It Only Works If. . . . .

I just finished listening to a gym member rave about some new book they picked up that they just swear is the "BIG SECRET" to losing weight.  This person went on and on about how easy it is to prepare the food, how much they like the options for food, and probably most importantly -- how much they enjoy the taste of the food.

I've been in the Health, Fitness and Wellness Industry for over 25 years.  I've seen literally tons of fad diets come and go. I've seen just as many people rally behind these so called "big secrets" as if they were the fountain of youth. And though some stayed on the band wagon, many became disenchanted with diet "X" and moved on to the next fad.  Only to rally around that one as the new "big secret", etc.  I think you get the point.

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What I'm trying to say is that the program that works, the "Biggest Kept Secret" is you finding a program, a structure that works for you. It's not the program, there are literally hundreds of diet books on the shelves of any bookstore.  The secret is you.  Are you willing to make the commitment to preparing your food in advance?  Are you willing to say no to the abundance of holiday treats that will be coming your way shortly.  And if you can't say no, only taste -- don't feast on dead calories.

There is nothing you can't accomplish if you truly put your mind to it.  This is just a matter of taking baby steps and getting your feet wet.  Plan one meal per day that you are committed to eating properly no matter what. In a week or so, make it two meals, etc. Next thing you know, you'll have your own Big Secret!

Here are two recipes to help you create your own "Big Secret".

1.)  Steamed Halibut (Steamed_Halibut.doc)

2.) Baked Chicken Strips (Baked_Chicken_Strips.doc)

These tasty and quick to prepare meals are courtesy of Gourmet Nutrition by Dr. John Berardi, Michael Williams, and Kristina Andrew

Core Fitness 2

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Sure you could just ignore this valuable bit of information.  I mean you're already in the best shape you ever been in. Why tamper with perfection?

On the other hand, if you're like me and still have tons you would like to accomplish in your life, then taking this valuable bit of information may be a good idea.  I mean why wait till late spring or early summer, like most people do, and then attempt to do some kind of crash abs program to get your abs/core in shape and ready for the warmer weather. 

You know, you do need your core to function properly just as much in the winter as you do the summer.  You're still sitting at a desk for much of the day or stuck in traffic behind the wheel on your commute. Remember that's how back pain starts, being stuck in awkward positions for extended periods of time. 

But then again, back pain is not such a big deal, right?  Yeah, keep telling yourself that . . . . . . or you could click on the video below and be ahead of the game.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates the proper execution of the Plank. Great exercise for core/ab development. A strong core is at le...

Mid-Week Motivation: The Big Secret

At work today I was approached by a gym member and asked about 2 specific issues: How to get rid of knee pain, and The most effective way to lose weight and keep it off.  Needless to say I loved the questions because it gave me an opportunity to help someone achieve their goals by sharing the experience I've had as to what works and what doesn't.  But what was really interesting about the whole conversation was the person's high level of knowledge.  This person already knew what they should be doing as well as how often they ought to be doing it.  But for some reason, even with all of that information, the person was still in pain and not getting the weight loss results they wanted.

By the end of the conversation I came to one of those light bulb moments.  Actually it was so powerful I kind of had to look up and make sure there wasn't actually a light bulb above my head.

Check out today's motivational video to see what I mean.  I think you'll agree with the conclusion.

Bet You Didn't Know . . .

It's the second Monday of November and we are stepping closer and closer to that frantic time when the holiday schedules and long lists sometimes have each of us over extending ourselves.  And as you know, if you over extend yourself often enough, you can set yourself up for a battle with a winter cold or flu -- Yuck.

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Did you know that if the cold or flu is not full blown often times a moderate workout will speed the healing process? Many times people avoid their workouts all together as soon as they feel a bit sneezy or congested.  When in fact, if you're just beginning to feel the effects of an oncoming cold or flu, moderate exercise can increase certain aspects of your natural immune system so that you fight off or significantly decrease the affects.

Jeffrey A. Woods, a professor of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois says, “It is okay to exercise if you have a simple head cold or congestion — in fact, it may improve the way you feel. I would avoid heavy, prolonged exercise with a head cold, though.”  In general, moderate exercise, such as a leisurely jog or walk, may prop up your immune response and lessen the duration and severity of a mild infection, but be honest about your condition.

