Your Final Movement To Fight SB Syndrome

Happy Friday!

I do hope this month I did a good job at keeping things simple and to the point.  I realize we all have busy schedules and like to get the information we need quickly and effectively.

That being said, how is your fight against SB Syndrome going?  Are you helping yourself or someone you know that is in need?

I've given you some really great movements this month to help you get on track with not only fighting SB Syndrome, but also getting that all important core in shape as well. Remember what we discussed, it's not just about vanity when it come to the glutes/butt, it's also about keeping back pain away.  So the way I see it, it's a win/win situation. You not only get well shaped, effectively functioning glutes, you also ensure that you won't have back pain as a result of a weak core or glutes that just hang there and don't do anything.

Keep practicing your movements weekly and enjoy the results.

Check the video below for your final tool in fighting SB Syndrome.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness demonstrates the Squat with a bit of added twist -- try raising a weight while squatting. Great exercise for the core and gl...

Mid-Week Motivation: You Have Choices!

It's time for Mid-Week Motivation.

The holidays are just around the corner. Are you going to be out of control or in control and on track? You know it's all about the choices you make.  Whether it's the holidays, getting out of pain, or getting fit, it's all about the choosing the things that work for you and avoiding the things that don't work (or take you further from your goal).

Click the video below and see what I mean.

The Holidays Are Coming, Are You Ready?

Well, I don't know how we got to the end of October so quickly, but here we are yet again. And if you've been to any shopping malls or large department stores, you know they are already playing Christmas music.  OUCH!  I mean c'mon, we haven't even gotten through Thanksgiving and they are already pushing us to Christmas.


What it does serve as, is a reminder that the holidays are coming.  That means small bowls of candy throughout the office, cookies and cakes being brought in to share (I can think of better gifts to share) with others, and the usual holidays gatherings like Christmas parties, Thanksgiving dinners with family and friends, and of course Christmas dinner. To put it simply, lots of extra calories in the form of candies, cookies, cakes, and other tempting delectable treats that will derail your efforts to stay on track.

Are you ready?  I mean ready with habits and coping strategies in place to be sure you're not one of the people that gains the typical 7-15lbs over the holiday?

If you're like most of the people I've talked to, you probably haven't even really thought about it.  During this time of year it is critical that you have a plan and coping strategies to keep your habits under control; and you on track through the holidays.

I want you to succeed!

And part of that responsibility is that I provide you with info that is outstanding and ready to use right out of the box.  This is one of those instances.

I was recently emailed this article that really got my thinking cap working overtime. 

Don't let the title fool you.  There is some seriously good information, tips and strategies to help you get your habits in shape before the holidays.

Trust me, take a look over the quick tips here and then click on the link below. I want to give a Big Thanks to Precision Nutrition for posting this article.

Tips for losing fat from naturally skinny people

  • How can you learn to think and act like a naturally skinny person in order to reap the benefits for fat loss? Here are some tips.

  • Understand that you have a lot of control over your eating behaviour, regardless of your physiology.

  • Food is just food. It should not be used as a reward or an emotional outlet.

  • Re-prioritize food and put it in its proper place — as something that tastes good and sustains us, but should not dominate our thinking.

  • Pay attention to your physical cues. Start eating when you’re physically hungry and stop when you’re physically full.

  • Change your expectations of fullness. Stop before you feel stuffed, or even “full”.

  • Understand that cravings come and go. Ignore the cravings, distract yourself, and don’t keep problem foods in the house.

  • Keep moving, as much as possible.

  • It’s OK to say no to food in social situations. The more you assert yourself, the more people will get used to it.

  • In order for behavior to change, your identity has to change. Skinny guys have to think of themselves as bigger and more muscular; heavier folks have to think of themselves as working towards being lean athletes.

  • Portion sizing is important. Your idea of the correct portion may be wrong.

  • Change requires practice. The more you practice eating smaller (or larger) meals, the more your body will get used to it.

  • Make your behaviors match your goals. If you’re constantly acting in ways that self-sabotage, you either need to change the behaviors or your goals. In any case, be realistic and honest about what you are doing.

    Get the Full Story Here:  Ready For Some Cutting Edge, Useful Info

Still Fight SB Syndrome? Week 4

Here we are at week 4 on my campaign to fight SB Syndrome.  Doesn't seem to matter where I turn, the affects still seem to be with us.  But to do my part, here is the next movement for you, or someone you know, to use to fight SB Syndrome. 

Remember, it's not just about vanity, it's also about keeping your core functioning and your lower back out of pain.  The glute/butt muscles play an important role in keep you out of pain. Because if they are too weak or not used appropriately your back and other muscles try to take over. And if you've ever had nagging back pain you know how uncomfortable and irritating it can be. So do your part. Feel free to pass on the info.

Be sure to stop by next week for another great movement to help you fight SB Syndrome.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates Hip Raises-- Single Leg (SL). A great exercise for the core and glutes. Simple and to the point. ...

Spray Tan Fitness?

Welcome back to another Mid-Week Motivation Post. 

I don't know if you're familiar with the term, but it seems that many people have been using this type of approach to fitness in order to achieve their results.  I must admit I have not heard any credible or lasting results from the process, but for some reason it hasn't stopped many from continuing on this path of frustration and angst.

If you're looking for a clear and to the point way to get out of pain, or make changes to your body, then I encourage you to check out today's video blog post.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness shares with you tips and insights to achieve your fitness and wellness goals. Making clear it is not something you casually ...

