Last month I shared with you some exercises to help you fight SB Syndrome. And if you've been practicing/using them regularly you know how well they work.
This month I want to share some exercises for the core. I know many people, some of them even trainers, believe that the elusive 6-pack is all about how many crunches you do each week. Nothing could be further from the truth. While doing abdominal exercises will indeed tone the midsection, nutrition is the larger key in creating that all important 6-pack that so many people desire. However, now here's the kicker, just because you have a 6-pack, doesn't mean that you have a strong core or that your abs work effectively.
The bottom line is that you have to do both: core/ab exercises as well as a proper nutrition program in order to get that "ripped" midsection look. And you know me, it's not just about the vanity aspect of having a nice set of abs. There is an all important functional aspect as well. How well your core functions (as well as your glutes if you'll remember last months posts) often determines whether or not you'll have back pain. Want to get rid of back pain or just make sure you don't ever have to experience it, try the movements I'll share with you each Friday this month and I can almost guarantee you won't have to worry about pain in your lower back.
Here's the first movement I'd like to share to help you get your core in shape and looking good.
Core Fitness
Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates one of the best core exercises around. Research says this movement activates more abdominal muscl...