2 Shoulder Exercises to Get You Pain Free Now!

I want to focus on helping you get out of shoulder pain.  Far too many people suffer from it and there is honestly no reason to continue to live with it. 

Spend your day hunched over a computer?

Carry your child around the mall or at the park?

Tend to carry your purse or laptop on one shoulder consistently?

Sleep on your shoulders?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then this is especially for you. 

Our shoulders take a beating day in and day out.  In our society we live our life in a forward posture all too often.  This constant forward posture can lead to all sorts of problems, from the obvious shoulder pain or discomfort, to neck pain, and yes, believe it or not, even lower back pain.

Everything is connected!

If you spend your day in poor posture, no matter what the reason, it's only a matter of time before your body starts giving you signals that something is wrong. 

Now like most people you'll probably solve the problem by first avoiding the movements or activities that give you pain or discomfort.  But that is only a short term fix.  That's kind of like turning up the volume on the car radio when you hear a rattling noise in your car.  And as we all know, turning up the radio won't fix the rattle.  Likewise avoiding certain movements or activities won't make the problem in your shoulders go away either.

The bottom line is often times people believe that just stretching your shoulders will be enough to get rid of the shoulder pain.  Actually that is partially correct.  There is definitely a stretching component that needs to be included when trying to get rid of shoulder pain, but you also need exercise.  You’ll need some specific exercises to correct the alignment that is off from certain muscles becoming overly tight, while other muscles have become overly relaxed.   Simply, the shoulder needs to be placed back in alignment through the use of stretching of the tight muscles and strengthening of the weak muscles. 

Here are 2 exercises to help you get out of pain and back on track. Put these together with my other suggested shoulder stretches and you’ll be on your way to pain free shoulders.