Need Some Flavor? 2 Easy Recipes to Keep You on Track

salmon dinner image.jpg

I can't say it enough.  If you're serious about making changes in your body there are 2 specific things you've got to do:

1.) Plan and if possible, prepare your meals ahead of time to make sure you stay on track with your nutrition, and

2.) You've got to get your daily exercise. And if you can't do it daily, start with 1 day a week and build to a minimum of 3 days per week.                                                                                                                                                         
That being said, I can't tell you how often I hear people complain about how hard it is to stay on track with food.  Now of course when questioned they readily admit that they are not sticking to any real food plan, they just kind of wing it all day.  And of course at the end of a few weeks they wonder why they don't see any changes in their body composition.

I know it's a worn out cliche, but if you don't plan for your success how do you think it will happen?

The 2 largest complaints I hear from people when it comes to sticking to a food plan, is that the food is tasteless and uninspiring, and they don't have time.  Well, here are two recipes below that are big on flavor and easy to prepare. They taste good and are darn good for you. Even better is that they don't take any longer to prepare than any other home cooked meal. 

As you know, this month is all about keeping it simple.  Here are two simple recipes to help you stay on track.

Salmon or Sole in Parchment on a bed of Greens & Julienne Root Vegetables

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Problem is most people eat a cold cereal or worse.  Well here's an option that tastes great, takes almost no time to make and is packed with nutrients.

Leafy Green Protein Shake (Leafy_Green_Protein_Shake.doc)

These are courtesy of Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD "The Kitchen Vixen"

Thanks Elizabeth for keeping the daily grind full of nutrients and flavor.

Mid Week Motivation: 3 Easy Ways to Change Your Body

Over the past couple of months we've gone through some pretty deep stuff; getting in The Zone, finding your Big Rocks, etc. This month let's keep it simple and to the point. 

Today I want to share with you some basic and to the point ideas to help you create a successful weight loss and keep it off program.  It's largely about the planning.  Funny thing is, so is gaining quality muscle -- it's all in the planning and consistency.

Check out the video below to get your 3 Critical, Ready to Apply Strategies to Transform Your Body.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses the 3 Most Important Points to changing your body. Simple and to the point.

Mid-Week Motivation: Handling Discomfort In Your Transformation Journey

I believe sometimes in this world of instant gratification and reality TV we forget that the route to our goals can be challenging. But don't give up. Discomfort is part of the journey, don't be discouraged, it is only making you stronger. Click on the video below to find out more.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness Consultants discuss discomfort as part of the process of achieving goals.

Are You Fight SB Syndrome?

Well, here we are at another Friday.  You know that means it's time for another exercise to help you or someone you know fight SB Syndrome (that's Saggy Behind Syndrome).  If you've been motivated by my blog, I'm sure you've been just as concerned as I have at what is obviously a growing and alarming trend.  Are you doing your part?

Remember, if I haven't made it completely clear, let me do so now.  On ALL of the exercises I demonstrate to you I request that you activate your abs/core just prior to movement.  Each and every movement you do requires core activation in order to stabilize your spine while you are moving. This is hugely important if you are going to get the right muscles to fire and to avoid injury.

And just a reminder in case you forgot, these Friday movements that I'm sharing with you from my private glute locker are not only for your glutes, they do wonders for core activation as well. Truth be known, in order to for legs and hips to function properly you need a strong and stable core. And besides, I figure what the heck, if I can train two muscles at the same time effectively and safely, then why not.

Click on the video below and get your next tool in fighting SB Syndrome.  Look forward to seeing you next week with another movement to get you firmer, well shaped, functional glutes.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates the proper execution of the Deadlift. A great exercise for the glutes/butt. Simple and to the poi...

Mid-Week Motivation: 3 More Easy Ways to Change Your Body

I'm feeling a little bit down today.  I don't know exactly why, but I guess I'm really seeing the other side when it comes to the advances in technology.  I mean don't get me wrong, I appreciate the multitude of features on my cell phone, the vast TV channel selections, the advances in medicine, and our ability to create more green technology.

The problem that has me down is, it unfortunately seems as though people think that fitness and body transformation should happen at the same speed as technological advances. And what really sucks about that is. . . . . . The Body Doesn't Work Like That ! I like to call it Spray Tan Fitness (more on that next week). It seems people believe you can just show up at the gym, talk most of the time they're there and expect to get results. Kind of like getting a spray tan (which is not a bad thing, since it keeps you away from ultraviolet rays, it just doesn't work when it comes to fitness).

Sure you can drop a few pounds quickly by cutting out certain food groups for a short period of time. But it's not a lifestyle you can maintain and so the weight comes back. Sure you can get certain surgeries done to get you to lose weight, but from what I read you risk your life by having the surgery. Sure you can even take certain pills to assist you. But low and behold, when you come off of them you have to do the work of proper nutrition consistently and daily exercise.

I want you to understand, if there was a quick fix to weight loss, or avoiding pain, an easy way, I'd have found the book or product, found out where they sold it and for how much, and sent you an email each day to tell you about it.  Sadly the truth is, it will take some level of work and effort on your part to change your body.  There are no quick fixes, no magic pills, no creams, no potions.

However, on a brighter note, the ways to lose weight, keep it off, get out of pain and stay that way, are all pretty simple. You commit to doing the simple tasks on a daily basis and you will get results, 9 times out of 10.

So in keeping with the theme this month, here are 3 More Easy Ways to Change Your Body. They are straight and to the point. And guess what?  If you apply them, they work like magic.

Check out the video below and let me know what you think.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness shares 3 more critical points to changing your body quickly. Simple and to the point. Apply them and they work. http://www.e...