
Bare Bones Body Transformation

Happy July 4th.  As promised here you go!

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I feel like it's time for this post.  Whether it's in person at the gym, or through email, people often ask me, "what are the things I absolutely have to do to get my body to change quickly".  Now 9 times out of 10 I usually try to avoid this question because if I give you the 5 things that absolutely need to be done, most people do 3.  And then they wonder why they aren't getting results. 

But, I figure I've been asked enough at this point that it's about time to give you the secrets to getting the body you want in as short a period of time as possible.


There are literally 5 things that you absolutely have to do to get your body to change quickly.  You follow these 5 rules and I can virtually guarantee you will get the body you want in as short a period of time as possible.  This isn't based on theory, these are the techniques I use with my clients that get results fast!

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1.) Warm-up:
Take the time to do a good 10-15 minute warm-up. And I don't mean going to jump on some piece of cardio equipment. Research shows that's a waste of 10-15 minutes.  Instead, do some self massage.  It will serve the same purpose of getting your body ready for exercise, and even better, it helps to alleviate the knots and tight muscles that come from sitting or standing all day long.  Truth be known, it will also decrease your chances of injury dramatically.  Need a little reminder (self-massage warm-up)

Follow this warm-up with some good old fashioned stretching.  Yes, the jury is still deliberating as to whether stretching is beneficial, but my experience has been it works wonders to prepare your muscles for the workout ahead. Here's a quick reminder on the stretches (warm-up stretches)

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2.) Core:
From what I can tell too many people leave training their midsection to last, when they are tired from their workout.  And then if they do actually train their abs/core, it's half-hearted at best, usually only doing some kind of crunches, and thus get little to no benefit.  Training your core is as important, if not more important, than any other body part. Here's couple to get you started (core exercise examples)

3.) Resistance:
If I haven't done a good job of it before, let me clarify now, if you want to change your body and get lean, resistance exercise is the absolutely the best way to do this.  And to the women out there who think lifting weights will make you bulky, not so. Women typically do not produce enough testosterone to even come close to creating the bulky physique they worry about.

That being said, resistance training doesn't have to be lifting weights.  You can use bands, suspension straps, or traditional weights if you prefer.

Circuit                                                                                 Circuit   
Squats (with flavor -- see my you tube channel)         Squats (with flavor --you tube channel)
Lateral Raises                                                                     Chest Press (dumbbell)
Split Squats                                                                        Rear Deltoids
Push ups                                                                             Lunge (back) to Bicep Curls
Deadlifts                                                                             Deadlifts
Back (seated row)                                                               Triceps
Step up to balance and shoulder press                           Pull-ups
Bicep Curls (dumbbell)                                                       Lunge (back) to Shoulder Press
Tricep Push-downs                                                              Breast Stroke (see you tube channel)
Jump Rope --- 70-100 times                                                Jump Rope -- 70-100 times
Circuit_3_Cheat_Sheet.pdf                                            Circuit_3a_Cheat_Sheet.pdf

4.) Cardio:
If you've been following my blogs for any length of time you know I'm big on doing intervals for cardio.  Because it gets the job done quickly with minimal damage to the knees, hips, and lower back.

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Equally effective and a big favorite of mine is kettle bells.  With some proper instruction, this activity is the absolute best for burning calories, strengthening your core, as well as building some solid muscle in the hips and glutes (butt).

Follow this program with a good cool down stretch (the same movements you did to warm-up) and you should be on your way to a transformed body in a few weeks.

5.) Nutrition:
I'll keep this short, as this is becoming a bit long.  Whether you call it the Paleo diet, Mediterranean diet or anything else, staying with lean meats, minimal starchy carbs such as breads and pastas, plenty of veggies, and some nuts is the best way to go.  Need a little more clarification?  Here you go (nutrition made easy).

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Round 2 of Circuits

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Last week I shared with you two starter circuits to get you up and running.  How did it go?  If you had a chance to try them out, I'm sure you found they were a bit more challenging than they looked.  But oh, what a great calorie burn.  Putting you one step closer to being ready for summer.

Well this week I want to share with you some intermediate level circuits.  Don't let the length of the circuit or the movements chosen fool you.  I promise they are a great deal more difficult than they appear.  Especially if you're doing them as prescribed.