On the other hand researchers caution, “If you don’t feel well, especially if you have fever or body aches, I would recommend stopping daily exercise until you are recovered.”

Exercise and Your Immune System

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Remember that old saying, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Well it's true.  For one, you've been fasting all night long (called sleeping), your body needs some healthy calories to begin your day. Second, it kicks your metabolism on and starts the fat burn. Third, if you don't have breakfast you actually increase your chances of storing fat and gaining weight (due to the body's increased insulin response from skipping breakfast). And let's be honest, if you don't start your day with a nutritious breakfast you are more likely to grab something unhealthy later in the morning, to calm those screaming cravings for real food.

So here are some great ideas to keep you on track as we begin the hectic holiday schedule.  Remember to make you part of your daily list.  It will make getting through each day easier and make you easier to get along with.

Breakfast Ideas That Take 5 Minutes or Less

Plain and simple, exercise can help you fight off the initial affects of a pending cold or flu and yes, eating breakfast is as important as your mother used to tell you.  Only now there's research to prove it.

Core Fitness

Last month I shared with you some exercises to help you fight SB Syndrome.  And if you've been practicing/using them regularly you know how well they work.

This month I want to share some exercises for the core.  I know many people, some of them even trainers, believe that the elusive 6-pack is all about how many crunches you do each week.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  While doing abdominal exercises will indeed tone the midsection, nutrition is the larger key in creating that all important 6-pack that so many people desire.  However, now here's the kicker, just because you have a 6-pack, doesn't mean that you have a strong core or that your abs work effectively.

The bottom line is that you have to do both: core/ab exercises as well as a proper nutrition program in order to get that "ripped" midsection look.  And you know me, it's not just about the vanity aspect of having a nice set of abs.  There is an all important functional aspect as well.  How well your core functions (as well as your glutes if you'll remember last months posts) often determines whether or not you'll have back pain. Want to get rid of back pain or just make sure you don't ever have to experience it, try the movements I'll share with you each Friday this month and I can almost guarantee you won't have to worry about pain in your lower back.

Here's the first movement I'd like to share to help you get your core in shape and looking good.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates one of the best core exercises around. Research says this movement activates more abdominal muscl...

Mid-Week Motivation: Are You Ready For Success?

It's a new month.  And we are on the cusp of another holiday season.  What's your commitment to, comfort or success? So many people say they want success, but seem to miss this one point that would literally change their efforts from frustration to success.

Check out today's video blog and start being a success.

Need Help? 2 Easy Recipes to Keep You On Track

Happy November 1st.

Why, because this is usually the beginning of when people begin to lose their focus.  Feeling the pressure of the pending holiday rush of food, gifts, and crazed schedules, people often forget to put themselves in that list of important things to do today.

Don't leave yourself out.  You're ability to get through this holiday season has a lot to do with your willingness to commit to not leaving yourself off of the proverbial list. 

Let me make this plain and simple. No matter how much you get done in a day, paying for it by being miserable the whole time your doing it or completely trashing your system with horrible food choices and no physical activity doesn't serve anyone -- especially you.  You don't get a medal for getting your list done, but neglecting yourself.  And you and I both know, with a little planning you can get your list of "to-do's" done, as well as take good care of yourself.

Staying in line with those thoughts, one of the biggest complaints I hear about being able to keep on track with nutrition is that it "takes too long to cook a meal that tastes good and is good for you".  Well that's not completely true. Below are two more recipes for quick meals that take 20 minutes or less to make and are good for you.  Throw some veggies and a starchy carb in and you're set to go.  Leaving you plenty of time to still get that growing list of things -- done.  Stay on track.  You've worked way too hard to lose your momentum now.
But of course for those of you that are committed to feeling crappy, having low energy, and taking years off your life, you're welcome to continue to poison yourself with fast food. 

It's your choice. Make one that moves you forward and not backward.

Recipe #1 -- Lemon Chicken (Lemon_Chicken1.doc)

Recipe #2 -- Tilapia with Caponata (Tilapia_with_Caponata1.doc)

These recipes are courtesy of A Recipe for Life by the Doctor's Dietitian -- Susan Dopart, M.S., R.D.
Thanks Susan

Your Final Movement To Fight SB Syndrome

Happy Friday!

