staying on track

Mid-Week Motivation: YOU ARE ENOUGH!

It's really scary. 

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If you stand in line at the check out counter of a grocery store or any store with magazine racks at the check out counter, long enough, you could become seriously neurotic.  A gander over the titles of the rack would make anyone neurotic.  Whose cheating on who, who lost what amount of weight, who gained what amount of weight, how to lose 20lbs and keep it off, how to get rid of those wrinkles, and all sorts of intimacy tips on how to please your lover better.  I mean really.  It's enough to make you just want to scream.

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But you know what?  It's just noise.  As a matter of fact, after leafing through the different health and fitness magazines for men and women, I didn't find anything that we haven't discussed already this year; though the titles would lead you to believe otherwise.  I suspect it's just a way to actually keep you distracted.  Don't be -- Check out today's video blog post for an important personal reminder.