Except for Jump Rope, each of the movements should be done for 12-15 reps.  Figure 3-4 times through the entire circuit.

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Circuit 3
Squats (with flavor)
Lateral Raises
Split Squats
Push ups
Back (seated row)
Step up to balance and shoulder press
Bicep Curls (dumbbell)
Tricep Push-downs
Jump Rope --- 70-100 times


Circuit 4
Flat Dumbbell Press
Lat Pull-downs
Lateral Raises
Bicep Curls (barbell)
Breast Stroke
Lunges (forward and backward)
Jump Rope
Tricep (face down on bench -- kick backs)
Split Squat

What you'll notice is that the circuits I have shared with you thus far are largely focused on the primary 6 movements that the human body performs each day.  The goal is to get you very efficient at performing these movement patterns before we take to more complicated movements -- for instance using suspension straps.

My whole concern is that I provide you with foundational movements so you can become solid in them first, and then provide you with more challenging movements in your circuits.

I'm a big believer in progressions -- meaning starting with the basics first and then progressing to more difficult moves.  As I said in last weeks post, all too often people want to do the most visually appealing movements/exercises right off.  That is a recipe for injury.  And when you're injured you can't train.  So let's do this the right way and make sure you get the job done right.

Time To Take It Up A Notch -- Circuits

Well over the past year I've shared a wealth of information on how you can take yourself from OK to excellent. 

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You've got a do-it-yourself exercise kit, plenty of core exercises to get that midsection in shape, and a boatload of lower back stretches to make sure you stay pain free. 

But looking over all of this I realized there is one important component still missing -- circuits.  I mean it's all well and good to have lots of movements to keep yourself out of pain, but how do you put it all together to take yourself to the next level -- right?

Well this month I will share with you some circuits you can do on your own, typically with minimal equipment, to make sure you'll have your body transformed before the warm weather officially arrives.  Keeping in line with how you should train, I will start off this week by providing you a couple of basic circuits to get you started.  Then each week move up the ladder of difficulty.

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Don't make the mistake I see so many people at the gym make, trying to do the most difficult exercises they can find, just because they saw someone with a great physique doing them.  Start off easy and then progress to more difficult movements/exercises.  And most importantly to remember when it comes to doing circuits -- it's not the movements, but the sequencing of movements that's really the secret.  What order you place your movements/exercises is really the key to getting a good workout.

Here are your first two circuits to get you started:

Circuit 1

  • Squats (with flavor -- on my you tube channel)

  • Rear Deltoids

  • Lunges (back) (you tube channel)

  • Bicep Curls (dumbbell)

  • Deadlifts (you tube channel)

  • Triceps

  • Y, T, M (see link to website below)

  • Lunges (back)

  • 1-Arm Row

Circuit 2

  • Squat (with flavor -- on my you tube channel)

  • Chest Press (dumbbell)

  • Rear Deltoids

  • Lunge (back) to Bicep Curls

  • Deadlifts

  • Triceps

  • Pull-Ups

  • Lunge (back) to Shoulder Press

  • Breast Stroke (see you tube channel)

  • Jump Rope (60-100 times around)


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Each of these movements should be done for 10-15 repetitions.  And as is consistent with a circuit, move from one exercise to the next, until the entire circuit is completed.  Take a 2-3 minute break and start the cycle over again.  Do this for 2-3 times through the entire circuit.  Depending on your fitness level, figure 2-3 times per week should give you quite a workout.

Don't forget to check out my You Tube Channel, or the Rehab Section of my website, if you need a video reminder of some of the movements.

Let me know how these work for you.

Mid-Week Motivation: Your Results Tell You . . . .

I've been getting all sorts of emails and personal inquires about how to get in shape quickly now that the summer weather is approaching.  As well as the usual inquiries regarding  how to get out of shoulder, hip and back pain, which I will address next Monday.

Funny thing is the answer is the same to both of these questions.  "What results are you getting?"

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Now, that question is not meant to be a smartypants comment at all.  It's meant to initiate thought.

You would be surprised how many people are not getting the results they want, and yet continue to do the same things that are already not working (not getting results).

