OK, I'm going to say it if no one else will. Has anyone noticed how many people have saggy behinds (butts)? I've even heard the phenomenon referred to as Saggy Backside (butt) Syndrome. Now I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but c'mon. I can't tell you how many times I'm asked for exercises that will tone, shape, and lift the area we all notice when people watching at the mall or beach.
And as long as we're being honest, who doesn't appreciate the look of a nice, firm, well shaped behind?
But let's take the discussion to a functional level. A study was done several years ago to find out the difference between people with "bad" backs versus people with "good" backs. They did all sorts of testing, and analysis. You know what they found? The long and short of it was, those people with "bad" backs had weaker glutes than those people with "good" backs. If your glutes (butt muscles) don't work properly, your back muscles will over work to make up for it. So having functioning, firm, shapely butt muscles is not only attractive, chances are it will keep you out of back pain as well. Go figure.
Well lucky for you that I have succumb to the pressure of emails and inquiries. For the month of October I'm going to share with you each week from my private locker of butt exercises, that I virtually guarantee will lift, tone, and shape that saggy backside. No it won't be some pill, potion, magic pair of shoes, or ointment you can rub on your "effected" area. You will actually have to put some work in and do the exercises as I specify if you want to get the results. But believe me when I tell you, you will get results.
Check out the video below for your first backside renovation.
Do You or Someone You Know Suffer From SB Syndrome?
Kurt Elder of Energy FX Fitness explains and demonstrates the proper technique for Hip Raises (two leg). A great exercise for both core and glute (butt) acti...