let’s first get those tight muscles loosened up with some solid self-myofascial release techniques. Then I’ll ask you to do your first 3 stretches, illustrated below, to get you on the road to eliminating lower back pain.
These stretches will start you on your journey to getting rid of back pain.
Please be sure to check back in to get more stretches to keep you feeling good and out of pain.