getting in shape

More Tips, Tricks, and Truths To Get Real Results!

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It seems like every time I turn around there is yet another pseudo-science article out that just doesn't seem to hold water no matter how you try to look at it.  I mean really now, if taking a magic pill or wearing special shoes actually worked by themselves why do we still have a climbing obesity rate?

Marketing is to sell products, not results. 

And yes, I do realize these infomercials show supposed results from real users of the product.  But let me assure you, just using the product was not the only modification they made to get those results.  Need an opinion other mine?  Check this out:

Fat Burning Myths Exposed

Over the years, I've read my share of articles when it comes to losing weight.  We all know the calories in versus calories out theory.  But I think this next link has hit on something very important and deeper than just the same old run of the mill approach.

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The Real Reason You Can't Lose Weight

And finally, as you'll recall last week when I shared with you how belly fat actually can be more dangerous to your health than fat being stored elsewhere on your body. This article takes it one step further and gives you 12 ready to use steps to cut your cancer risk now!

12 Easy Ways to Slash Your Cancer Risk (and Your Waistline)

So there you have it.  More Tips, Tricks and Truths to help you get healthier and achieve that summer body before the warmer weather gets here.

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Time To Take It Up A Notch -- Circuits

Well over the past year I've shared a wealth of information on how you can take yourself from OK to excellent. 

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You've got a do-it-yourself exercise kit, plenty of core exercises to get that midsection in shape, and a boatload of lower back stretches to make sure you stay pain free. 

But looking over all of this I realized there is one important component still missing -- circuits.  I mean it's all well and good to have lots of movements to keep yourself out of pain, but how do you put it all together to take yourself to the next level -- right?

Well this month I will share with you some circuits you can do on your own, typically with minimal equipment, to make sure you'll have your body transformed before the warm weather officially arrives.  Keeping in line with how you should train, I will start off this week by providing you a couple of basic circuits to get you started.  Then each week move up the ladder of difficulty.

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Don't make the mistake I see so many people at the gym make, trying to do the most difficult exercises they can find, just because they saw someone with a great physique doing them.  Start off easy and then progress to more difficult movements/exercises.  And most importantly to remember when it comes to doing circuits -- it's not the movements, but the sequencing of movements that's really the secret.  What order you place your movements/exercises is really the key to getting a good workout.

Here are your first two circuits to get you started:

Circuit 1

  • Squats (with flavor -- on my you tube channel)

  • Rear Deltoids

  • Lunges (back) (you tube channel)

  • Bicep Curls (dumbbell)

  • Deadlifts (you tube channel)

  • Triceps

  • Y, T, M (see link to website below)

  • Lunges (back)

  • 1-Arm Row

Circuit 2

  • Squat (with flavor -- on my you tube channel)

  • Chest Press (dumbbell)

  • Rear Deltoids

  • Lunge (back) to Bicep Curls

  • Deadlifts

  • Triceps

  • Pull-Ups

  • Lunge (back) to Shoulder Press

  • Breast Stroke (see you tube channel)

  • Jump Rope (60-100 times around)


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Each of these movements should be done for 10-15 repetitions.  And as is consistent with a circuit, move from one exercise to the next, until the entire circuit is completed.  Take a 2-3 minute break and start the cycle over again.  Do this for 2-3 times through the entire circuit.  Depending on your fitness level, figure 2-3 times per week should give you quite a workout.

Don't forget to check out my You Tube Channel, or the Rehab Section of my website, if you need a video reminder of some of the movements.

Let me know how these work for you.