When people ask me how to get rid of that last little layer of flub around the middle, they seem to expect an easy quick fix--one size fits all answer, that will magically dissolve the problem overnight.  Instead I usually ask them 2 specific questions:

  • What is their present nutrition schedule like?  Meaning how many times are they eating per day, as well as how each meal is made up -- regarding protein, carbs, and fat.

  • Next, I ask them what type of metabolic work are they doing?  Meaning what type of program are they using to stimulate an increase in their metabolism.

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7 times out of 10 the person looks at me with a blank stare, or proceeds to tell me what they ate yesterday or today.  And if you'll remember my post on that response a few weeks ago, you'll know that is a dead give-away that the person has no real system to their eating/nutrition.  Yet they wonder why they are not getting the results they want.

I know you're tired of hearing it, but you have to have a plan if you're going to make successful changes to anything in your life.  If you don't write it down, it's not a serious goal.

Your results tell you if your program is working.  Don't just keep doing the same thing that's not working and get more and more frustrated. Find out why it's not working -- that's what I'm here for.

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If you're not dropping the weight you want -- for goodness sake, please start keeping a food journal.  It's the only way to truly find out what's wrong.  Your car has a gas gauge to tell you when you're low on gas.  Your food journal (your human gas gauge) will tell you where to make changes in order to create the results you want. 

Equally important is to remember that steady state cardio does not work in getting rid of body fat quickly.  Want 2 ways to start seeing results from your cardio/metabolic training sessions?

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Try these:

  • If you have no history of heart condition nor in your family, then try intervals.  Meaning a slow period of walking, jogging or running, followed by a fast period of walking, jogging or running.  The periods should start at about 30-45 seconds, for 10-20 minutes at a time.  After approximately two weeks move to 45 seconds to 1 minute interval periods.

  • Try using circuits in your weight training.  Meaning do 3-5 movements in a row, alternating upper and lower body movements, before taking a 1-1:30 minute break.  Do 3-4 cycles of this method and watch the results happen.

Ok.  What does that look like: 

All movements should be done with a weight you can do 12-20 times in proper form, but challenges you.

Push-up or Flyes
Squats (body weight or with dumbbells)
Rows (seated or 1 arm rows with dumbbell)
Lunges (backward stepping, dumbbells optional)
Wood Chops (using an elastic band or 1 dumbbell)

Now Go Out and Get It Done!

Here Are Your Final 2 Reasons To . . .

Since this is the last Monday of the month, these will be my final two research articles to help you finally abandon steady state cardio.

As you'll remember we've already discussed the negatives of steady state cardio:

  • the amount of time it takes each week to get in all those hours

  • the wear and tear toll it takes on your knees, hips and back

  • the fact that it does not burn body fat efficiently and effectively for the time you spend

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If that wasn't enough for the month, guess what else I found to help you that will help you get in shape quickly and effectively?

So what else works better than steady state cardio?  Well for one weight lifting circuits. Weight lifting circuits have been found to burn more fat and overall calories effectively.

A study was done on the "Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate".

Now for sure 800 calories is a ridiculously low amount of calories to consume (I would not suggest you try this).  But again it was for the purpose of research.  Surely no plan, no matter how well thought out, could produce any results on such a low amount of intake calories right?

Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate


Aerobic group: 4 hours per week
Resistance training group: 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. 10 exercises, three times per week.

  • VO2 max increased equally in both groups (think better utilization of oxygen)

  • The resistance training group lost significantly more fat and did not lose any lean body mass (LBM), even at only 800 calories per day.

  • The resistance training group actually increased metabolism compared to the aerobic group which decreased metabolism.

Plain and simple.  Even consuming only 800 calories, lifting weights can actually increase your metabolism (think burn more calories just sitting at your desk).  Why is that important?  Because the more muscle you have and maintain, the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off.  Starvation diets deplete your body and cause your metabolism to slow down -- making it harder to lose weight.

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One more for the road.

Contribution of anaerobic energy expenditure to whole body thermogenesis

A weight training circuit burned 71% more calories than originally thought using aerobic measures

8 minutes of weight training burned somewhere between 159 and 231 calories (used a 15 repetition scheme)

To put it plainly, you can burn a heck of a lot more calories doing a weight lifting circuit than doing steady state cardio.

