Mid Week Motivation: First Things First

Just Do It!  We all know the slogan.  And we all know what product it belongs to.  Truth be told, those three words say tons about how to get anything accomplished in life.  Just Do It.

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Just getting in there and doing it has its merits without a doubt.  But it's been my experience that it's often times challenging to just do it when you don't have a decent grip on the present state of affairs -- work, family, personal responsibilities.  Part of being able to Just Do It, has a great deal with being able to see yourself doing it.  And it's been my experience that it's awfully hard to see yourself doing anything if you're constantly feeling overwhelmed.

So first things first shall we.

Let's first get you to a mental space where you can start seeing yourself just doing it. 

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And the first step in the ever changing, fast paced, immediate gratification world, is to get your stress under control.  Yeah, Yeah, I know, everyone is stressed out beyond belief.  But if you're going to change your present circumstances you're going to have to get your stress under control.  Otherwise you're just running in a circle and not making any progress.  And that's no way to live your life.

So to get you started, let's have you start by practicing these 3 everyday, starting now:


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OK, so you'll start practicing those 3 starting today.  But let's be honest, just getting your stress under control is easier said than done -- right?  I mean you can say all the affirmations you want, listen to your motivational CD's in the car on the way to work all you want, but if you don't actively apply what you're learning, it's just a process of going through the motions. 

No, you'll need one more vital tool if you're truly going to get your stress under control and be able to see yourself just doing it.


Motivation is great!  Heck, that's why I spend each Wednesday giving you tools to use to keep you on track and moving forward.  But giving you tools is only as good as you are ready to apply them. 

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Think of it this way. You can't grow a garden if you don't first prepare the soil -- right.  You first have to get rid of all the weeds, turn over the soil so it's soft and ready to nurture the seeds you plant.  Otherwise you might as well try planting a garden on concrete for all the good it will do you -- make sense?

So first things first.  Get your stress under control, learn from your mistakes, and as you're practicing these tools (see how I'm preparing you for the seeds of your own greatness), then you'll be ready to envision yourself doing or achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

You have the tools --

Now Go Out and Get It Done!