I do hope this month I did a good job at keeping things simple and to the point.  I realize we all have busy schedules and like to get the information we need quickly and effectively.

That being said, how is your fight against SB Syndrome going?  Are you helping yourself or someone you know that is in need?

I've given you some really great movements this month to help you get on track with not only fighting SB Syndrome, but also getting that all important core in shape as well. Remember what we discussed, it's not just about vanity when it come to the glutes/butt, it's also about keeping back pain away.  So the way I see it, it's a win/win situation. You not only get well shaped, effectively functioning glutes, you also ensure that you won't have back pain as a result of a weak core or glutes that just hang there and don't do anything.

Keep practicing your movements weekly and enjoy the results.

Check the video below for your final tool in fighting SB Syndrome.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness demonstrates the Squat with a bit of added twist -- try raising a weight while squatting. Great exercise for the core and gl...

Mid-Week Motivation: You Have Choices!

It's time for Mid-Week Motivation.

The holidays are just around the corner. Are you going to be out of control or in control and on track? You know it's all about the choices you make.  Whether it's the holidays, getting out of pain, or getting fit, it's all about the choosing the things that work for you and avoiding the things that don't work (or take you further from your goal).

Click the video below and see what I mean.

The Holidays Are Coming, Are You Ready?

Well, I don't know how we got to the end of October so quickly, but here we are yet again. And if you've been to any shopping malls or large department stores, you know they are already playing Christmas music.  OUCH!  I mean c'mon, we haven't even gotten through Thanksgiving and they are already pushing us to Christmas.


What it does serve as, is a reminder that the holidays are coming.  That means small bowls of candy throughout the office, cookies and cakes being brought in to share (I can think of better gifts to share) with others, and the usual holidays gatherings like Christmas parties, Thanksgiving dinners with family and friends, and of course Christmas dinner. To put it simply, lots of extra calories in the form of candies, cookies, cakes, and other tempting delectable treats that will derail your efforts to stay on track.

Are you ready?  I mean ready with habits and coping strategies in place to be sure you're not one of the people that gains the typical 7-15lbs over the holiday?

If you're like most of the people I've talked to, you probably haven't even really thought about it.  During this time of year it is critical that you have a plan and coping strategies to keep your habits under control; and you on track through the holidays.

I want you to succeed!

And part of that responsibility is that I provide you with info that is outstanding and ready to use right out of the box.  This is one of those instances.

I was recently emailed this article that really got my thinking cap working overtime. 

Don't let the title fool you.  There is some seriously good information, tips and strategies to help you get your habits in shape before the holidays.

Trust me, take a look over the quick tips here and then click on the link below. I want to give a Big Thanks to Precision Nutrition for posting this article.

Tips for losing fat from naturally skinny people

  • How can you learn to think and act like a naturally skinny person in order to reap the benefits for fat loss? Here are some tips.

  • Understand that you have a lot of control over your eating behaviour, regardless of your physiology.

  • Food is just food. It should not be used as a reward or an emotional outlet.

  • Re-prioritize food and put it in its proper place — as something that tastes good and sustains us, but should not dominate our thinking.

  • Pay attention to your physical cues. Start eating when you’re physically hungry and stop when you’re physically full.

  • Change your expectations of fullness. Stop before you feel stuffed, or even “full”.

  • Understand that cravings come and go. Ignore the cravings, distract yourself, and don’t keep problem foods in the house.

  • Keep moving, as much as possible.

  • It’s OK to say no to food in social situations. The more you assert yourself, the more people will get used to it.

  • In order for behavior to change, your identity has to change. Skinny guys have to think of themselves as bigger and more muscular; heavier folks have to think of themselves as working towards being lean athletes.

  • Portion sizing is important. Your idea of the correct portion may be wrong.

  • Change requires practice. The more you practice eating smaller (or larger) meals, the more your body will get used to it.

  • Make your behaviors match your goals. If you’re constantly acting in ways that self-sabotage, you either need to change the behaviors or your goals. In any case, be realistic and honest about what you are doing.

    Get the Full Story Here:  Ready For Some Cutting Edge, Useful Info