So at this point, to be quite blunt and to the point, with so many options to doing steady state cardio, there are really only 4 reasons I can think of as to why you should be doing steady state:

1.)  Your treating physician has advised you to do steady state cardio

2.)  You have recently started exercising (less than 6 months on a consistent exercise routine)

3.)  You have a body fat composition that is below 10%

4.)  You have lots of free time and nothing better to do

So there you have it.  A month's worth of research on the reasons why steady state cardio doesn't work, as well as some options to try. 

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Make this year, your year.  No more excuses, only results.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Tight On Time? Here's a Travel Circuit

They say "Time is the currency of the 21st and 22nd century".  If that's true then none of us has the time to waste doing things that doing work and don't produce measurable results.

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It has also been said "Don't confuse motion with progress.  A rocking horse makes a great deal of motion, but no progress".

With those two quotes to set the tone for today's post.  It has been my intention this month to make sure you receive workout guides that make sure you get results and are not just a bunch of motion (waste of time).

Remember, whether you travel a great deal and can't make it to the gym, or just don't like the whole gym scene, there is no reason why you can't exercise and get results.  All it takes is a little creativity and few items of assistance. You don't have to make some huge investment to get a good workout or results.

Don't believe me, click on the video below.

Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps

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Just like the first few moments of how you start your day sets the tone, how you start off the New Year really dictates how your year will evolve.  If you don't do some regular house cleaning you set yourself up for a frustrating and irritating year.  The relationships that don't do anything but drag you down and suck your energy, get rid of them.  Those items around the house that you haven't used in years, but keep telling yourself you will.  By now, chances are you won't -- donate them/get rid of them.  Those clothes in your closet that you keep telling yourself you're going to wear one day.  Chances are if they have been in your closet unworn for over 5-7 months, you're not going to wear them.  Donate them, but get rid of them!  Why wait till spring cleaning?  Do it now!  The sooner you get rid of the things in your life that don't inspire, pull, and motivate you forward, the sooner you will find your find yourself achieving your goals.

And by now you all know how I feel about having some sort of plan in place (your blueprint of sorts).  A plan that will serve as your guide in moving you forward. But as I stated above, you first have to make room for the new stuff coming into your life.  Adding a plan to an already overwhelming/cluttered life often times only adds to the frustration.  The new year provides us with an opportunity to take note of what's working and what's not.  By all means I urge you to get rid of that which is not working in your life.  Make room for the good stuff.

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And since it's my job to make sure that you have a plan that works, once you've cleaned out the dead weight in your life, here's a little guide to get your started on your road to a new you. 

Remember, getting in shape isn't about how long you spend working out -- it's about how well it challenges you.  Whether it's at the gym or at home, your workout/exercise routine should be something that you look forward to doing.  A chance to get rid of some of that stress from the day and a chance to get your body to sweat out some of those impurities.  Not to mention all the enjoyable endorphins and other healthy processes that come from a good workout.

So to get you started here is your from Wellness to Fitness in 4 Easy Steps:

Wellness to Fitness -- 4 Easy Steps

Clean out the old -- it's not working for you.

Make room for the new-- and make sure you have a plan in place to guide you along the way.

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you know that needs a bit of guidance in getting their new year started of right.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Here's An Easy Circuit To Get You Started

WOW!  What a first week of the new year.  Talk about having to kick start the body back into reality.  Thank goodness it's Friday.  Time for a little down time and finalizing the plan for the first six months of the year.

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Let's get down to business.

I received an email a few days ago asking for help.  This person states she travels a great deal and doesn't always have time to get to the gym.  Whether it's the weather conditions or late night business dinners, she states she has so much trouble staying on track when she's out of town.  She feels as though she has her nutrition down pretty well, but her workouts suffer tremendously.  She asked for my help with a travel workout that she could do to train her major muscles in about 30 minutes.  But she cautioned me, "don't make it too easy, I want to feel like I actually worked out.  My workouts help me relieve my stress, so please challenge me." 

Well here you go.

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A simple to the point circuit, using only 2 types of bands, that trains the major muscle groups. Three times through is less than 30 minutes. Let me know what you think.

Get on track and stay on track!