Lauren Mugglebee

I really appreciate your vast array of knowledge and the ability to tie in the mental and spiritual aspects of health to my program. Also, I think few trainers focus on core strength and inner health, in general, the way you do.

You asked if I was to recommend your services, I really don’t have to say anything. They just look at me and are interested usually. But if they ask me what it is about you, I tell them how in tune you are and how you pay attention during workouts AND you listen. Also, the fact that you know so much about the back and rehabilitation is often something that interests most people.

I really appreciate your attention to detail and the time you put into noticing the different needs of your clients. Also, you make it a point to recognize my level of energy, and adjust my workouts accordingly. I like that you respond to my specific needs rather than just serving me up some canned routine that you dole out to everybody.

But most important is that I have lost 30lbs, gained an enormous amount of strength, have no problems motivating to work out everyday, started running again, doing yoga (flexibility has increased). . . thinking about martial arts next. I now know what I need to eat to maintain my energy. In general I am more tuned into my body and how everything that I do affects it. When I started to invest a lot of time and energy into my workouts I change the way I thought about my body and how I treated it. I became more aware.

Lauren Mugglebee