Organize Your Big Rocks

Hope you had a great weekend. 

If you'll remember last week I asked you to make a list of the values that are of significant importance to you.  I gave you a few examples as to how to come up with those core values or Big Rocks. How did that process go for you?  I'm sure you're aware that as we evolve, our Big Rocks change. The important thing is what are your Big Rocks now. Were you able to come up with 7 Big Rocks that fairly and accurately identify what is important to you? If you're still having trouble coming up with 7 Big Rocks, please send me an email so I can assist you. 


This week I want to talk about the importance of each of those Big Rocks.  Take your list of the 7 important Big Rocks and place them in their order of significance, most important to least important. One way of getting clear on how to place your Big Rocks in order is to ask yourself, "If I had to live without one of these values, which one would I give up, or do without". Now I realize that you've narrowed it down to 7 Big Rocks, how can you possibly live without one of the important 7, you're probably asking yourself. I'm going to ask you to push yourself to really get clear on which are the most important because that is the only way to get clear and assure your happiness and success.

The reason I've made such a big deal of putting your 7 Big Rocks in order of significance is because it's the framework from how I am going to ask you to organize and assess your life.  Often times we have goals, many times not even our own, and then really have no process or understanding of how to clarify if we're being productive.  Sure you get a paycheck and hopefully are able to pay your bills on-time and consistently, but are you happy and feeling fulfilled? Whether it's getting in The Zone, having a Peak Experience, or being in The Flow, you're only are able to achieve that experience when you are living consistently with the things that are most important to you.  That's why it's so important that you be clear on what your Big Rocks are and what order they go in -- for you.

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Now here's the meat of today's post.  I want you to take each of 7 Big Rocks, core values, and place them in the following sentence "Being successful at (fill in Big Rock, core value) means  . . . . .".  What would success at this value look like to you? When completing the sentence exercise be sure to include what characteristics, feelings, behaviors, and achievements would accompany success at this value.

Whether it's in 2 weeks, 2 years, or much later, when looking back over your life, how will you know if you've been successful at certain core values, Big Rocks, if you don't have a way to define them.  This process serves as a sort of road map to assure your success and accountability.